Eye Floaters Cure? How to get rid of Eye Floaters

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Wondering how to get rid of those pesky eye floaters? Are you looking for an eye floaters cure? In this video, we'll discuss some remedies and tips on how to cure eye floaters and improve your vision.

If you are experiencing sudden eye floaters, flashes of light in your vision or any vision loss it is important to consult a local eye doctor as soon as possible.

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There is some newer research ongoing to treat floaters and I hope to present some updated info in the coming months!


I have these in one eye that I first noticed right after I'd been cutting back a load of ivy. As pulling away the ivy dislodged a load of dust, cobwebs and dead spiders etc, I assumed that some had managed to get past my glasses and into that eye. I thought I could cry them out or that they would work their way out naturally. I was wrong. Most of the time I can ignore them but not in bright light. I was heart broken when I finally realised what they were but, unless I actually need eye surgery for something serious, I will live with them. That said, I will definitely look into what those vitamins contain! 👍


I have Visual Snow Syndrome, floaters appear as one of many symptoms, I guess there is nothing I can do about it, as far as I understand?! Until there is a cure for VSS... I really hope it will be one day...


I’ve been missing your longer video’s. I was looking on your playlist for the eye massage where you used your knuckle, I can’t find it.😢. I wish you would do an updated video on styes and massages and any updated products you recommend. I have glaucoma and I remember you said to be careful with the eye massages, we need a video please. Thank you


I have Floaters. On top of that I’m currently receiving Anti-VEGF injections into my left eye. Wish I didn’t get floaters. Even though I know there’s other people who have them way worse than me, they still spoil the beauty of say looking up at a blue sky or even a grey sky. And they’re impossible not to notice when reading something that’s on a white background. My question is how does someone who doesn’t have Floaters avoid getting them in the first place, if that’s at all possible?…👀…… ⚛️☮️🌏


Sunlight therapy + methylene blue reduced my eye floaters by 70% in two weeks. It also eliminated symptoms of Meibomian gland disfunction. This protocol improves electron chain transport efficiency in the mitochondria of the eye which increases ATP production and cellular waste removal. The eyes (especially the retinas) have the highest mitochondrial density of any cells in the body. The spectral light environment is even more important than nutrition in the functioning of the mitochondria. It will take some time for leading edge clinical practice to catch up with the emerging science.


Ive had floaters for as long as i can remember. Basically, my whole life, and i still see them today. Should i be concerned?


Hi Doc. Great info. What would you reccomend, i have just been diagnosed with glaucoma, very early stages. I already take luetin and zxanthin and of course prescription eye drops.


How important is it to have your eyes centered in eyeglass lenses? I tried on too many pairs- with varying measurements, to count, and they all end up having my eyes near the top. I found ones that I'm going to stick with but they still have this problem. I'm too exhausted to keep searching and might keep these for the next couple years😅


Hello doctor, I don't know if you were able to read the email I sent you about what you comment in the video about the innovation that VISUfarma has brought out...would this really be considered something important in the advance to improve the flies? Sincerely


Ive had them for 2 decades. I hate it when they get in the way of reading.


Nows been around 5 years since I got Weiss rings in both eyes. I fell and hit my head and there you go.. this stuff in my eyes for years now. But whatever, I wear sunglasses during day, im fine. Im ok at night time too.. I can see them but they aint bothering me that much.
Screen time ? They float around but I dont care man..
Theres way worse things than floaters.
Cheers !


Many people are reporting that going on a carnivore diet has resolved their eye floaters, as well as improving their eye site and eye health overall. Anyone with eye floaters should definitely look into going carnivore.


Hi how i get rid of eye mucous in the corner of my eyes?


Why don't u use horse shoes crab blood it repair cell all over body and eys too


have eye floaters but I'm only 14 years old. When I look far into the corner of my eye, I see a black spot appear, but it disappears again. My ophthalmologist has examined me several times but found nothing. Should I seek insurance elsewhere? Oh and I have refractive ambylobia in my right eye if that makes a difference. But thankfully i got Use to them


Just vitamin a for 3 days make mine go away.
