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Not the most fun past two weeks of recovery but YAY for no more strep and tonsilitis for me!! Come with me to my tonsillectomy surgery & hear about my recovery day by day. I also share my tips to make the recovery less painful so helpfully those help y'all out!!! It honestly wasn't as bad as I was expecting & I already feel SO much better.

follow me on Instagram: @macy_thompson
tik tok: @macy_thompsonn

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LOVE YOU ALL. wishing you a speedy recovery if you are getting them out!!
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Here is a tip that really helped me!! When you get thirsty and you want to drink and it just hurts too bad, eat 2 popsicles, and drink the water and food after because, it kind of numbs your throat. And it will help trust me I’m on day 7 btw.


I got them out 13 days ago and I’m feeling 0 pain right now :) even without pain medication.
Here are my tips (most doctors tell you these but maybe I can help some people):
1. If you feel like you can’t eat or drink anything, at least eat some ice cream. You need to eat to minimize the risk of bleeding.
2. Put an ice pack in the freezer and put it around your neck while you eat.
3. Drink through a straw and put lots of ice cubes in your drinks.
4. Only sleep on high pillows, as your head should never be at the same level as your heart.
5. Don’t take cold or hot showers. Only lukewarm.
6. Take your pain medication about an hour before eating.
7. Don’t worry if the pain gets worse, for me it only got better around day 8
8. If you feel like you can’t open your mouth at all you might be having a bacterial infection and need to see a doctor.

Wishing you all a speedy recovery:)


i had mine in august. best decision of my life but also thought i was gonna die. icing my neck somehow helped the whole time and gatorade saved me


i’m on day 7 and reading these comments are really helping me. I’m 29 years old and this pain is so awful and starting to feel like it’s not going to end. These comments are keeping me hopefully and are giving me really good tips


I’m recovering right now, I’m day 3 and it’s awful. It’s been just fine but today holy crap it got bad tonight. I’m glad to join the lil community of healing kids




Guys I had this surgery yesterday and I'm going to share my experience day by day for all of you.

Before surgery - Told not to eat or drink since 12 AM. Once in hospital, given some medications through IV, basically pain killers. After half an hour, around 10:30 AM taken to Operation Theatre. Anesthesiologist told me that I'm gonna feel a bit sleepy and lost consciousness soon after.

During surgery - Don't remeber anything at all. I was knocked out cold. Also no recollection of pain at all.

After surgery - Woke up to anesthesiologist calling out my name while removing intubation from nose ( yes they put a tube down your nose to assist you in breathing while you are on anesthesia). Starting coughing really bad as a lot of phelgm was present in throat due to intubation. Heard the main surgeon telling me that surgery was succesful and lost consciousness again. Woke up some time later with doctor congratulating me for succesful surgery while the IV was being removed. Was taken to resting ward. There was not much pain, just a feeling of sore throat.

Day 1: Was given gargle after 4 hours and ice cream and water soon after. It was kinda difficult to swallow overall and the pain definitely increased in these 4 hours as the pain killer wore off. I would rate the pain 6/10 on the very first day. Doctor came and checked and confirmed that everything was alright. Wasn't able to take any pills so had to be given everything by dissolving in water ( nurse approved this). Ate two ice cream cups with some difficulty and was discharged by 8 PM on the same day. Went home after an hour drive, took medicines and slept. All night I had cough in my throat which prevented me from sleeping as I had to constantly clear my throat or else I literally choked in it😂. Slept for a bit in the night while constantly waking up to sip water so that I stay hydrated. End of day one.

Day 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 : Nothing at all. The second day pain was like 3/10. For the rest of the days, the pain was like 2/10. The scabs fell off between 5-10 days. It was not at all difficult. I think as long as people stay on the given pain medication, everything will be fine. The only issue I had was that I was so hungry all the time. Trust me, it's not bad at all.

Day 11, 12 : I'm out of liquid diet and started eating solid foods. Not really spicy ones, like normal things. Lost quiet a bit of weight. Also did not poop for almost a week, got worried and took a laxative for motions. Had motions in the morning, mostly water. No pain, only discomfort. Out of pain medication as well.

