Why Dooku Believed Yoda Was Trained in the Dark Side - Star Wars Explained

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Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2017
Title: Eternity

Additional Music Terminus by: Scott Buckley
Released under CC-BY 4.0.
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I would think as grand master he would absolutely study the dark side. It was forbidden to most others because they simply wouldnt be able to handle it. I believe windu did too


“If one is to understand the great mystery, one must study all its aspects, not just the dogmatic narrow view of the Jedi.”


I believed that Yoda studied some things from The Dark Side. I also believe that Yoda did this to further learn what to do when encountering certain Dark Side abilities.


I like the fact that Yoda struck fear and horror into the heart of Dooku.



Don't forget how old yoda is, if yoda trained at the temple as young as din grogu did, then he was trained less then 150 years after the last sith war. Chances are he was trained by people who fought in the war so they might of wanted to teach him some things just in case the sith ever came back.


And even more evidence to back this up is that the Evil yoda in S6 said “Yoda hates me yoda plays not with me anymore yoda thinks mes not worthy” showing that Yoda has at least studied the dark side.


Its worth noting that in yodas younger days, the sith were still fresh in the orders memory.
There likely were some long lived jedi that had actual first hand knowledge of both fighting them, falling and redemption and gathering their lore for storage.
That almost certainly would have influenced the jedi, and their training methods.


Maybe when Yoda said "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” and "Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny." he was speaking from personal experience.


when dooku used Force lightning against Yoda he thought he had the upper hand, but when Yoda countered by absorbing his Force lightning, I would credit this more to Yoda's mastery of the force itself... Just like in avatar The last Airbender, if you study and master the different elements you will come to find out that all elements can be broken down into smaller separate elements... The energy that is channeled through Force lightning could be broken down reabsorbed redirected perhaps.... Similar to lightning bending.... Yoda realizes that there is no LIGHT side there is no DARK side in actuality. Only light and dark intentions that manifests itself through the use of the force.. there is Only the Force and all that it is made up of, which incidentally is everything.... So yeah space magic 🤓👍🏾. .


Yoda knows the Dark Side well enough to have realised long ago that it simply had nothing to offer him that he could want. In his case, it wasn't so much a matter of strength in resisting the Dark as it was a complete lack of temptation. But I would argue that this acquired sense of balance in the Force could only have come from some knowledge of the Dark Side at a point in his life. Because only from knowledge of both sides could a true choice have been made and a balance reached. And when I say balance, I'm not implying that Yoda would be a Grey Jedi. I'm saying that he knew enough about both sides to make his choice and stick to it.


Imagine if yoda was originally a child of the Dark Side.

Could Yoda have been bred to be an incredibly rare prodigy of the sith? Then due to pivtol events, inconceivably found himself falling for the path of the light?

It would be so cool to see the struggle of his confidence in his foundational faith.

Then he makes his tortured path to Grandmaster of the Jedi.

Haha I love it.

Feel free to add/subtract!!


Being able to switch between light and dark could also be a quirk of his species. Also as legends Jedi master Kavar said, “The Darkside is always there” to deny that the Darkside exists opens you up the possibility of being corrupted by it.


Yoda and Sideous being similar seems to have always been the intention. It works great thematically, as we see that Luke and Vader both have masters whose council they seek.


By the way: Yoda did NOT Lose to Palpatine / Sidious! it came to a draw at the end of the fight... He just / only Failed to beat Palpatine / Sidious, but he definitely did NOT Lose!


When Yoda faced his Darkness, it said that Yoda didn't play with his Darkside anymore and that he found it unworthy. Highly suggesting Yoda did study at least his own darkside and may well have gone far down that path. In fact its highly suggested too that Dooku saw the same creature we say in the Clone Wars epo.


I taught you everything you know. I didn't teach you everything I know.


The idea of Yoda being able to use both sides not getting overwhelmed by one is fascinating. I think the force is based on yin and yang. One cant exist without the other. And i think Yoda or maybe even his whole race knows much more about it. Maybe they even teach both ways at once or something like this.


Yoda also sent Luke to face the dark side. Luke fought and found himself but came back to the light side. That is why Yoda was impressed.


"Learn the abilities of your allies and you will become stronger, Learn the abilities of your enemies and the way he thinks, You become a true master of both."


They had a lot of Sith holocrons in the restricted section in the temple. So I'm sure he studied them and that's how he learned about the dark side. He should have studied them more because he couldn't match Sidious' power in the force. That's what Dooku did and it helped turn him. Dooku after Yoda absorbed his force lightning and shot it back at him he was able to deflect it which is really impressive.
