REINVENT YOURSELF | 10 micro tips to STOP feeling stuck

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If you feel bored, uncomfortable, or stuck, perhaps it's time to reinvent yourself.

In today's episode, I break down my top 10 micro tips on how to reinvent yourself. I am over 40 and have reinvented myself so many times. I feel like I'm a work... a masterpiece in progress.

You can reinvent yourself as many times as you want in your 30s, over 40, or over 50. So often we show up for others but we fail to truly know ourselves. If you feel stuck, bored, or unmotivated use these 10 steps to reinvest yourself and shift your identity as soon as today.

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My life has dramatically changed for the better since I have limited contact with my parents. They were the ones who were not a kind voice of reason. Since this, I have gotten help for a learning disability they never questioned ( I was the village idiot), it gave me to hope/confidence to go back to school ( only two classes short), I will transfer to a university to be a writer or photographer, got my yoga teaching certification, I have gotten out of debt, I completely changed my wardrobe from college student to the stylish bad self 50s lady I am. This is all encouraging me to take better care of myself nutritionally and physically. I want to start a new business and be fluent in my third language. I am rocking it. And yet more to follow. I took out the negative trash out of my life. It couldn't matter if it called mom and dad.


My one additional tip: yes I celebrate milestones of success....but there is another component. It is allowing to be celebrated. I quietly got out of debt, I quietly did a 5k marathon, I quietly do things on my own. I may or may not tell anyone. It is allowing others to share in this. It is allowing others to compliment you, celebrate you, and TAKE THAT ROUND OF APPLAUSE. I was told it was bosting or ego. It is not that I need validation, in am sharing my best self.. It is OK to stand out for the good or success. The more we fear or shame ourselves for doing well/glowing up, the more we push success away. Allow others to share and acknowledge our best selves.


1. Set Goals
2. Self Reflection; shadow work
3. Learn Continuously

4. There is no #4
5. Build Support System
6. Self Compassion
7. Develop a Routine
8. Visual Success
9 Stay Flexible
10. Celebrate Progress


I don’t know who you are but I was 3 seconds in and I’m supporting you on EVERYTHING!!! 😂


Thank you for including us ladies that are 40+. So much content only focuses on 20/ 30-year-olds. This is so refreshing ❤


#5 if your not finding a support system.. become one and transform. Appreciate your content!! I’m 60 and its never to late to invest in reinventing oneself. Keep shining!!


I’m a man, but I needed this. I wish we as men had more videos like this instead of trying to be emotionless “Alpha Males”
Thank you so much for this. I’m already making list and goals from your video!


I am 70. A wife, mother, grandmother. Reinventing myself is something l need to do. Improve the way l feel. I have gotten in a rut. Thank you for this channel.


I came on Youtube to look up how to cerate a Canva ad creative for my business, but i now understand why i am really here. I just turned 42, married going on 8yrs, no children. I'm Dutch and have been living in the US for 6yrs now, always had a soft life. Lately (this past year) I've been feeling funky, not myself, stressed out to the core. My business is suffering and even though I don't acknowledge it, I know I'm suffering. I don't show up for me like i used to, I bought so many jogger sets, it's almost like I'm living someone else's life, i was never the jogger set type. My spouse has some medical issues going on and I dove into full mode nurse, homemaker, caregiver mode and everyday I feel like I'm about to tip over internally. I'm grateful for finding your channel and have noted the tips and will get to work. Thank you! 🌷


I just came across your channel and I'm so glad I did . I am 57 years young and yes I need to reinvent myself. I am reading Atomic Habits right now. Great video. Thank you.


I'm 35 and feel stuck. I want to reinvent myself. The way I dress, talk just everything.


This is for me! 46 and bored with the same old mundane routine.


I'm going to listen to this weekly while I reinvent myself. This was so beautiful and I'm so grateful that I stumbled across your page.


As a woman approaching 40 and also entering a phase of reinvention with an attitude of “Dont give a f___k!” I am who I am and the world must respect it.
Definitely approve this message!
Subscribed immediately 🙌🏾❤️


Number 4 is learning and choosing to focus on and benefit from the 9 things done well and not worry so much about the one thing missed or overlooked.


Well said! I would add 1. to develop focus on the positive aspects of everyone and everything including yourself because what you focus on you get more of. 2. To set healthy boundaries for yourself. 3. To appreciate quiet so you receive the wisdom of your higher self within or the Creator who is everywhere so you are aware of the clarity, peace and unwavering support always available to you. These habits make it easy to stop paying attention to negative mind chatter.


Mannnn look at God! I needed this at 67! Lots of losses after covid. I gotta REINVENT!❤❤❤ Thanks for the REAL content! ❤❤❤


I'm 57 starting from the ground up. Complete life change. I'm going to live the life I dreamed of not the one that leads from going through the motions. I work on myself daily, do a mental check in, take time to reflect on what I'm going to do that day that I want to do. Then set a goal ( just small tid bit goals) each day to add to my evening reflection. I am making myself accountable and checking in with myself, keeping me motivated.


Now this is true steps to feminine energy!! I loved every second of this 💕
