Watch this BEFORE a Tonsillectomy operation.

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Knowing the risks and complications of an operation is crucial preparation if something were to go wrong after the event.

This video describes the various risks and complications of tonsillectomy operations and gives helpful tips to overcome them. This is similar to what I say to my patients prior to a tonsillectomy when I'm consenting them. Obviously this video cannot be used for consenting purposes, it should just be used for information only. For example I did not mention about temporomandibular joint dysfunction, or injury to the glossopharyngeal nerve, primary bleeds, residual tissue etc. Also I cannot provide patient specific consenting information. Even so, I hope you find the content useful

If you are interested in my new book - Tonsillectomy: The Complete Guide - please purchase it using the link below:

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0:00 Introduction to tonsillectomy tips
0:30 Tonsillectomy Pain
2:18 Throat cramp after tonsillecomy
3:17 Aspirin gargle for tonsil pain
3:57 Infections and bleeding after tonsillectomy
5:06 What to eat after a tonsillectomy
5:44 Should you eat crisps / chips after a tonsillectomy?
6:26 What to do if you start bleeding
7:19 Dental injury during a tonsillectomy
8:22 Injury to the tongue (taste disturbance, weakness, numbness)
9:48 Injury to the Uvula and a feeling of a lump in the throat
11:21 When to go back to school / work / exercise / travel
12:35 Multi-vitamins / water / sleep
12:59 Does a tonsillectomy alter your voice?
13:35 Conclusion
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I was that 1 patient who bled an insane amount at home the next day. I woke up choking on my blood (I apologize for the graphic image). I was 26 at the time. My roommate drove me to the Emergency Room and there was just so much blood gushing out of my mouth. I asked the nurse at the hospital to fetch me a priest to come and pray with me because I genuinely thought I would die. Then the anesthesiologist came in and he held my hand and said (with a _very thick_ Russian accent): "Son, you're going to be just fine. Just breathe and try to imagine your Mom is holding you" (I had been asking for my Mom who lived in a different country at the time). He was so sweet and thoughtful. He got me relaxed and kept holding my hand as they wheeled me in the operating room. The recovery was beyond painful. But I'm SO HAPPY I did the surgery, despite the nightmare I endured. I was getting Strep Throat every other week and was genuinely and physically sick from antibiotics. The surgeon told me than less than 1% of patients experience the kind of bleeding I had. Oh well. At least it's behind me now :D


Damn what a nice doctor, he talks to people like they’re children and I like it!


My enlarged tonsils blocked my breathing. I would sleep up to 12 hours and still wanted to sleep all day. After removal, I can't sleep more than 6 hours and 4 hours of sleep is enough for the day. More oxygen, better rest. The pain is from swelling and soreness. I had zero bleeding but my doctor said no food for 10 days. Only smoothies. So I never provoked the scabs. The scabs are super smooth and they melt like ice cream. You won't feel any rough scabs like an outer scab on your arm or leg. Swallowing and talking cause pain. Don't talk and spit your saliva to avoid swallowing. Save your swallowing for pills and water. 3rd day was the worst, day 4 got better. Day 6 I cut pain meds 75% and got my thirst and appetite back. Just sucked not eating till day 10. I lost 18 pounds.


My surgery is in 10 hours...but this helped ease my anxiety for sure


After 5 years of suffering with reoccurring tonsillitis, they’re finally coming out next month 😁 thank you for such a helpful video 😊


People who are watching this the day before the operation


I'm on my 5th day after a complete tonsillectomy and my 2nd day at home. Though I had a wonderful surgeon and doctors, they seem to be more on a "classic approach" side, so noone told me about the possible muscle cram and that you actually need to chew and swallow a lot and eat normal foods to reduce the pain, which sounds counter intuitive. After trying that for just one day and having a darn pizza instead of mushed potatoes, all I can say is wow - this really works like a magic trick, I have a lot less less pain while swallowing now, all thanks to you and your great advice. Thank you so much, Vik!


Cant tell you how much I wish we had an NHS here in the US with compassionate doctors and surgeons rather than the Top Gun ego types I run into so often here. You truly seem genuinely compassionate.


