Tenet || Inversion Visualized || Inverted Objects and World Lines #4 [SPOILERS]

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#4 in a series. Please watch video #2 first, of you haven't. TY.

An exploration into the Inverted Objects of Tenet.

Movie clip from "The Messanger"

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these animations will one day be used to plan the movie TENET


For those who are wondering who is welby CoffeeSpill, he is non other than christopher nolan grand son who came here by inverting himself and gave an idea about tenet to christopher nolan so he did this film, that's it.


tenet is much underrated masterpiece in present.

but no worries, it will be well appreciated in the *PAST*


you can literally make you're whole entire youtube career on tenet videos, its not just making it easier for everyone to understand, but the way you explain it with the 3d models etc, always fun to watch, and i look forward for the next one!


7:20 that bass drop whenever someone gets hurt got me laughing 😂


Nolan watching this: Ahhh now i got it. Or no...


Oh my god I finally understand the Sator's gold conundrum. It seemed so strange that he could just take that inverted gold from the capsule, sell it and become rich with it even though it should have continued to travel into the past and just disappear right away. But he wasn't digging it out, he was BURYING IT at Stalsk-12 right after he bought it in the future from the inverted gold's point of view. In fact both the act of buying and selling must happen 2 times and are inverted from different perspectives to maintain consistency.

From the inverted gold's point of view, sator dug it out in the future, sold it in the past, then bought it again even further into the past and finally buried it at Stalsk-12 in his youth so it might lie there for eternity. From Sator's point of view he found the gold in his youth, sold it right away, established himself and then rebought the gold in the future to bury it for posterity in order to secure the unbroken world line.

The original gold served to establish the timeline and bootstrap Sator but it wasn't suddenly "taken" from the capsule and its timeline wasn't broken, it was only temporarily repackaged before it was sent again on its way either way you look at it. Thanks, after watching so many videos I finally started to look at the Tenet world in the new way. It makes sense now.


I like the idea of the radiation slowly disappearing and object eventually reverting to normal entropic progression with time. It could be the gold remains inverted longer because of how stable of an element it is.


1:51 felt like one of those ads for a puzzle game with no actual puzzle difficulty


Just when I think I understand the movie, a video like this shows layers and details I hadn't thought of yet... Very cool explanations! Tenet's a masterpiece.


It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer. - Albert Einstein


Welcome back Welby ! You've been a great guide for me in understanding this movie 🔥🙏


Whooo, a new Tenet visualiization video! What a nice treat.


I still don't get it bro but thanks for trying


I love the theory that the radiation of an inverse object could wear off, and that's why the lab tech and Tenet wear protective gloves in that first scene with inverted objects. It might not to prevent THEM from getting irradiated, but to protect the radiations from interacting and eventually canceling! (Course, then that brings up the question of how the gloves themselves would avoid somehow transferring radiation, but that's a question for the future. Or maybe Future!Me in the past!)


years from now when someone understands this concept, they will create this video


A couple of fun thoughts about the gold;

First, it's the perfect means for the future to pay Sator with because it does not oxidize(rust) and will remain perfectly normal(albeit inverted) gold pretty much forever. Whereas the *bullet* will eventually break down into lead oxides and disseminate into the environment... but from an outside viewpoint, lead oxides were drawn by the tree from the air and ground, somehow managing to form into a bullet inside the tree which is made into a chair, whereupon gunsmoke gathers around the bullet hole and re-forms into gunpowder as the bullet is un-fired.

Second, Sator killing his minion because he tried to steal some gold makes perfect sense when you think of the gold as not just money, but as potential *BOMB.* If the moron had managed to accidentally bring the reverted gold in contact with its inverted counterpart, it would have annihilated - and if conservation of energy is still in effect in the TENET universe, 27 pounds of gold annihilating another 27 pounds would produce a blast of roughly 1161 megatons. And the Tsar Bomba - the largest bomb ever detonated with a yield of just 53 megatons - made a crater *two kilometers wide.*
He didn't kill the schmuck for stealing from him(well not *just* for that), but because he risked an extinction-level event.
Hell, I'm pretty sure I would have killed the little gimp for that myself.


You blew my mind with the gold reveal. To this day I always thought that was a massive plothole (how can he receive buried inverted gold from the past, as digging it up would prevent it from being buried). The concept that he first builds a turnstile and receives the gold from that is so genius. Well done.


That ending sequence showing how Sator knew his henchman stole from him gave chills; I've been wracking my brain for months trying to figure out this scene! It all makes sense now, thanks! Is this the final video of Tenet you'll produce? I hope not, more animations please. This movie is so deep-I have an unopened 4K disc that I plan on keeping as a collector's item. Even though we live in an era of digital everything, this movie affected me so much, I have to have it in my presence physically at all times. Truly a masterpiece, thank you, Mr. Nolan (and you too, Welby)!!!


Imagine welby doing animation on science experiments, it would be next level ❣🙌 and I personally request welby on doing animations on science experiments in future, so that it would be more useful for science students ❤