Overall I would say it was not hard at all. Only issue I had that I was so hungry and also bored. For me 1st two days were a bit weird but rest of it was meh. Btw I'm 23 yo male. Just make sure you take your pain medications on time. Three tips for you:

1) Do not consume dairy for atleast 5 days. It causes the saliva to thicken and thus difficult to swallow. Keep a spit bucket around.

2) Stay hydrated at all cost. Drink anything you can drink. It's okay if you don't eat anything in a day, just drink something. Else you would need a trip to hospital for an IV.

3) While sleeping, use three cushions so that your head is elevated as this will help you in breathing at night and also will reduce the swelling caused by the surgery. Keep sipping water in between hours.

Good luck👍


I Am Day 4 of my Surgery. The Cold Sweats at night the pulsing pain in my ear drums are terrible. The stressful part of not being able to eat it’s terrible. I know all this pain will be worth it in the long run. All I can say is stay strong and get it out the way! Best of Luck 🤞🏻 to Everyone! Prayers 🙏🏻Sent Your Way!


I’m on day 3 and I really miss all kind of food, the only thing that I can eat is an ice cream, yogurt and soup 🥲


My 23 yr old daughter is in surgery right now getting her tonsils and adenoids out. I really appreciate videos like this because it helps us know what to expect. The doctors just dont fill in that many blanks! So thank you bunches for taking the time and effort to share your recovery journey!


I’m on day 6 and still in pain, lost 4 lbs already and can’t sleep much as well. Can’t wait to be on day 10! 😭 I too got strep throat 6x this past year so I’m very happy to have had them removed. Hoping for you all to have a speedy recovery! 🙏🏼❤️


The depression is real, I’m only on day 5 and life feels so abnormal. My body, ear, throat everything hurts


Currently on day 5, and in a lot of pain. Reading the comments encourages me to keep going and hopefully it’ll start to ease up soon.


i’m on day 3 and i feel like there’s no end!!! i rly can’t go another week with this, i haven’t aten or spoken i can’t even stand up with getting heat flashes or the feeling of “i’m going to puke” i just don’t wanna do another week!!


So I watched this video before my surgery and the comments legit gave me a panic attack. I had to come back to tell you guys it’s not that bad. I had the surgery yesterday. The first day I didn’t feel any pain because the anesthesia was still in effect it was a little uncomfortable but not painful I drank a huge smoothie it was peanututter and banana with protein powder. After 6 hours of the surgery came Night time was a bit rough I stayed up all night to make sure I was drinking ice cold water all night and this saved me, morning kinda hurt but nothing that I couldn’t handle, I literally just ate an entire slice of pizza on my second day!. I used throat numbing spray and my pills, yes it hurt to swallow but nothing I couldn’t handle I just chewed it with water and I felt alive after because I was starving . Honestly getting my wisdom teeth out was way worse. Please don’t panic like I did, everyone is different. I used a lot of honey and had an ice pack on all night that I kept switching and eventually a heating pad. I haven’t bled not once and I keep a log of all my medications and I take it 30 mins before it’s due. I’ve had strep throat way worse then this. I was having nightmares about this and panic attacks for no reason. I feel a huge weight lifted off my shoulders now that those monster tonsils are gone.


Got mine removed last week. The scabs are starting to come off already.Damn the stinging pain is awful. Haven't been able to eat anything but Soup broth, yogurt, and Ensure. Cannot wait to be able to eat actual food! May everyone's recovery go smoothly. ♥️


Thank you. I’m super scared I cried half this video watching it and reading comments 😭😭😭 I dont understand but I just woke up and tonsillitis just took over my life


Day 8 today, starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Lost 10 lbs with he liquid dietso far. Broth, carrot juice (not nasty it's great for tissue healing) my scabs are falling off, the whiteness seems alot less and less funky breath. I can open my mouth just enough to brush halfway thru my tongue and the front teeth. Gargle gargle. The worst has got to be the ear pain! And the swallowing little sips I'm afraid it's going up my nose. Good luck to all, rest, lots of liquid and Netflix!
Here's to a big burger in a week 😋


It’s my seventh time getting tonsillitis in 2 years (I’ve also had strep 3 times) and I’m finally getting a consultation at the ENT and have been watching these videos to mentally prepare myself for the worst 😅


yesterday i got my tonsils out. i can barely talk and swallow without it hurting . everything she is saying in the video is accurate.
