How To Deal With Imposter Syndrome

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Conquering Imposter Syndrome: Strategies and Insights

Imposter Syndrome, a pervasive feeling of self-doubt and fear of being exposed as a fraud, affects many, especially those in creative and professional fields. This video delves into the heart of Imposter Syndrome, showcasing how even acclaimed actress Meryl Streep struggles with these feelings. It highlights the importance of vulnerability in creativity and the danger of letting our egos dictate our self-perception. The video offers practical advice for overcoming these insecurities by embracing a learner's mindset, focusing on growth, and employing non-violent communication to objectively evaluate one's work without self-judgment. By acknowledging our true selves and our core skills, irrespective of the field, we can navigate through the oscillation of taste and skill, ultimately reducing the gap between perceived and actual abilities. The speaker, sharing personal breakthroughs and mental strategies, encourages viewers to compare themselves only to their past selves, not to others, as a measure of growth. This empowering narrative urges us to find joy in our journey, emphasizing learning and authenticity over perfection and external validation.

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Host: Chris Do (Bald Asian Guy Talks About Business)
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The speed at which I clicked on this notification 😅


A quote I read some years ago that really. cheer me up when considering myself ready to sell my skills: you don’t have to be the best in the world to do something, you just need to be better than your client


"when you compare, look backwards, not forwards" 🗣️

thank you Chris and team for your wisdom!


Meryl Streep fearing she'll be seen as talentless hits hard. Even legends doubt themselves. It’s all about embracing the journey, learning, and growing.


Perimenopause had me thinking I’m an imposter & that I suck at what I do!
It’s been a real struggle for the past few years, but my mind is clearing & I’m finally able to believe in myself again. I miss being creative… slowly but surely it’s making a come back. Videos like this, help me keep pushing forward. Thanks, Chris!


"Comparison is the thief of joy", that's a great quote.


"Comparison is the thief of Joy" Quote of the day for me.


Chris is really the only bald guy with a mic that I listen to on the internet


Sometimes the imposter syndrome hits me hard and I become paralyzed. Thank you for your words, the comparison really is a big villain.


You can tell he really has dealt with that emotion before. He almost never shakes while speaking, but he did a little bit when he said that he dealt with it. Dude is authentic and I’m here for it 👍


This honestly has been an Achilles heel for me.
I'm glad someone else, that is a creative, understands this and I'll do my best to trust me more


Thank you so much. I've been beating myself up for a mistake i made during the photoshoot of my 1st collection. I compared my photos and designs to some well-known designers who have been in the game for more than 30years.
Now i realise I'm pretty good for a self-taught designer. I clearly cannot compare myself to them. I've made massive progress in 3 years. I didn't even know how to use a sewing machine 3 years ago, today I'm making haute couture garments. 🙏🙏


This made me tear up fr 😭 almost 6 years in my career, lucky enough to have held the same job yet I still feel this looming, dreadful feeling. Thank you for these reminders!


What bothers me is when I share stuff with family that's way more interesting then what they look at and they act like it's boring, but then expect me to be into the boring crap they like..


It's even better to not think about yourself at all. Just do what you're doing, including public speaking. Do not evaluate yourself. Do not focus on your perception of yourself. If someone is listening to you, it means you are worth it.


Goodness gracious Chris, you have no idea how much I needed this right now. I'm a noob in a field which I LOVE with all my heart, and man, how it breaks 💔 when I make all those (totally expected) beginner screw-ups. I'm not close to my family here, and all my elders are either in the next life, or too frail to be burdened. This felt like a talk with a wise Uncle that was really needed right now. Go well Chris, and thank you 🙏


Marshal Rosenberg, Non-violent Communication: A Language for Life. I bought both of my adult kids that book for Christmas this past year. I’ve been recommending the book for decades, if you want to communicate better in your relationships


Watching vids while working and this has been posted for only 2 minutes? NICE


Compare yourself to your previous self, not some imagined future self that has achieved.🙌🏾


I relate. Skateboarder. Neurodivergent. Wanting to learn and wanting to provide for a family. Imposter. Much love Chris.
