12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson Book Review (UNDER 5 MINUTES)

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In this video, I give an honest review of 12 Rules For Life by Jordan Peterson. Jordan Peterson is a University Professor that teaches psychology at the University of Toronto, He’s well know for his incredible smart intellect and his interview on Channel 4 that’s ranked over 20 million views for his outspoken views on cultural and political issues. He's Also for his long lectures that have racked up millions on views on Youtube

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Great book review! I was today years old when I found out about Jordan B. Peterson and this book.


Reading this right now during my classes in highschool, on rule 6! It does seem to go back to religion for most things, now I’m not a religious person but it seems to be making me have more respect for people that are religious.


Great review of this phenomenal book!
I JUST read this book, after listening to his lectures on YouTube & thru podcast for about 1.5 years!
Having the experience listening to hours & hours of his talks really helped me digest the book much more effectively, as he goes over much of what he wrote in the book. Also this was the first book I implemented Jim Kwik's method of using your finger to direct your eyes while reading, a method to reading faster and more efficiently. 👍


I am currently about 3/4's through the book. Love it so far! I think it strikes a great balance between introducing insightful concepts and fleshing them out with anecdotes and real life experiences. Great review!


He wasn't writing it in a religious way, he was writing it in reference to religion from psychology. If you reread those parts if you haven't already, then you will see that as long as you understand that


I feel the same I'm about half way and I started to lose a little interest BUT still really like it .. I have to stop a Lot to think back on a lot of what he says and re evaluate how it pertains to me and my life . Also the religious references don't resonate with me as much either. Good review .


I have just started reading this book but the pages and pages about the lobster just about did me in and yes I skipped a bunch of them. Then the last few pages of the chapter got my attention and made good sense. It is crazy how afraid people are of any mention of anything close to God and the Bible.


lovely to see a fellow english man admiring an impeccable canadian professor


Great review on the book brother, I will have to go and check it out myself!


Great and what an underrated channel, keep up the good work man!


I'm half way through this book and I'm enjoying it. However, the main problem I have is that some of the sentences are half a page long. Reading them starts to become tiresome.


I agree got a sample but it was exhausting. The whole lobster and birds…I may try again in another time of my life. I’m def looking for quick read that teach me anything.


It depends on your definition of "chaos" and "rules".


If you would read psychology books a lot, you would see, that those are like a "car manuals", which give you a great technique of behaviour and it's recognition, but pure psychology or "polite manner" literature doesn't answer deeper existance questions of the purpose of your life. Probably, for current consumer society it would be sufficient enough. They consumed nature, own bodies, mind... The problem is, that now we face the consequencies of that consumer behaviour: nature is ruined, bodies are "refashioned" with plastic surgery and abused with drugs, alcohol and binge eating, brains are messed up with new standarts, soon we will remodel humans with genetics and will ban to reproduce naturally, what else?
On another hand, we accept the world as much, as we dicover new things. For example, previously nobody would believe us about magnetic fields or electricity until we have got tools to prove it, the same with god - nobody believe in god existance because we haven't grown to that level. We can create protein, but cannot make it alive...


Bro please do his new book and I agree with you 100% on the religious side it actually made to slow down whilst reading it Aka not reading it every night but the audiobook was better if you think this will be a problem for you As the book is very Christian valued based


"I'm not a religious person"

Jordan Peterson would disagree


I think whatever you got out to the book, is great!


JP ain’t all that intelligent, he just targets a gullible audience that are easily influenced and often feel they’re lacking something in life. Be that confidence, education etc.


Great review - thanks for sharing your honest thoughts.... if I would read the book it would also take me a long time.... that's what I listen to his audiobook.... and I also share a lot of your points of I also just did a review about the book here on youtube!


hey Lamar i would consider re reading and studying the biblical references in the book. This book and the Bible go hand in hand- and thats for a very good reason. The Bible is the Ultimate book for how we should live our lives and to the fullest. if you are a fan of Jordan Peterson his psycological prowess on secular literature is only half of his significance and your missing out on him on a deeper level. If you cross-reference enough you would see how the Bible starts to make more and more sense and you would take in more of his lessons ten fold. Just a thought friend!
