When it comes to marriage, I don’t believe in back ups...#TradWife

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Don't people understand what she's actually doing? She's presenting herself as a traditional wife and fulltime homemaker without any back up plan. What she's actually doing is building her social media brand and following as a means to make money. She's an influencer and working and some people don't even realize it.


I do think women should have a backup way to make money, not because your man might leave you, but because God forbid something happens to him. You and your kids need to be taken care of.


Husband is just a human. He can leave, die, get sick, lose his Job.. it's just smart to be able to get back on your feet!


She does have a backup. She is a working woman. Social media is her job. I imagine that she likely earns more than her husband.


This woman is not an actual traditional wife. She is a YouTuber and Influencer who understands the business of social media. Actual 1950s wives worked their butts off and did putz around dressed like Marilyn Monroe while filming themselves for media. She is no different than the ones dressed like Kim Kardashian copycats chatting about the latest eyeshadow pallet. They are all social media business women and I guarantee she spends hours a day managing her social media accounts, filming, editing, tracking her views and revenue and discussing brand deals etc - it is very much a full time job


My dad was a great husband and father and my mom trusted and depended on him, too. Which made it all the more devastating on my family when he was killed in a car wreck caused by a negligent driver when I was in my teens. Our comfortable lives were thrown upside in an instant. My mom struggled so hard to provide for us, because the benefits and life insurance do only get you so far if you're even fortunate enough to have them.

Everyone should have a back up. Because sometimes even the most loving, loyal, and hardworking spouses can be taken from you unexpectedly.


my dad supposed to be a good husband but he fell asleep behind the wheel on his way home and died when I was 8, my younger brother was 6, and older brother was 13. I thank God for the fact that my mom had a degree in public management anyway. she found a job right away and took care of us all by herself. bless her and the fact that she was highly educated.


My husband is a good man with a stable union job and a good income. But he encouraged me to finish nursing school before we got married so that “you can stand on your own god forbid something should happen to me….my life insurance will only cover so much” glad I listened to him. I will forever have my nursing license but my priority is my HOME. My true dream.


I was a stay at home mom with 4 kids and no income as well. Then my husband got cancer at 30. Be smart. It doesn't mean you're disloyal to have a backup. It means you're not a moron. When you have kids your mindset will be different.


Alexa, remind me to check this video again in 10 years to see how this video ages 😂😂😂


Meanwhile, we are actually watching her backup plan lol. Very smart and sneaky!


Honestly, I was of the same mind and my “wonderful” hubby pulled a 180 on us. I wish I’d at least have finished my undergrad before marrying him. It was brutal going back to school and back into the workforce with 10 years no employment because I was taking care of the kids/home. Women really do look down on you and men see you as useless on paper. We’re resilient though right? I just finished grad school while raising my children alone and working a full time job.


Im a conservative but this is just straight up dumb. Thousands of women have trusted their husband and they have burned them. Being financially responsible is not being distrust or being disloyal to your husband.


My father eventually turned abusive towards my mother and would beat her and not allow her any money not even to buy groceries for the family. She'd have to ask the church if they could donate food for us to eat each week even though my father had a very high paying job. If anyone asked why we needed it she'd come up with some excuse like "It's for my neighbour who's struggling at the moment".The church never questioned it or thought it was suspicious. They were both very religious and followed traditional marriage roles but it made no difference. She wanted to stay in the relationship for us, her kids but it eventually became too much she feared she'd be murdered by him so she left. I'll never rely on anyone else financially due to the trauma my father put us through. You might think you married a good man now but in a decade or two how do you know he'll treat you the same way?


My husband died at the age of 42 leaving me with 4 children to raise. He had life insurance but with his health problems it was not enough to survive even after selling our home and downsizing. Thankfully I had my paid in full nursing degree. I make enough money to make ends meet in addition to social security death benefits. I was able to make his little life insurance policy stretch through until we were recovered from the grief of loosing him.

Not having a backup plan is irresponsible. It also smacks of self righteousness and downplays the lived experiences of people all over the world whose spouses died or became disabled.


Every single person should have backup cash. Because life happens.


It’s sad to see women bullying other women. Stay strong, Estee.


I’m a traditional wife and I don’t have time to put on full blown makeup and make pastas from scratch. I have so much chores to do in a day. Cooking, dishes, vacuuming, laundry, folding clothes, yard work, cleaning toilets.
This woman is an influencer and not a traditional wife.


Death, disease, divorce, disability - this was the list they told us, in high school. Life is uncertain. What do they say, expect the best and prepare for the worst.


Her backup job is getting paid from tiktok and youtube haters.
