1 Simple Tip For Every Legend in Apex!

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1 Tip For Every Legend Apex Season 16
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MangosInTrees Tips Apex Legends
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The fact that Rev's tip is essentially "pray to god you get paired with a legend that has a more useful ability" speaks pretty loudly to how much his ult needs a rework, lmao


0:05 Ash
0:27 Revenant
1:08 New Castle
1:42 Loba
2:21 Gibraltar
2:49 Vantage
3:39 Caustic
4:30 Lifeline
5:05 Rampart
5:28 Bloodhound
6:08 Horizon
6:47 Crypto
7:37 Pathfinder
8:06 Fuse
8:46 Mad Maggie
9:26 Valkyrie
9:40 Catalyst
10:04 Seer
10:45 Mirage
11:18 Bangalore
12:00 Wraith
12:38 Wattson
13:00 Octane


So as an Octane main I just shouldn’t be an idiot? Got it. Tough for all of us Octane mains.


1 more tip for bloodhound, u can look at the white ravens and scan them without even having to interact with them up close, this will not just trigger your white raven to fly off and look for nearest enemies it also puts your scan back off cooldown.


To add on to the Crypto tip you have to really consider your team comp to determine how it is you plan to use the survey beacon. Using it with a good rotating/mobility character is one of those situations where it is much more fine to use it when you don't land to contest or are not keeping your drone parked at it. Without the mobility character it tends to be preferable to keep it parked at the beacon and use it less sparingly and more defensively. If you're playing with controller characters its value starts to fall off more since the need to play aggressively is not there, you tend to be holed up in a building, and you're better off sending the drone somewhere high with cover to see the surrounding area along with pinging a nearby banner.

Bonus tip regarding the banner and the surveillance beacon as well:

Don't bother using the survey beacon if you see there is one enemy squad in the area. You're better off scouting the area with your drone and spotting the enemy. If you get 2+ squads in an area or if that 1 turns to a 0 then you want to pop the survey beacon depending on if you want to play defensively and especially in the case of the latter if you have a mobility character in your comp, aggressive pushes.

Imo Crypto has the most nuanced and best case by case uses for the Survey Beacon and in some ways can track even better than Bloodhound this season and I personally believe mastering him this season will revolve around drone placement and survey beacon usage.


as a blood main, you ALWAYS want to scan the raven instread of walking up to it and pressing the interact button. when you scan a raven, it gives you your scan back (unless you hit a player with it as well, in that case it gives you a shorter cooldown) and it also gives you a 25-35% recharge on their ult. This is very helpful while in your ult because you can start recharging it by scanning ravens while in your ult, .


as a vantage you want to not always be the far from your team the benefit from vantage is that she can reposion easily utilise that to swap between sniping and play w ur team by using unique angles that few legends can take


I want to add something about Bloodhound that not a lot of players know, but if you scan a white raven with your tactical it will not initiate a cooldown. This is great because it eliminates the need to run over next to a raven to use it, plus its a free scan so you have it ready if you need to use it again in a pinch.


Another tip for BH: since the white ravens only appear for a short period of time before they disappear you can use your tactical to scan the white raven from further away to interact with it before it times out. It’s also just more practical/convenient oppose to chasing after them. (You also get your scan back immediately if you used to to scan the raven.) Just make sure you don’t try too far away or the wrong direction because it might not pick up the raven and you will have wasted a scan and have to wait the regular cooldown period


A tip for octane is if ur low and use a med kit you can stim right before the med kit finishes and get a free stim


@3:37 "The lil watery preketchup shit" Why did this make me laugh so hard?


Another thing for blood, you don’t need to activate the ravens manually, you can scan it and it still works + gives you a scan back right away. This works well whilst in an ult because scanning the raven will also give you 25% more to your next ult


For the white raven, an essential tip is instead of walking all the way over to the raven you can use your scan ability to activate it, this also instantly recharged the scan


Can't wait for the Ash's Heirloom and buffs!
Hope she gets a second charge on her tac and increased distance + speed on her ult


07:34 also u can fake your position with tapping a beacon far aways from the area your team is actually holding, you instantly know where they are and confuse them with false info at the same time
i main crypto, so it was one of the first things i found out this season - you can easily bait enemys into coming out of cover cause they think ur standing right above or next to them at the beacon, just to hit the emp and snipe them once they are in ur sight (saved me multible times, as example - once i baited the last solo enemy out of the house they were in and turn their back to me, my longbow with skullpiercer did enjoy that moment XD)


Aye now as a Rev main his ability may not be the best but he is a very fun character with the quick crouch movement


Your videos are amazing! Keep up the good work! What guns do you use?


white raven can also be interacted with from range by just scanning it


when Ash and Rev get buffs…it’s gonna shake things up a lot because if Ash gets 2 snares or her Snares go out even faster, she’s gonna be picked a lot..especially when they buff her Ult.


You can also use your scan as a bloodhound to activate the raven, if you only hit the rave you also get your scan back
