Do You Have A Mental Illness OR Are You Overreacting?

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Are you overreacting or do you have a mental illness? Many people don't know if they are being dramatic, overreacting or have a mental illness.


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Hello Authentic Mental Health Community❤️
Do you think you have a mental illness or do you think you’re ‘overreacting’?


- Whoever reading this, you’ll be succesful someday. Just keep on pushing!❤️


I tried to explain mom that I feel like I need help or therapy and she said "no, you don't" "doctors are liars. They only say you're sick bc they want money" I rlly love her and I understand it's not easy to think 2/3 your children are feeling this way but dmn.

My siblings are like that too. They treat me like am overeating and I am just like...Let me be bc if I don't express it am going to explode.


I’ve been asking myself this question for months thank you so much!!! ❤️


After watching this I still dont know if im just overreacting. Other side of me telling me that im not overreacting and the other side saying im overreacting. Im so confuse and anxious of my situation


: has a mental illness
: hey mom, im mentally ill....
mom: you're just overreacting!


I’m 14 years old, I live with my mom in a country we moved to 3 years ago, I have 2 horses and 2 cats to take care of every day. Me and mom struggle with money frequently.
Sometimes we need to let strangers live with us so they can help us with what we’re doing, I have that. I have when there’s strangers in my personal home… that’s part of the reason why I never feel home in my room or house. I just want to run away and hide whenever I talk to my mom about why I feel this way, she’s so strong, she makes money, why can’t I be like that?
I don’t get it, why do I feel this way, why can’t I be happy about what I have?


My wife passed away 2 1/2 years ago and three months ago I woke up out of asleep at one in the morning and my ears were fluttering like butterflies in my ears and then it freaked me out and I don’t know if it was my heart racing that caused my ears to feel like that or my ears to cause me to panic and I went to the emergency room they said it was anxiety stress. I haven’t had the exact symptoms but I’ve noticed my ears feel full and I’m very sensitive to low frequencies and it’s way worse at night when I go t sleep and still wake up in panic and trembling with clouded’s miserable.


No more, your video answered me. Clearly more often than not are mental illnesses😞


Thanks for this.
I have been struggling with myself for more than a month.
Thank you again for this ❤💓💖


Does anxiety or depression just happens? Or is it because of any trauma or something?


When I get sad or hurt by my friends, and I tell them, they always say that I'm just dramatic and I don't have to be sad..! Like, I can't Control whether to feel sad or not!!


I don’t know 🤷🏼‍♀️ I just get very disappointed ☹️ then it spirals. Probably why I don’t have friends. I met someone who I thought we were going to spend time together but he decided to do something with family. I was totally hurt by this. However it’s not normal to spend the rest of the day 🛌 in bed! Rejection. Can’t get a handle on my thoughts in my head!


I tried explaining to one of my parents that I might have adhd and she said "you don't have adhd"


Thanks for sharing:-) how are you today?


Im struggling with the dilemma if i rraly have a mental ilness or not i wish it was easier to know


Yesterday, My legs were shaking, and my heart was pounding as if it's gonna come out any second. I couldn't talk and my limbs were not stable and I was about to fall about 4 times. What was that?


Idk if this is a disorder but if it is pls tell me, anyway heres a exmaple .. theres a pile of books on the floor, and something in my head is urging me to ‘clean that pile of books on the floor and then search the floor for more books to clean’ and then im like ‘imma do it later’ but if i dont do it feel like something is trying to pull me towards it ( i think the word is urges? ) and like theres just this feeling in me i cant handle, like when your stressed for your first day of school but 10 times worse, and then my brain feels like its gonna explode, so i just end up doing it, and when im done im very much satisfied and like sll the weight has been lifting of me..


My heart is wanting to come out all the day and my limbs are shaking continuously. It is effecting my daily normal life. I'm unable to control myself. I also have a feeling that this is my last day everyday. What's happening with me?


i reached for help but the doctor mocked me calling me a liar then mock my mom too like wth :((
