High-Deductible Health Plans, Explained

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Dr. Jeffrey Kullgren, an internal medicine physician and healthcare researcher at the University of Michigan Medical School, describes what high-deductible health plans are, and what research is showing about their impact on people covered by them.

HDHPs are becoming increasingly common. While these plans are intended to encourage cost-conscious healthcare use, because patients have more financial "skin in the game", research is finding this is not always the case. For example, people with HDHPs often go without necessary care due to cost.

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Soo. I’m shopping for health insurance and I’m learning that I have to pay a hella high monthly payment and then (lord forbid) if something happens I have to cover the first 5-10 THOUSAND dollars for the cost of whatever before the insurance ( that I pay for every month, mind you) ACTUALLY PAYS FOR ANYTHING. So pretty much I’m just giving them money and they’ll just swoop in and bail me out if shit gets hella expensive. Just send me to jail cuz I’m not about to pay for Any company to just eat my money.


The main problem is that we are always voting for the next puppet to make our lives more difficult. Revolution!!


So what you’re saying is on a High deductible plan I now have to work a second job in managing my own healthcare.


So sad how the healthcare system is NOT for the benefit of the consumer.


America: Where you're not a citizen but a mere customer.


Lol this crack me up. Using healthcare irresponsibly? Who is going to the doctor unless they feel they need to?


Healthcare is a business, it's not human rights any longer in the US. Let say "A" has a life threatening debilitating illiness and is poor, and "B" have the same but is rich, then obviously "A" is gonna die with his illiness.... Even with ACA you cannot get the treatment you desired cuz your deductible is based on the policy you have selected and poor people always select "The Bronze Plan"


Your videos are very useful and provide lots of information. I have received lots of help after watching this post, please continue to share this kind of information. Thank you.


thank for the explaination. however, i question who has time during the workday to do the reseach with company that are only open during the workday. this is a lot of leg work... during a time of sickness.


Thanks for delivering such an exciting video. I hope to see more great videos like this in the future and keep the good work going on.


This is why we need Medicare for all, like every other 1st world country has. We’re the only 1st world country in the world that people go bankrupt over medical bills. It saves money and provides more coverage, all doctors are in network, so you get to pick any doctor you choose, no medical bankruptcy’s, it’s also not tied to your job so if you lose your job you’re still covered. Or if you want to change your job, you can do so and not worry about loosing your health care or paying outrageous cobra rates.


can anyone explain why anyone would move to a high deductible health plan? is that because it's cheaper?
I'm so baffled by how health care insurance works in the united states. in Asia, you pay a premium and that's it, they pay for everything and you don't pay anything out of pocket unless you need a major medical expense like a life threatening illness or accident. Other than the usual comment I read of extortion and greediness, can someone explain a reason why US healthcare works this way? like an actual logical intent why the mechanics are this way? Trying to understand.


This video does not address the problem, eventually all of us will get sick from something, were is the money going to come from to pay the deductible?


No one:
Uncle Sam: oh here I go drilling🍆 the middle 🇺🇸 agian


Is there a plan where I pay for all medical expenses up to 50K and costs me $120/month . . . oh, I'm perfectly healthy 62


It’s sad that people think they only have few options regarding their healthcare insurance! Please let me help🧞‍♂️ I am a licensed agent, I have access to many plans, that will fit your budget and will give you the coverage you need.
