PNTV: 12 Rules For Life by Jordan B. Peterson (#372)

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Here are 5 of my favorite Big Ideas from "12 Rules for Life" by Jordan B. Peterson. Hope you enjoy!
Jordan Peterson is one of the world's leading intellectuals. He's a Canadian clinical psychologist and professor at the University of Toronto. (Before that, he taught at Harvard.) He’s published over 100 scientific articles and he’s super-popular on YouTube. This book is wonderfully intense and equally thoughtful. Peterson’s integration of everything from evolutionary psychology, politics, religion and morality is astounding. After taking a super-quick look at all 12 Rules, Big Ideas we cover include the importance of mastering the flow or Order + Chaos (and why RULES are so important), Rule #1 (stand up straight, shoulders back! Remember lobsters...), Rule #2 (Treat yourself better! Remember pets...), Rule #6: Clean up your life (remember to start stopping...), and the fact that your Being is in your Becoming (which is connected to Rule #4...).
Optimize. It’s from the Latin optimus. It literally means “the best.” In our case, we’re talking about helping YOU be your absolute best self. Our mission is simple: We help people Optimize their lives so we can change the world together—one person at a time, starting with you and me.