Am I an imposter for this? | After Effects Templates

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Do you use After Effects templates in your work? Why or why not? Let's discuss in the comments!

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So what do you think? Should I include more videos like this in the rotation?


Not using templates could actually be holding you back, wow! Absolutely True. You are the most truthful motion designer out there.


Adobe stock has helped me with inspo rather than feeling like I'm stealing


Excelent advise. I love building projects from scratch from time to time, but you really need templates to boost productivity.


I realized that when I started working with audio. Everything was based on plugins and templates. Then I started combining multiple templates and elements which is one of the best things I’ve done for my work.


Im never creating original work ever again, original work was holding me back, you opened my eyes, thank you 😁 dont try to change my mind, its done, downloading every template out there right now.


I’m completely agree with you. In any project management the first, most important part is : “the final result”. If you make a stand out project, no one will contest it. Our job as motion designer in today’s world is to provide the best solution at the right price for our client. no matter how you get there. This is a part of our professionalism and experience, a value that has a price. 👍🙏💪👋


From the way I see it, we should always keep a good balance between working from scratch and using templates or any pre-made assets depending on the project itself. Thanks for your honesty bro.


I always see it as a time saver at some point i used to make my own template to speed up the process !


Excellent video and great points brought up. I've been kitbashing all these years and called it franken-templating. Who knew? I think sometimes people forget that time and/or money may not be on your side so there is nothing wrong with using templates especially if the client expresses wanting you to use a particular one


Wow this video really resonated with me - agree with every word. I'm coming up for 7 years in business and it's taken me that long to realise for some projects, using templates is the best option. And as you say, taking the time to investigate how templates are put together is a great way to learn and improve.


great advice, I came to same conclusion after the requisite years of being stubborn and snotty about it first. If you actually do paying work, at minimum titling templates for smaller projects, educational, corporate things, instructionals, saves SOOO much time. The clients 95% of the time have no clue, don't care, don't even want to know if you try to explain how it works. Why toil with keyframes for every bouncy bullet point by hand when you have other more creative projects probably already waiting for you. Also saving custom preset animation sequences in your effects saves boatloads of time too.


Fantastic video; superbly shot and edited!


Good advice! But I'm actually wondering what kind of work you're refering to, because I find this actually really useful for edition, but what kind of templates would work for a motion graphics work besides text or some kind of transition?


Thanks for the affirmations my dude
I learned a lot from kit bashing templates early on, and with it the performance and workflow limitations -the hard way.
The buggy inconsistent nature of adobe’s QC threw me off multiple times in my career, most recently considering learning “Cavallry” instead, but i always end up going back to Ae if only for the template and tool marketplace that comes with it.
Channels like yours included!
Thank you


This hit a little too close to home😀, I needed this video, thank you!


Thank you for the video! Good stuff to think about. A concern of mine is: Not having a Design background as a beginnen Motion Designer. An advice I got: “don’t bother. Just focus on motion.” What is your take on this?… My first thing was, how can I make Personal Projects than.


I am struggling with this a lot. I am considering using more templates. Like you mentioned at the beginning of the video, why would a client pay money for something that they can do themselves? Using a template is easier than building an entire scene from scratch especially if you are building your skills. How do I justify charging a client for something I did not put together "officially"? My time yes, my skill, mostly no. It does feel like being a fraud somehow. Thanks for the video and arguments to consider like being a service provider first.


Even I have a list of my own made templates because it just makes workflow efficient.
I'd say we don't use templates for the sake of using it. Everything must have meaning. Everything must have purpose. Client doesn't care at all how you do it. They just want to achieve things for their business..


I work on Corel, creating logos, layouts, etc (image and vector in general), and I refuse to use templates, idk, I do like the process (and proud). But when I need to make some video I use fast way as possible, like filmora with all that simple tweaks and ready to use effects. BUT, when need some brand presentation it is limited, I use some sites like renderforest to apply logo, etc, but things turn complex and this week I finnaly install after effects to try some templates and a new world open for me heheheh! I could do something, gorgeous results but I have no idea how you motion professionals use AE from scratch, jesus christ, too many tools and things to learn!
