Reinvent Yourself In 2024 - 5 Steps To Have The Best Year Of Your Life | Dr. Rangan Chatterjee

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CAUTION ADVISED: this podcast contains themes of an adult nature.
#feelbetterlivemore #feelbetterlivemorepodcast

00:00:00 Embrace Death to Live
00:10:46 Seek Nature Not Screens
00:35:14 Eliminate Choice
00:44:49 Seek Out Friction
00:57:00 Talk to Strangers

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Thank you Dr Chatterjee. I have recently retired after 47 years as a nurse. I have faced death in my vocation and in my personal life many times. As a child I would go with my mother to care for end of life neighbours in the UK. This is what my mother did with her mother. Caring for the families of these people. I eventually settled in community nursing. Loved it. Very difficult but fulfilling and real. In my personal life many deaths including my sisters and more recently my son. Got good advice from my doctor, not medication. I left work before my state pension. I don’t fear death, I fear the way of dying, but I try to alleviate risks with my lifestyle. I know my regrets, I know when I should have done things differently. I know I feared attempting so many things. Remember there is no going back. I’m 65, I feel I still have time to do something to make a change. I have achieved more since my sons death, I didn’t lock myself away. It’s the hardest things I’ve ever done. I had a psychological mask to make me appear happy, but bit by bit my ‘self’ appeared. Have to start with one step, and keep doing it. Best wishes.


Hi, thanks for the fantastic advice. 🎉 A year ago, I embarked on my journey to change myself. I now have a six-figure income, am stronger, healthier, and have more free time to spend with my loved ones. I am living my life for me and feel happier for it. This is meant to uplift someone "It's worth it to start whenever you want to have a reset! I'm trying to keep growing since it's a journey 💙


I am a 16 year old and I've come to a realisation. Over the past 2 years, I've been digging up with these exact thoughts, death, life, and career. And what is my goal? And what is my purpose? we can't blame this generation or this generation kids but being born in this generation. Sometimes, my brain freezes as well. I get brain paralysis. Sometimes I can't move from my phone, I get distracted. I don't pay attention. I procrastinate. I overthink. I get anxieties. I get panic attacks I. Am healing I am learning, and I am trying to be the best version of myself. I am trying to be kind. I am trying to control my anger, and these things are really hard each and every year. No one is born with a perfect life. But I wanna be the person who heals my inner child, and this video is really relatable to me. as a 16 year old I have so much to go, and I can die any moment I can die the moment i achieve my goals. I can die anytime, death is unknown, but every time when I wake up, I am grateful that I am alive and I know I will be dead someday and my social media, my every belongings will not matter anymore because I won't be here and these thoughts were always running in my head, and I've been journaling about this. And I really needed someone who speaks about these things. So I can finally relate and feel a bit relaxed. Thank you so much for this video.And I hope you have a very great day.


Dear Dr. Chatterjee,

I hope this message finds you well. As we step into a new year, I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the invaluable guidance and insights you provided throughout 2023.

Your approach to health and well-being, blending practical advice with deep understanding, has been a source of inspiration and motivation for me.

Your ability to make complex concepts accessible and actionable is a rare gift, and I am deeply appreciative of the time and effort you put into sharing your knowledge with us. The lessons I've learned from your work have been instrumental in my journey towards a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Thank you once again for your dedication to improving the lives of others. I look forward to continuing to learn from you in the coming year.

Warm regards.


1. Embrace Death
2. Seek Nature, Not Screens
3. Eliminate Choice
4. Seek Out Friction
5. Talk with Strangers


Dr Rangan, I have no fear of death whatsoever. I'm 45, and since I was a teenager, I've been saying to people that ' we die every single night for 8 hours when we sleep. Wed have no idea who we are or where we are . We are dead until we wake up'. With regard to HOW we age, I was having a conversation at the gym the other day in the changing rooms with a 60 year old, and I was telling him how over 40 I quit smoking and drinking and cut out processed foods, and he told me ' well, I'm not going to quit smoking and drinking, just because it might add an extra 5 years to my life' and I said ' I don't care about adding years to my life, I quit those bad habits cos i FEEL: better mentally and physically'.


I'm not the best with words or showing my appreciation but these were the best 1hour and 31 minutes I have ever spent on Youtube.Thank you ❤


I lost my brother tragically at 48 so I believe in this. We thought he was healthy but his carotid artery was blocked so he had no symptoms. Thank you for this advice.


From one physician to another... BRAVO 👏 I provide similar recommendations to some patients and their parents/caregivers and the response can be "Seriously? We can't do that. We didn't come here for this."... but, when a provider GENTLY LEANS IN, as you're literally doing here, and walks the walk themselves, shares their own journey with these issues, and is emotionally invested in their patients and families... the same way that you're palpably caring about us... it changes everything. I am SO grateful for your courage to be a compassionate truth teller. Thank you. Wishing everyone a healthy, prosperous, and joyous 2024 🙏


Dr Rangan I used to struggle with the concept of death myself, I asked God to help me to understand why I couldn't understand it. He answered me! The book of Genesis was where I found the answer. Man was not meant to die, Dr Rangan, we were meant to live with God eternally!! I was not supposed to understand death.


As someone who constantly struggle with health anxiety, the thought of death doesn't really push me into action. It immobilizes me more. Unless we count the insane amount of trips I've made to the hospital for whatever concern I have in those moments, thinking of dying has never really brought me anywhere. 😅 Although I hope some people can see this as a viable solution for their procrastination. Good luck this 2024!!!!


As a person living solo, I spend most times alone, with enough time for reflection, journalling, silence, balance. and yet I find myself struggle with "is my life worth it", ? Childhood wounding impacts self doubt and issues with meaning and purpose.


Huge thanks for this stunning podcast. I am 56, Belgian lady who loves to keep on growing in life. It is SO refreshing to hear this wisdom, esp on Edith Eger. I have her book. Since Covid I am a huge fan of podcasts. Thanks for pointing out to limit the people we follow. We do got so many choices in life now. Love to listen to this podcast over and over again 🍄🍁❤️🙏


I lost two parents this year - within 6 months of each. One got up one morning with an infection - went into hospital and never came out. She had just done a weeks shop the day before, and was looking forward to a new chocolate flavoured cheese cake. The other got out of bed after a good night sleep, got out her ironing board, sat down, and her iron still switched on and the starch drying on her shirts. That was it. Over. Not even the opportunity to romanticise on how their lives could have been better lived. Although, it would have been to make the lives of those around them better - and maybe only then indirectly their own lives.


Dr. Chatterjee, you've done more for me on this podcast than any of the doctors I met (except my OBGYNs and the nurses who delivered by 2 babies). The healthcare system in US is horrendous, all the medical system does is to make the most out of the patients and there's no care for the benefit of the patient. The hospital bed is the most expensive bed in the world. I would stay away at all cost. Prevention works better than care. I hope there's more doctors like yourself and Dr. Garbor Mate.


This is exactly what I needed to hear today. I’ve been spending way too much time on my phone to the detriment of my health. I think it’s been as hard to quit as it was to
quit smoking cigarettes.
Thank you.


I only found you a couple months ago, but this is quickly becoming my favorite podcast . You are the kind of doctor we all deserve 👏


My twin died when we were 17, suddenly and shockingly. I havent taken life for granted ever since, nor have I strived for material possessions.

Live beautifully, spread love and value the little things that make us smile


A wonderful human- one of the new era of physicians- ahead of the pack.


I noticed a huge difference when I stopped going to the big grocery stores and started shopping at Trader Joes. Since there are less options for each type of product, my choice anxiety is extremely reduced.
