I quit, and you shouldn’t care

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Works used in making this video:

The Psychology of Prejudice: Ingroup Love and Outgroup Hate?

Marilynn B. Brewer
Behave: The Psychology Of Humans at our Best and Worst

Robert M. Sapolsky
The Need to Belong: Desire for Interpersonal Attachments as a Fundamental Human Motivation

Roy F. Baumeister, Mark R. Leary

Genetic Evidence for Multiple Biological Mechanisms Underlying In-Group Favoritism

Gary J. Lewis et. al.
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The biggest irony for me is that the game that I 'quit' which I used to have lot of fun was World of Warships and World of are todays sponsor.


Well, the title concerned me a bit. Untill I heard Tarkov.


Mark my words, taking the extraction shooter formula and applying the secret technique of 'respect for the player's time' will create an instant success.
So many devs actually just don't recognize this.


I think one of the biggest reasons why people feel that they have to "quit" and can't simply take breaks, is also how Tarkov's economy and leveling systems are set up. You usually have to play the whole wipe, or else you're at such a disadvantage that it's not even fun anymore.

This is why, after just over 3000 hours, I've moved completely over to SPT. I play at my pace, and Tarkov turned into just another game for me, where I'm not feeling pressured into playing by being set behind the curve.


I was a faction leader in space engineers on a modded no-wipe pvp server. 2000 hours on that one server and I was so addicted it was ruining my life. I would wake up early and go to bed late; building ships, guarding assets, training recruits, planning ops, raids, checking the discord, voting. It was so bad and I had to quit. Over a year now, I still feel the draw to go back.


For me, Tarkov started off as that really cool intense shooter that slowly became very Elitist with people complaining more about how you killed them and then the actual studio started banning people being critical of the game and now are just being super greedy.

They literally went from a great Indy dev to UBISOFT in the span of one game...


This man made an entire video about him quitting a game with scietific research on why he did it and why it felt like it did... the dedication

Also, salute


just went to look up your videos, and there it was: "39 seconds ago..."


I like your style of content because there's no highly energetic speech, or constant stating of opinions. You just calmly state fact and your opinion once. Good job.


I struggle with anxiety, and honestly that’s part of why I quit. Feeling dread just booting up the game, feeling my heart race just loading in. I kept doing it over and over even though it was doing me mental harm. It’s ok to walk away. And if you still enjoy the experience that’s ok too. Just keep yourself healthy and sane


Dude, this is actually so widely applicable as advice beyond gaming. Thanks!


It's a crime against humanity that this man has so little recognition with only 150k+ subs.



This is a great representation of tje journey I had with video game addiction. I was hyperfixated for a long time, once I found something else I loved I realised "oh nothing bad happened when I stopped"


"The opposite of love, isn't actually, hate, it's indifference" is probabaly one of my favourite quotes ever


"will the next update fix my stuttering"is a genuine kwastion


I have to say that these essays are just pure gold, probably the best gaming content out there. I salute you good sir.

This one especially hit home, because I've been going through these very same question in my head. While my gaming addiction wasn't Tarkov, I can absolutely relate. I'm also prone to going full speed into the things I get excited about, to the extent that may seem unhealthy to the outsider.

The thing is that while I can "just play" other games, they also feel just that... *just* playing. Whenever I played a game I was addicted to, even when I was hating it it made me feel something. Waking up thinking what you want to achieve that day (in the game) provided a spark for the day, something to look forward to after a long day at the office. I was fully aware that this level of dedication isn't probably normal or healthy, but it did provide something 'just playing' does not.

So of course I'm not saying getting addicted to anything is good, but I also can't say that 'just playing' is the same. It truly is a peculiar tight rope you have to walk on, trying the get the most out of your hobbies without getting sucked into a limbo where everything else loses its meaning.


Man this made me realize why I slowly started to reject the idea of sitting down and reading, watching anime, playing video games, and spending time with family obviously there are issues beyond just these that pushed for dissociation but at one point I had a shift in my mental state to where I felt vulnerable and scared because my reality was breaking. I decided to let the fear of being rejected by a major group burn my identity away. Which allowed me to continue on in a false acceptance by others.


10:45 Hate and indifference are actually both opposites of love. Love and hate are opposing forms of passion, and the opposite of passion is indifference. Indifference, therefore, is also the opposite of hate.


I just found your channel and its quickly become one of my favorites. There's something so refreshing about your scripts, how they are logical and really heartfelt. Love your work! Salute
