10 Reasons Teachers QUIT: I Wish I Knew THIS About Teaching Gen Z 😭 #iquitteaching

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Here's 10 Things I wish I knew about teaching! Number one: students are completely out of control! On any given day students are cursing, fighting, cheating, and much worse! Number two: there's little to no discipline for unruly students. If we're lucky, they'll fill out a think sheet, while sitting in a safe seat! Number three: learning isn't valued. When kids think they can access everything on the internet, they feel no reason to study. Number four: Parents are uncooperative! A lot of them like to fight and argue with teachers more than their kids do. Number five: there's a huge climate of fear. Everybody is terrified of getting in trouble except the students. Number 6: its highly political. 2020 is all I'll say about that one. Number seven: there is an obsession with data and mountains of paperwork! We have to document, everything, even if nobody's ever going to look at it. Number eight: unstable methodologies. Nobody can seem to agree, what good teaching is, so we get conflicting rules multiple times a year. That means number nine: creativity is gone. And number 10: because of all of those things respect is gone. And this is why teachers are quitting!

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Of course these are generalizations, and not all of my experiences were terrible, but I was still saddened by so many things in education. I'd love to know your thoughts and experiences, and if you're interested in hearing more, I have long form videos about my 8 year teaching journey and why I quit. Don't forget to like and subscribe if you haven't already! 🥰


1st year teacher here, it's the student behavior and lack of respect!!😢


Everyone is terrified to get in trouble BUT the students FACTS all day!


My 7th grade science teacher quit, walked out in the middle of class in tears and never came back. She had a complete breakdown and said we were horrible monsters and honestly, she was right


I quit my teaching job after 5 years… resigned last week.
You nailed it with this vid


Top 4 Reasons Why : 4. Teachers are not supported by administration 3. Student have zero accountability 2. Social media has taken over the lives of both parents & students 1. Cellphones in the classroom.
Did i miss anything?


“No one can seem to agree what good teaching is” I felt that. My soul felt that. Your mom felt that. Seriously, the number of studies that come out each year that we are expected to know about and realign all our content and practices with is unrealistic and unsustainable. No wonder burn-out is so high. We are expected to reinvent the wheel every year (why did they change math?? math is math!)


Why I quit. Ironically, I'm now a nurse in a psych ward. 😂


I don’t know how this has so few views/likes. Everything she says is spot on. I’d quit today if I weren’t so invested in my retirement.😢


I’m part of Gen Z, born in ‘02. I’m not sure if it’s a generational thing, but a lot of my peers were loud & disrespectful in school growing up. It had me gobsmacked. I don’t actually remember being taught by my parents how to be respectful & cooperative, I just couldn’t imagine being anything short of that… even with teachers I really didn’t like. I’d still speak up for myself with teachers who mistreated me, I just wasn’t that unruly … I knew to save that behavior for when I was playing outside after school.

I’m also on the spectrum, so being quiet in rooms full of people is just kind of who I am. I had manners, though, and I was inquisitive, respectful, my teachers really did enjoy my presence, I think, and I always felt warm & fuzzy when I knew I was behaving well.
My future children will be taught to value the importance of respecting teachers & will be facing consequences & a very long conversation at home if I am told they are being disruptive & rude in class.


I'm an Italian High School teacher and even if I live on another continent, the problems we have with the students here in Italy ARE EXACTLY THE SAME!! Everything she says is THE TRUTH!!


I taught for 3.5 years, left, and thought I’d give it another shot for one more year. I am already counting down the days till the end of the year and I watch your videos everyday. You are 100% accurate. Thank you for helping me make it through the day.


I recall a time when a very popular student was acting as if he was the boss of the class on the first day. I looked at him and reminded him that his parents loved me. I had met the mom over the summer break and she told me that she and her husband were thrilled that I’d be teaching their youngest son because I was the best teacher their oldest child ever had. I just smiled at him and said that I’d let his mom know what he had been trying to do. He was never a problem the rest of the year. And because all the other kids saw how this one boy changed his tune…everyone else fell into line.




I retired a year ago after 42 years in the classroom. The difference in the profession between the majority of my career and the last few years is stark. I never thought I'd be so relieved to be done with education, and all the reasons you just gave sum up why


Yes to all of it. I’ve been teaching for 30 years. Every year it gets harder.


Here in africa most parents are one with teachers that means if your parent is called for disrespecting a teacher punishment will be held infront of the whole school and sometimes parents will do that


I am teaching at a Christian middle school, I remember watching your video about it and thinking, "It can't be that bad..." Now I'm searching for other jobs.


Oh I agree. I'm a kid of the 80s and had kids later in life. My kids get both barrels if they misbehave. I have loads of empathy for the teachers. Discipline your kids and it will help the world.


I see alot of the problems as a parent tour are putting forth and my wife and I are trying to do our part. Literally allowed our kid to fail and really tell her about herself and how she's acting. End up electronic-less and internet-less and really having to show she is better than what she has been doing, grades and behavior. She knows we are in co tact with her school and that we review everything she has to do for school (that we can access). It really is on the parents to hold their kids accountable and show respect and support for the teachers teaching them (at least the good ones actually trying and giving a damn), not parents trying to control the curriculum.