From a patient perspective I can endorse everything on this video - I'm 10 days out from having had my tonsils out along with some other work in the same area. The pain for the first few days was easily bearable but it ramped up to really very severe pain at around day 7. I'm now experiencing slightly less pain with each passing day. I'm using CPAP whilst I'm waiting for my UPPP surgery swelling to subside, and having anyalyzed last night's data in Sleepyhead, the evidence shows my sleep apnea to have been cured. I have plenty of central apneas, which are being caused by the pain killers and oral morphine that I'm on, but once I'm off the pain relief I'll have a brand new life to enjoy without the constant fatigue. I'm already far happier and healthier despite the post operative pain, and I'm counting the days until I'm pain and fatigue free.


My 4-year old sons are coming out this week. I’m so nervous for him but you have helped me by explaining everything! Thank you for this video, I will be ready for him to recover ❤


I'm from Slovenia and I had my tonsillectomy a week ago and when I was dismissed from the hospital at the end of the week, they specifically gave instructions to eat ONLY soft foods for the next two weeks, so learning that the new guidelines state that it is okay (and even better) to eat normal food was actually a surprise. Also the painkiller scheduled given as the example in the video is really helpful and helps me a lot with the pain, since my hospital just gave me metamizole with the instruction to take 1 (500mg) every 12h, which actually left me in loads of pain. I'm now taking paracetamol (1g every 9h), metamizole (750mg every 9h) and ketoprofen (50mg every 9h) - meaning I take one of these every 3h or so - and it has made even swallowing much easier. Also as nice as you are, the surgeons around the world are probably more likely to be arrogant and mean, not even taking enough time to discuss things with their patients.

Also just to clarify: I had my tonsillectomy under local anasthaesia, because they stated the healing process would be faster and I would have less pain, however I also needed electrocoagulation of a blood vessel on the left side about 4h after my tonsillectomy, s oI don't know how that complicated healing.


Really glad I watched this before my operation in a month.


Thank you so much for explaining why I need to persevere with eating normal foods and the importance of regular painkillers and staying hydrated. I am 24 hrs post-tonsillectomy and at 44 have been terrified by the horror stories out there so it's been very reassuring to watch your post 😊


Superb advice, I suffered for years with tonsil stones and tonsil infections. My GP was reluctant to entertain any reason to remove them until I saw a locum who looked at my history of throat infections and decided I should see a consultant who removed my tonsils. It was agony for two weeks and I had a bleed half way through but it stopped on its own. I have no problems with throat infections at all and the only problem I notice still after 25 years is an excess of mucus on the back of the throat especially after a cold drink.


Thank you so much for this video! I‘ve had my tonsils out this week and have watched this video at least 5 times at this point. It‘s very reassuring to hear that the alteration in taste usually goes away after a few days/weeks.


This is a really great video I’m currently on day seven, boy has been rough. I had to go back to the doctors and get stronger painkillers and thankfully I’m now able to eat.


Your information was bang on. I’m from Australia and my husband just got his tonsils outs 10 days ago. My turn is in one week so watching him has made me more anxious, but he has assured me that it’s manageable. I’ve been looking through YouTube and found this vid to be the most informative and accurate. Probably since the UK is similar to Australia. Thank you!!


I had mine removed at age 62. I needed them out!
However… if you’re having yours out, drink Warm or hot water! NOT COLD! I was getting dehydrated but couldn’t eat ice or anything cold, so I finally took a sip of my boyfriend’s coffee with MCT oil in it, and it went down SO EASILY!!!
I told my doctor and she was going to tell her patients! Saved me a trip to the ER!


I'm 34 years old and 7 days post-op. I watched this before and now after! Thanks :)


This is a very useful video. Thank you. I had my tonsils removed on Monday 11/04/22 and the journey has been extremely painful. The pain is actually unbearable. When people/Drs say tonsillectomy is more painful for adults, it's an understatement. It's so true when you say we should stay on-top of the pain by taking pain relief regularly and not wait till the pain is so bad and, we find ourselves trying to quickly take too many different pain relief. It's a little too late by then, and I'm afraid you will feel the pain to the fullest. I was crushing my Endone and putting it in some yoghurt and took it along with some liquid Nurofen so it wasn't so painful to swallow. It's day four today, I just drop my pills in some yoghurt now, I don't crush them anymore. Stay on-top of your pain relief and try and eat and stay hydrated as well no matter how much it hurts to swallow.
