Christopher Nolan explaining TENET

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This TENET breakdown needs another breakdown.


Don’t try and understand it, just feel it


The music wasn't loud enough for this video. I can hear what he's saying.


The best way to describe Tenet is as follows. Imagine time flowing in one direction just like a river. Now imagine someone on a motorboat traveling against the current and moving upstream. Now imagine another person moving downstream in a canoe with the natural flow of the river (time). Now imagine a bystander (you, the viewer) standing on the bank witnessing all of this unfold. Now imagine you record a video of both the canoe and the motorboat moving in opposite directions, one with the flow and the other against it. Now imagine you reverse the recording so the canoe is moving backwards upstream with the reversed flow of the river and the motorboat is moving backwards "down the river" against the reversed flow. In the reversed recording, can you keep track of who is moving forward in time and who is moving backwards in time? If you're confused, that's the entire point of Tenet. Flows and reversed flows. Perceptions of the passage of time and the reversed perceptions of the passage of time. Everything can either look "right" or "wrong" depending on who is moving, who is witnessing the mover, and which flow the mover and watcher are currently following.


All trailers for Nolan movies should just be him trying to explaining his movies


That’s why I love Nolan’s films. They’re both heady and spectacle.


Michael Scott defines my thoughts on this one.
- "Explain me like I'm eight...."
*After watching Nolan's video
- "Ok. Explain me like I'm five..."


Here is the concept of Tenet explained simply.

1. Everything you currently know about reality is based on you traveling forward in time. The year is 2024. A year from now it will be 2025. That’s forward direction.

2. All time travel movies are also based on only moving forward in time. Even if you time travel back to 1900, once you get there you’re still traveling forward in time. So if you stay there a year, then it becomes 1901. Forward direction.

3. Tenet is different. The concept of the film is that your direction in time itself can be inverted. So today is 2024. But a year from now it will be 2023 for you. You will keep aging and living your life, but your direction through time is inverted. The sun goes the opposite direction. Everyone around you is walking backwards. They talk backwards from your perspective. Etc.

It’s a brilliant concept and very enjoyable to watch unfold on the screen.


You’re not only watching TENET you’re capturing it!


Just imagine plopping down in a movie theater to have an informal chat with Christopher Nolan. While I’m virtually positive that’s not what this is, the back drop of a movie theater that looks like just about every movie theater I’ve seen in recent years . Combined with the low lighting which brings back memories of those hushed conversations you’d have with friends before the curtains opened up. Debating the finer points of the ideas in the film even before you’ve seen it.

This just feels like you’re having the same type of casual conversation with the guy who happened to make the film.


Tenet is the literal example of - needing to watching a film twice just to understand it.
I had an unfortunate experience the first time but I had a tremendous experience the second time. Y’all already know that Nolan ain’t no Michael bay; every movie he’s made is laborious in storytelling. Tenet is no different. You really have to pay attention but the effort pays off.
The film is totally underrated but I’m certain it will be appreciated for what it is in years to come. I have a very unique almost visceral experience watching this movie.


My favourite Nolan movie of all time
It was such an amazing theatrical experience!!


This man makes straight masterpieces. Tenet in my top 10 films all time.


Tenet makes Inception look like a Disney Movie


Jesus...he really is a genius. The way he easily explains these stuff.


The whole red room/blue room sequence with Kenneth Branagh threatening to kill his wife was a total Keanu Reeves ‘Whoa’ moment for me.


If Nolan goes to watch a movie with me and talks time like a friend sitting right beside me...i am sold! Take me...😍💥


I liked how it was a superhero/espionage-spy/time travel film all wrapped up in one


Man. I love this Mr Nolans mind and efforts. One of the few filmmakers worth watching. A fun, cerebral experience.
