Eye Floaters Treatments- What ACTUALLY Works

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Are you feeling frustrated with your eye floaters? Are you wanting answers on why they are there and won't go away and what you can do about them? In this video, I'll explain how floaters are managed, including the most common approach, surgical treatment options, and more naturally based options. I'll share my opinion and what works and help guide you based on recent research and new findings.

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*The information in this video is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor/health professional. Content used with educational and transformative intent within Fair Use Guidelines.*
-Doctor Elisabeth Hottel
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The most Honest Doctor I've ever seen and heard of.


Good video. More information than most of my doctors give. They act like you're bothering them for wanting to understand your conditions..


What a wonderful, clear, detailed, balanced and impartial appraisal of this area.
More people should take your approach.
Many thanks indeed.


The video title is not click bait.

The doctor talks about all the solutions with the positives and the negatives.

It is not her fault that some viewers wanted the miracle cure for floatters with no adverse effect presented in a youtube video.


Thank you for acknowledging the chance that a major problem may be causing floaters. Twice I had a retinal detachment when I noticed floaters. Caught quickly, lased and heal properly. I will say this, not all doctors are as good as others when it comes to spotting the start of a detachment. If in doubt get a second opinion.


Dr. Elisabeth, the most amazing and thorough explanation on Floaters, I've ever heard! Awesome, I wish you were my doctor! ❤


The floater I have in my left eye started when I suddenly started experiencing bright flashes in that eye with my eyes closed. I went to a retina specialist and apparently some of the vitreous fluid had detached, but without causing a retinal detachment. It's been at least a year since I was diagnosed, and my brain has adapted a little but not much in helping me see clearer through it. More importantly though, I was diagnosed with glaucoma at that same visit, and I was absolutely unaware I had it, as it had been years and years since my last appointment with an ophthalmologist. So, I would encourage everyone to see an ophthalmologist once a year.


The periodic zooming in and zooming out is really annoying when watching this video. You are clearly knowledgeable, well-spoken and articulate and so there's no need to resort to these "gimmicks" when making videos. That being said I appreciate the great info contained here. The more you know the better decisions you can make regarding your treatment. Thx and keep up the good work.


Very nice video talk.My opthalmologist treated me for floaters some years back but recently they appearing again and now i am on glaucoma treatment.


My floaters come and go, cloudy vision and tiredness of the eyes is a common annoyance also. The floaters don't appear as much during night time. I've been to my optician and the hospital several times and all is fine according to everyone who has examined me. I do think the eye drops help me with the problem, but you're right Doc, it could be the placebo effect that's helping. Great video doc, thanks.


I wonder if eye floaters have a lot in common with the inner ear issues responsible for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV).


My opthamologist says cutting sugar and taking high quality vitamin E, C and bromelain should help.


I've always had small transparent ones. I recently got some darker ones though at the beginning of this year and a small black dot that hovers around the center of my right vision more and more. What's also annoying is that they sometimes glow in bright light or when I watch TV at certain angles which they never did before. I saw 2 different doctors and both lied to me and said there is no treatment for them. Thanks for being honest in your video Doc. Gives me some hope if they end up getting worse or don't improve. Now I have to find an honest eye doctor.


one of the best explanations I've seen on the subject. thank you


YAG vitreolysis does not break up floaters into smaller floaters. It emits plasma that physically evaporates the floater. It is problem the one treatment I perform that patients are the most satisfied with. We take fundus photos before and after that shows the disappearance. YAG vitreolysis is really only effective with Weiss Rings. If it is not a weiss ring, then vitrectomy is the better choice


I started getting floaters in my right eye. It seems to be worse in the sun or bright light. My floaters are mild they come & go I never had them until recently. At the end of last year I had them. I increased vitamin A in my diet I get scared about getting any treatments. Because this can be just as bad as the disease so I'm trying to decide on what options I have.


My mom had a vitrectomy in her right eye April 2023 l, it worked, no problem. Went a few weeks later to do the left eye and the next morning she was totally blind in that eye, the vision will never come back. It's not worth the risk😢 just a fyi for those thinking about doing it.


YAG vitreolysis does not break up floaters into smaller floaters. It emits plasma that physically evaporates the floater. It is problem the one treatment I perform that patients are the most satisfied with


Best video I watched since my PVD started a few days ago. Thank you! My question is...I've had small unnoticeable floaters in my eyes all my adult life. I'm 57...are they the same ones or do old ones dissolve only to be replaced by new? Meaning are my old eye floaters 30 years old or more? Do they really fade in time? Or settle to the bottom? (that makes no sense). My eye is now full of pepper spots, a big "Jellyfish" in the center and a dancing string that actually moves quite gracefully and moves the entire space of vision. Still have the flashes too. Been to Dr yesterday - No rips/holes, back in 2 weeks. I'm in a dark place right now. This feels like a life changing moment....then I'll have the other eye to look forward to getting PVD.


Hello dear Dr, hope you are well, I went to a viroretinal surgeon for my eye floaters and the surgeon told me that my floaters are actualy due to interface phenomenon, which are areas that liquid faces gelly. My doctor said my floatets are made up of liquid and not collagen. He did a scan and said even in microscopic level they could not find a visible floater. Although I see my floaters every day, especially in left eye
