Running to extremes: High-endurance exercise OK for heart health

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DALLAS – Jan. 30, 2019 – Exercise is often cited as the best preventive medicine, but how much is too much for the hearts of middle-aged athletes?
Sports cardiologist Dr. Benjamin Levine led a study, now published in JAMA Cardiology, to find the answer. #utswheart
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Answer is Yes! Its ok, the research has shown positive response on high intensity exercise.
Thank me for saving your time.


Exercise is the one side of picture, heart healthy diet, stress and nicotine free life is key to longetivity


You never defined high intensity/high volume exercise. Isn't that important?


I love walking 4 to 5 miles a day. Used to run but had aneurysm surgery in illiac arteries. I miss running but walking is great too.


Number one culprit contributing to plaque never mentioned by doctors - Insulin Resistance
Do your due diligence and research on this topic. It will be a heart and life saver.


Dear Doctor..Thanks a lot for your advice...I am 58 year old male living in India...had mild heart attack five years ago and a stent in placed in my blood work, BP etc is excellent as I walk and also do yoga since many i have begun doing HIIT walking from today...that is total of 30 minutes..3 minutes of fast walk and three minutes of slow walk..typically 15 minutes of fast walk and 15 minutes slow in 30 minute session...i plan to do this six days a i felt good..i also do 20 minutes or so of bodyweight strength training before this walk...that is basically forward lunges, squat, hindu push up, glute bridge and plant and chair lifting..I do not find any extra ordinary fatigue except the normal tiredness one feels during workout and then within minutes i am normal..hope i can continue my routine...kindly advice


There were several times that in running events here in our country ( Philippines) that most of the runners that had heart attack during a race have not really prepared physically before the event. Meaning they just had minimal to no exercise regimen at all prior to races. So their heart may not have the capacity to enter such events thinking it's just fun runs. The lesson is to ease up on tackling high HR sports and somehow have even just a simple training and physical check up before entering any race as a newbie.


I am not reassured by this video. Rather vague.


Not sure how you could extrapolate safety in direct increase in coronary calcium in endurance athletes. In my practice I have measured 100’s of marathon athletes with cortisol levels, visceral adipose, and coronary calcium through the roof! The human body was not designed to chronically exhaust itself day to day in excess. Strength train and moderate cardio for optimal metabolic health.


I'm not sure this is true in all cases. My cardiologist found I have hypertension induced by exercise and suggested I do damage to my heart when I get my heart rate over 140 and wants me under that. It is hard to do when running short races, intervals and hills.


Don’t run more than 2-3 miles per day, and keep your jog/run under 30 min per day and give 2 days per week non running days, that makes sure you stay around 150 min of running/jogging per week. Work on deep breathing.


Would have loved to hear this, but the music drowned out his excellent points


But what about enlargement of the right atrium due to endurance running?


What is high intensity ? How long of exercise period ? How many years ? What ages are you talking ? Does sleep matter & how much ? Big factors to consider. No long term studies and how accurate are studies anyhow ? Do genetics play a factor ? I highly suggest you search this topic. Book The Haywire Heart is about this subject. I matched my logs on high intense, long, workouts, in gym and on the bike to my Fitbit showing high heart rate and tachycardia before finding this book. This book helped to answer my suspicions. Tachycardia is not fun and this book has the information that could help save you from it. Troponin is said to have shown up in some studies. Serious stuff. Side note: sister of good friend a runner ( and a biker) for years, in good shape, ate good, last year had a heart attack. I am thinking long term, in years are an issue but doesn't start before it shows up ? My advice be aware of your heart being unusually noticeable pay attention to huge spikes in heartrate even if they come back down right away.


You do need calcium for muscle (heart ) contractions and magnesium for heart relaxation..but within the normal range
.And the Golden Standard for endurance (Aerobic) exercise is 30-60 min of moderate to vigorous exercise ..Anything above that creates unnecessary stress for the heart muscle!


Over ten years of strength training I get very tired, out of breath, irregular heartbeat and low heart rate after my workout. While asleep it can drop to 39 BPM. Got the follow done (ekg, blood work, stress test, X-ray, body fluids test) with zero outcome. Drugs Free! Not even alcohol. Please any help are welcome 🙏


Does this mean minimize your milk intake to avoid calcification of plaque?


I box, three times a week, each training burn 2400 cal. I’m a 22 year vegan 44 years of age, being having a little short of breath, little dizziness, heart beat stable. I just can’t stop, love boxing.


i got 2d echo and result is LVH and dilated right ventricle. my cardiologist says in general my heart is normal and cardio exercise is recommended. but everytime i go to exercise my i have heart anxiety that i might have heart attack while jogging 😭😭


Three weeks later the answer is no, everyone has a different physique, different things happening
