The Repair of Early Trauma: A Bottom Up Approach

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Told to us through the voices of children, this unique animation teaches us that by putting together the seven-piece jigsaw puzzle of 'Developmental Trauma', we can understand how a child’s adverse childhood experiences have shaped their emotional world and outward behaviour. Once we understand this, we can then work with a child to help them with their developmental trauma using an innovative therapeutic approach called the ‘Neuro-Sequential Model of Therapeutics’. This model recovers and repairs each part of a child’s brain in a specific, phased and effective order.

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Fantastic resource for anyone who wants to see beyond the presenting behaviour of a child who experienced maltreatment. Teachers, therapists, parents, social workers. Grab a quick cuppa and get a massive learning.


I am a 45 year old man. And I an writing this in tears as this young man has just explained so much about myself. Thankyou. One love. And I send all you who think you are alone my love and prayers that you are sent Angels to let you know your are all loved. You are not alone.


I am a deeply traumatized male child of 56 who two years ago finally had to give up my survival strategies. In short, those had mainly been being a victim/looser in narcissistic relationships, a people pleaser trying to escape into grandiose fantasies/projects/activities..., pretty Being, rather old, all alone with alienated children, no job and a very toxic family of origin this ain´t easy but this way of understanding, cause and cure, is what have kept me alive and moving even though I, until just a week ago, have had no regular support at all in real life. I will spread this wonderful clip!


Wonderful to know. I suffered 9 years of child abuse from 6 to 15. My stepmother would fill up a bathtub and hold my head under water back and forth. She did it a couple of times, my father also would beat me leaving with black eyes, injuries to my to my ears from pulling, or threw me on the floor and had a few injuries. Life was hard but I managed to survive and live through this damaged brain. Today I'm 44.


There is so much right about this video and so much wrong. The simple basis of the video, children reading it who obviously dont understand it, and that it talks about addressing these major mental and emotional issues in childhood. The definition of a traumatic childhood is not having the resources to get help. Most people dont work out that their childhood was toxic till much later in life. I agree that we need to work together in all aspects of anyones life who have CPTSD, but that is far from the reality of people with CPTSD. I agree completely that everyone, literally everyone needs a working knowledge of trauma in order to prevent it as much as possible and to know how to help anyone suffering from it.
This video has great facts and is very informative. But it is so wrong on so many points. As a 58 yo man who has suffered an extremely toxic childhood and the resulting life that it gives you, full recovery may never be possible. The best chance we stand is for mental health science to realize that we need something we cant get for ourselves. We need mental health professionals to aid us by providing someone who can help us rewire our brains. Someone integral to our lives that we can trust as to allow us to undo the damage. Not just trauma therapy. Ive had years of trauma therpay and it has done wonders. But it has done nothing to change my interpretation of relationships and others. It is next to impossible for us to develop relationships. My brain is literally organized to avoid dangerous contact, relationships, and it constantly misinterprets signals from other people and sometimes properly interprets positive signals as dangerous, and sends out danger signals to potential relationships. Getting family (my abusers) to understand and help is impossible.
Great video in talking about what trauma does to a developing mind but very poorly conceived when considering a plan of action in the real world of toxic environments. Its rare to identify CPTSD in children as we have adapted and covered so well. That toxic envrionment by its nature defeats this plan provided in the video. Just as we dont see universal healthcare in the US, you will not see money allocated towards trauma/mental health education. Society spends its money on its morality. Imagine a nation of mentally healthy citizens. Would the current power structure stand? We could not tolerate it. Its going to take a fundamental shift. One that is already occuring, Slowly. Which is too bad for myself and the millions like me. Healthcare will not catch up in time for us. We have barely evolved from state hospitals.


As other commenters have said, where's the help for adult survivors of trauma?


Before we are adults, we are children. My developmental trauma has led me to complex trauma. That’s like a trauma onion at the age of 28. I’ve been stuck in freeze my entire life, started therapy at 23, ended up in a hospital at 25. It’s hell.


Wonderful work - so informative and accessible. Thank you so much for sharing this amazing gift. I felt quite emotional listening to it. I experienced developmental trauma as a child growing up and it has affected every aspect of my 62 years of life. How different my life may have been if I had this kind of support. You are making the difference in many people's lives with your work.


What a great thing you have made. It's coherent clear and concise. I parent two traumatised children and this is useful reminder of how to help them.


A wonderful explanation of early trauma and how we can heal from it.
I had trauma from the womb onward, physically, emotionally and mentally.
My life dramatically improved when I became involved in the healing arts and started giving and receiving bodywork. I still struggle to find that sense of safety, and healthy attachment.
In my 63rd year on this earth, I navigate life better each year by God’s grace and my determination.
A side note trying to find home, school, and clinic that's all on the same page has to be a real challenge. All three of mine were wonky!


Excellent video, gives a baseline for where your child is and how to help them. This can be applied to teens as well. The voice of the child keeps you engaged.


Simply Perfect. Thank you to all those who produced this. I have been preaching this message for years and now it seems we may just begin a movement of change. I never understood the science until late but have always known it will take the village of informed citizens to bring about an end to toxic stress in homes. Keep the conversation alive and flowing.
Thank you once again! I will surely share this. It is gold!


Wish someone was able to do this for me as a child...


What a wonderful animation, brilliantly explaining how trauma impacts the young brain and what work needs to be done and how. The most difficult bit is pronouncing some of those words - nice work Joshua and Kate!!


This sounds a little like my upbringing. No wonder I have so many issues as an adult. Brain damage is an interesting prognosis, this has done better than any doc. I almost worried I’ve passed it on to my little one with out realising. Burdened with all the worldly expectations I might truly have missed the right response. All parents fail there children when we become blinded by need. Especially those parent who have suffered and perhaps still suffering. Not all cases of neglect are as clear cut. Not all the evidence is readily available as an when it is required. We live ignorance if confined to our own skulls. This has been very enlightening. Not only for me but but for me helping out my child. So I will be incredibly thankful for finding this resource. It been a pleasure can I say thank you, namaste 🙏 and have a nice day.


Great video. Do you have anything for traumatised adults to work with?


The visuals and narration are perfect.


Brilliantly supplied. Blessings with thanksgiving...


That’s very helpful, thank you! I heard Dr. Perry speak in a 3 day conference in Regina a few yeasts ago. It was very enlightening. I wonder now, is there a way to use these principles to heal adults who have been traumatized as kids?


I've tried to get the stable environment with trauma aware grown ups because I believe in this healing. But the problem is lack of teacher awareness, lack of childcare provider awareness even lack of physicians awareness.
