I Found Out My Wife Is Cheating So I'm Nuking My Marriage To Wake Her Up r/Relationships

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0:00 Story 1 Marriage Nuke
4:02 Story 1 Comments
6:35 Story 1 UPDATE
11:14 Story 1 UPDATE Comments
12:47 Story 2 Bi Husband
17:42 Story 2 Comments

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0:00 Story 1 Marriage Nuke
4:02 Story 1 Comments
6:35 Story 1 UPDATE
11:14 Story 1 UPDATE Comments
12:47 Story 2 Bi Husband
17:42 Story 2 Comments



The last OP has more backbone than most of the people I’ve seen on reddit. Her immediate response to finding out that her husband was cheating on her was “Pack your shit and leave” and she took immediate action to getting everything with the divorce ready.

The others responses are usually:
“Now, I know she cheated on me with everyone in town and the next town over but I think we can make it work.” *fast forward not even a month later* “I’m totally blindsided, she cheated on me again, what do I do?!”

I respect the last OP immensely and I wish her the best.


The fact that she's more offended about OP telling the AP's gf, than to their families it's another level of stupid
"We love each other"...so of course, he'll keep his gf, and you 2 have to lay down so the gf won't leave him, because he loves you, but wants you to be the other woman...checks out


Cheating is cheating. If they were unsure of there sexuality they could have come to you, and you could have either seperated amicably or gone through counselling. It may be the easy road short term to cheat, but long term its fricken messy and destroys more relationships then just who you cheated on


The lawyer that wrote up that bit on spousal support deserves a Michelin dinner when everything is finalized. Genius.


Being Bi doesn't give you the right or reason to cheat (I say that as I Bi person)! Being Bi just means you're attracted to a wider range of people; it's still YOUR choice to act on that attraction and turn it into something else. It's the same if you are gay, straight, or heck even poly: betraying the trust of your partner and the agreement you made when you got together is WRONG.


Story 1- I give it just a short while before the "honeymoon period" wears off between wife and affair partner, she realises that she's just one of many in a long line of side pieces that he won't leave his wife for and she's begging to come back to OP. In that case, I hope OP stands firm and doesn't take her back.


I swear, if I ever had a kid that cheated on their spouse, I would make it abundantly clear that their spouse was still my child and they no longer were. You cannot betray _some_ of your family. You hurt everyone all at once.


Here's how I found out I was bi:

I was in a long term relationship with my then boyfriend and then I found myself having a crush with this pretty girl in my class. At one point I imagined kissing her and so drawn to her. And then I was like "ooh... I guess I'm bi/pan". That's it. I cut my feelings short for that girl, and focused on my boyfriend. No cheating, and it wasn't that hard tbh.


My motto: If you can’t make up your mind between me and the other person, don’t choose me.


We absolutely need the update when she comes back begging, after she realises she was the side piece all along.


As if being bi and confused is your partners problem.

He also had the audacity to literally flaunt his AP in front of his wife, and cancel plans to go and see his side piece?

Oooooh the wicked revenge I would have up my sleeve.


"I was confused!"
How can you be confused about having an affair?


It's the disrespect, pushing, the name calling, the shaming, and destroying things for me...I can't even...


I bet you that the AP has many different affairs going on with those three gym memberships and once that STBEX realizes that she’ll come crying back


Im so glad the lady in the second story didnt let herself be swayed by her husband's confusion. There were so many other ways that he could have handled what he was going through without cheating.
Good for her! She said what was what and then left.


2nd story, husband cheating for over a year. Oh hell, OP has kicked him to the curb and I don't blame her! She needs to stay strong and keep that POS out of her life. Trust me you can live a very happy and satisfying life single!! I've been doing it for 19yrs, by myself with NO relationships or attachments and never has my life been more peaceful! The only one I have to worry about or please is me! Well I'm a mom so I do worry about my 2 adult kids. But only sometimes, they're 38 and 40 now. LOL


Op in #2 get tested for std's/hiv. You were not the liar he was! I feel sorry for you and wish you happiness in the future. Good luck.


I wasn’t looking at my phone and had to do a double take and pause it when he said “you’re a kitty cat”, thinking that it’s a new form of insult I haven’t heard about.


If you're truly unhappy with your spouse just leave. If you're unsure about a divorce then ask for legal separation. The truth is most, not all, cheaters are cowards. They're too cowardly to make the hard decisions to resolve the situation that makes them unhappy. So they opt to make it worse. And when confronted they hide behind bs excuses & the person they're cheating with.
