Should I Start a YouTube Channel or Podcast? (Pro & Cons)

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Should you start a YouTube channel or Podcast this year? In this video Pat Flynn, creator of Smart Passive Income share the pros and cons of each, how to start and how to make money.

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1. Connect with Pat Flynn here:

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About This Video:
In this video Sean Cannell from Think Media talks with Pat

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Рекомендации по теме

Just started after 5 years of planning!

Only way to get started is to get started!


I am doing both because the audience has different learning styles. :)


I often play YouTube and just listen without watching if it’s message type content. Do other people also do this?


Hold on.. Lets just acknowledge and commend the fact that we heard no noise from their background during this video! I mean it was straight silent and I saw a man with a loud ass trash bin walk by them, and a man zoomed by them on his electric wheel chair and they didn't miss a beat!! Thats a great set up!!


I'm focusing on youtube! I've been doing it for a little over two years now and am about to hit 50k, probably within the next couple weeks! I love watching your content and learning from you. I'm married to a Pastor, so we both like your story and we love what you've done with your online career! Keep it up! We found you through your book!


When absorbing all these 'how to' videos for beginners a lot of the info is redundant or common sense. This interview was fantastic, gave a lot of original ideas I haven't heard before, and both of you are very well articulated and passionate about it. Love this!! Thanks for sharing.


*Every of think media's video is always very helpful and informative for me. I am a beginner on YouTube and I have been using tips from your videos. Thank you!*


Just in first 6 minutes Pat actually answers all the major questions in my head. Thank you for this, glad I watch this before doing something. Podcasting or Vlogging


This is right on time..I have a Youtube channel that I would like to grow...& I’ve been kicking around the idea and format for a podcast. Great place to come get knowledge about both.


YouTube is my main focus right now, but I've probably heard close to 100 times that I should start a podcast after people hear my voice. I'll make it happen in due time! The ideas in this video for how to appropriately repurpose was fantastic.


I listen to instead of watch YouTube videos all day every day. He's talking a lot about how people won't stay long if there's nothing to see and just audio but that's what YouTube is for me.


Hey Sean and Pat, I know I've said this in the comments in other videos, but thank you!! Pat got us seriously motivated to start a podcast, and you got us seriously motivated to start YouTube (following the Joe Rogan style). We started back in Feb so we're very new. It is a struggle to gain followers/subscribers but we're not in it for money or anything...just having a blast doing this! All the tips in this video are extremely helpful especially for newbs like us. Probably a big takeaway from all your and Pat's videos is never stop learning and have fun before thinking of making any money. I know that if I never make a dime, I'll still consider this a win because we're having fun doing this. Okay, I'm done with my rant 😂 Keep it up, both of you! Your inspiration and motivation is addicting!!


Definitely considering a Podcast. Pat Flynn's tutorial videos have totally inspired me!! I'll be 60 in less than 2 months but I look and feel like 40!!


It is so beautiful how you in the middle of this video ask for the like button, You are very charismatic, I barely started watching your great videos...and so just realized I have so many to watch for my future youtube channel, so thank you!


Very helpful. Important to hear about how to monetize a podcast. I have no experience in that area yet.


I kind of want to start one to talk about political issues civil rights issues laws the state of society today and the impact of covid-19 and just a variety of topics. I'm good at that kind of stuff I'm good at understanding both sides of an issue and kind of helping people find common ground which is something I think that we need these days.


Great interview! I one of the many that waffling between the decision of podcast vs YouTube. Love the informative discussion on the pros and cons of each. Already enrolled in your masterclass and have started my journey!


Thank you so much for this video! I've been struggling on which one to start. I'm 90% sure podcast is the way to go; at least to start.


I like how Pat just gets in the zone talking about this stuff. Great insights.


This definitely helped me with my journey. I’m enjoying the process. I know YouTube is work you just need to want it bad enough and work hard. Thank you for this.
