I Work 13 Hour Days. I'm Only Paid For 5.

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We talked to an American Airlines flight attendant about what the job is really like.

Workers haven't received a raise since 2019, and they don't get paid until the doors on the airplane close. They're fighting for more.

#americanairlines #flightattendant #vlog
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That's disgusting. Workers should be paid for ANY and ALL time that the employer makes a REQUIREMENT.


How do they not get paid for boarding?! They’re on the plane working! That’s literal wage theft.


Workers' Solidarity!!! I cant believe this made me dispise airline companies even more than I already did.


The Pilots' Union just got their pilots a BIG raise! Time for the Flight Attendants' Union to earn their pay for you guys/gals. Everyone thinks your job is just to serve snacks and beverages (well, yeah, but...) but in an emergency situation, your training REALLY comes through -- and luckily for 99% of us flying public, we will NEVER see that side of your job!!!!


That’s terrible. All my friends who were flight attendants 5 years ago have quit. The mistreatment and bad pay is astounding.


That's like only paying firefighters when they are actively fighting a fire.


I know work is work and not everyone gets to choose what they do for money, but I honestly cannot imagine actively working for a company that openly steals my wages like this. Every company performs some sort of wage theft, but literally doing your job and not getting paid for it is actually criminal and no one should put up with it.


That’s some brazen wage theft. You work but don’t get paid? Half of my working hours are waiting for something to do and you bet your ass they pay me for every minute of it. Flight attendants are getting a raw deal. Hit ‘em where it hurts!


Flight attendants should be able to clock in as they start boarding their flights in preparation to assist passengers when they board their flight. the hourly pay should be relative to the number of hours of providing any service to passengers, and that is including boarding and any connected flights that extend their travels or have a simple policy such as "if they are seen in a uniform they are on the clock".


He said he forgot to meal prep, but realistically there is often not time if the trips are close together, or even if other errands need to be completed first.


Evil as fuck that Airlines get away with this.


um.. that's wage theft!! and.. with the money the airlines make?? they should absolutely pay you from the moment you step into the terminal!!!


I bet planes would experience maintenance delays measurably less often if attendants were paid during that time. It's completely ridiculous that if boarding takes ~30 minutes and disembarking + cleaning up after the monkeys get off takes another ~30-40 minutes that's literally half the flight time unpaid. I hope they authorize a strike


Sounds practically the same as what freight rail workers have been dealing with. So sick of the corporate greed.


Criminal. It's really that simple. This is criminal.


That is staggering.
How are you not compensated for time being at work, while actually working?

This is one of my major pet peeves. Not only should workers be compensated for being at work - I believe they should be paid for their commute - both ways. _At least up until a predefined average time frame, e.g., 20min - 45min._

I drive a mere 11 miles one way. Once at 3am with _absolutely NO traffic, _ and it takes about 19min.

On that 11m trip I have to pass 14 traffic lights. Usually red. 😡

When leaving, the reverse trip takes somewhere around 30min because of increased traffic, and the same obnoxious lights.

Altogether it's almost an hour in the car where I don't see family, don't earn wages, and can truly do nothing but spend money on gas and destroy my vehicle - that few of us can live without in the modern world.

I know coworkers who have a 90+ minute one-way commute from Delaware or PA, into NJ.

By the end of the day they have spent THREE HOURS in the car.

So many of us are suffering from gentrification and the consolidation of wealth into certain areas.

These plutocrats still need workers, they still need their "servants" so they don't have to get off their ass, or make their own coffee, god forbid.

So workers are stuck with outrageous commutes. Totally uncompensated.

This economy is so imbalanced, so outrageously out of control in so many ways - and all to the benefit of the rich. This system has to be crushed.

We can start by Congress making laws that ensure a portion of profit must be redistributed to labor. You know, the people who ACTUALLY made the revenue in the first place?

Then there's about a thousand other things that can be done to stop the unmitigated greed and uncontrolled upward transfer of wealth.

Most Americans don't even know what a pension is, or that many workers used to receive one from all manners of industry and employers.

Those pensions have been dissolved so that the greedmongering swine can take _just that much more profit._

So they can have 7 vacation homes, while none of their workers can even afford to take a vacation in the first place.

They've destroyed pensions, driven up home prices, stagnated wages, busted unions, sent millions of jobs overseas (these "patriots"), raised prices as far as they dare, created an intentional "supply crisis", gambled with the mortgages of the few who did own homes, etc.

Now they gamble with other forms of debt. Profiting off the suffering of others.

Most have never spent a day in their lives doing something they didn't explicitly desire.

I'm sick of it all.
Crush it.


I hope you get everything you're asking for and more. You deserve it.


When you're pulling on your bootstraps so hard your feet rip the soles off.


Getting hit up with an Expedia pre-roll advertisement is hilarious. 😂


Hey I’m currently a mover and I don’t get paid until I hit the road and the other workers that don’t drive don’t even get paid for drive time. It’s really fucked because we don’t even get paid for full drive time. Just an hour of it
