This is How Orthodox Jews Pray

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How Orthodox Jews Pray

Lag B'Omer
מירון, לג בעומר

#moshiach #Israel #news

May Hashem bless you all

Tisha Bav Beit Hamikdash
9th of Av

Israel War, Israel Strikes Gaza

War, Invasion, Attack, Nato, Donetsk, Kyiv, Kiev, Moscow, Donbass, Odessa.
world war 3
Topics of the video: Judaism Explained, Torah, The Moshiach, The Messiah, Bible Study, Tanach, Kabbalah, Chabad, Hasidut, Hasidic, Bible Study, Talmud, Tanach, The Rebbe, Lubavitch, Breslov, Rabbi Nachman, Baal Shem Tov, Teshuva, Arizal, Abraham, Tzaddik, Moses, Isaac and Jacob, Shabbat, Noahides, Jewish Conversion, Third Temple, Moshiach, The Messiah, Dreams, News, Jerusalem, Jews, Israel, Orthodox, Joy, Baal Teshuva, Religious Jews, Proof of God, End Times, gog and magog, War, End of days, Joe Biden, Jewish, Ger, Belz, Satmar, Skullen, Bobov, Skver, Vishnitz, Messiah, Redemption, Tanakh, Third Temple, Elijah, Priest, Prayer, Stories, Rambam, Sephardic, Baba Sali, Tzaddik, Bitcoin, Moses, Moshe, Joshua, Genesis, Deuteronomy, Mashiach, Jewish Conversion, History, Bitachon, Shiba Inu, Crypto, Ethereum, Trust, Emuna, Faith, joy, mediation, charity, famous, viral, Trending, Consciousness, Hasidic, IQ, King David, King Solomon, Bet Hamikdash, Jerusalem, Hebrew, Bible, Shabbat Laws, Sabbath, Kiddush, Challah, Prayer, Near Death experience, Heaven, Afterlife, God, Purgatory, Punishment, Gehinom, Judaism, Eternal, reincarnation, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, investment, 2021, change your life, Shiba inu, ripple, xrp, metaverse, tokens, coins, ethereum, money, Gold, Silver, predictions, Torah Secrets, universe, Bible secrets, Biblical Hannukah, Channukah, Menorah, Menora, Hannukiah, Candles, Holidays, Dreidle, Doughnuts, latkes, light, secrets, Bet Hamikdash, Bobov, Tish, Skver, Sadigura, תורה, משיח, Yud Daled Kislev, Bet Hamikdash, Sacrifices, Incense, Priest, Levites, Miracles, Rambam, Laws, Tisha B'AV, News, End times, War, Barcelona, Ohio State, War News, ww3, army, battle, yetzer hara, Feminism, Female, Women, Liberalism, Social Justice, Prophets, Woman, Abortion, Jewish Conversion, Noahides, Proof, Daniel, Isaiah, Zechariah, Prophecy, Satan, devil, evil inclination, End times, death, angel of death, gehinom, Purgatory, Yaakov, יעקב, משיח, yud tes kislev, niggun, fabrengen, Alter Rebbe, Chof Kislev, Redemption, menora, chanukah, channukah, hanukkah, hannukah, hannuka, IDF, Israeli Army, omicron, covid, corona, delta covid-19, who, fauci, News, reports, South Africa, Europe, flights, stock market, xrp, onicron variant, virus, South Africa, tesla, dow jones, Live, Ayin Beis, Samech Vov, Viral, Trending, Project 3rd temple, snowstorm, blizzard, Montreal, weather news, forecasts, storms, celebrations, blizzard, quebec, last generation, exodus, Messianic age, Era, times, miketz, Rabbi Ashlag, Vayigash, Jewish Prayer, Tu BShavt Shvat, Tu Bi Shvat, Bombs, warplanes, missiles, defense, soldiers, combat. Gog Magog, World War, Russia Ukraine, Putin, USA, news, Rosh Hashana, Ellul

Shmuel Zvi Michael
The Torah Channel
Рекомендации по теме

For a moment, I got shocked when I heard the Muslim-like greeting.


In Islam We say " Salam Alaikum ' same with you


This is interesting We Muslims say Salam alekum there are a lot of similarities between us.


I am a Muslim and God doesn’t need “us” Muslims, non-Muslims, Jews or anyone! He hence doesn’t need a “home” here with us. It is we creatures and humans that need him as he is the only KING that has no need for his servants whatsoever but his servants cannot even EXIST for a second without HIM


Shalom Shmuel,
...and to show that we love Hashem by adhearing to the V'ahavta as closely as possible.
Baruch HaShem!
Be well and be Blessed,
A fellow sojourner


I like it and I like you, shalom to you and all whom you love.


Ty for sharing. Makes sense and I have heard of prayer clothes but I love this.


This is so good! Are you able to talk about the history of where this prayer tradition comes from, how it's developed, and perhaps it's been lost or rediscovered?

This isn't to judge or condemn anyone (including Jews) who may pray differently, but simply to give everyone (including orthodox) a better understanding and appreciation of your own tradition.

Traditions often seem strange or goofy. Why's that guy with a hockey player beard got a silly black box on his head? And this can lead to misunderstandings and bad feelings (especially but not exclusively toward Jews).

So it's always good to explain things with an open and sincere heart toward all people. Yes?


Lovely, thank you. We are counting on you to use it, we're praying for you to use it, everyday, we pray for your strength and for all the Jews to keep the Sabbath so we can have the Messiah


As a Palestinian, i have nothing but respect to the orthodox jews for opening their eyes and siding with the Palestinians


We become gods by abstaining for sin and letting god enter our minds and hearts. This is our true purpose to become one with god.


Shalom and thank you.
This was very educational for a Gentle, like me.
Peace to you.


Does it not get you guys that Jews say Salam Alaykam as well! How cool is that!


Amen God has done this by faith in His Messiah, the very Son of the Father! He died for your sins so that everyone who trusts in Him and is mikvahd will be saved!


I heard Jews worship Allah so I watched videos and I don't really get it


God made you and made earth. You got to respect God if you love him! How dare you to say God needs someone assistance!! Wake up and find the true path.


I thought the cube represents the time in the desert wilderness until forgiveness and deliverance back to Canaan


I can't wait to get my tallit and tefillin. Shalom!


Your heart is in your chest not in your arm


how to become Jew Christian and Muslim at the same time, ??
