Multiply or Release - Boss Battle #4 - Marble Race

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In this boss battle, we have Crimson Vampire Boss versus Blue, Purple, Magenta, Cyan, Green, Yellow, Orange and Lemon.

Which team will win? Which colours will remain?

- All players receive an additional marble every minute.
- Players start with 2 marbles, boss starts with 8.
- Boss's starting number is 4.
- Boss special ability: vampirism - when shots impact enemy shots, 50% of the smaller ball's size is added to the boss's shot.
- Boss has an improved auto aim: fires at the closest enemy shot above a certain size, alternatively at the closest hostile block on the map.

If you're new to Multiply or Release, it is a physics-based game that is played automatically by the computer.
Marbles on the sides of the map run through a track repeatedly to enter either the Multiply or Release triggers.
When entering the Multiply trigger, that player's current shot strength number is doubled. It starts at 1, doubles to 2, then 4, and so on.
When entering the Release trigger, the current shot is fired.

When a shot travels through the grid in the centre, if it enters a block belonging to an opposing colour it will change that block to its own colour and reduce its current number by one. Thus the number is how many blocks on the grid a shot will convert.

If a shot enters a player's cannon (the small white square around each player), that player is eliminated.

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Lemon: Man that was close, so glad I won-

Crimson: *No*


Blue was MVP. Even in death it stopped a crimson marble that was on a straight shot to kill lemon.

You only become a legend in death. They all died to defeat the foe, truly legendary


...changed my mind.

"It wasn't a vampire in any sense of the word that we were familiar with. Not an elegant, aristocratic predator, nor a tormented outcast, nor even a reasonably-sized humanoid twisted into monstrosity by hunger. The...thing was the height of two men and the width of three, thick with corded muscle across every inch of visible skin, and while it did possess eight fangs they were clearly designed for actions far more savage than mere 'biting'. Rending, perhaps.

It tore through Yellow like a boulder through butter, spraying meat and blood everywhere and then stopping to inhale it with unbelievable suction force before the viscera had a chance to hit the ground, flesh bulging and reforming as it integrated the new matter. Previously safe distances were suddenly closed in ever more inhumanly powerful leaps and sprints; when Cyan went down, we quickly began to rethink our distancing strategy. Distracting it in turns worked for a time, until merely brushing past the monster was enough to send Orange flying through the air to collapse against a faraway tree, spine wrapped around the trunk like a bloody noodle. Green spun around in disbelief and the beast closed the distance in the eyeblink that she was distracted; another cloud of particulate matter later, we were down to four. Or so we thought until we realized that Magenta had been struck in the same charge, and Blue was next in line.

Amazingly, summoning up some heretofore unseen ancestral strength, her face dropped into a look of sheer concentration and she halted the charge with both arms extended, sliding what must have been a hundred meters across flat ground before the thing stopped moving. I think it must have been just as stunned as we were, because it just stood there gaping at her until she rocked back and pushed so hard that it went flying through six tree trunks before finally coming to rest atop a nearby hill. Still possessed by what seemed to be the faintly shimmering ghost of some distant ancestor Blue shot forward like a repelled magnet, swift and instantaneous, but her attempt at a killing stroke sunk into its chest with seemingly no effect and it promptly lunged forward with that terrifying mouth. Her neck, half a shoulder, and most of her head were devoured in an instant, a moderate shard of scalp with wisps of hair and brain matter attached falling to the ground as her body collapsed.

Our last best hope gone, we readied ourselves for one final, hopeless assault as the thing finished devouring Blue's body...only for it to double over as cobalt light cascaded from the hole in its chest. Glowing rifts zigzagged the thing like cracks in melting ice as waves of flesh sloughed off it; dripping down in rivulets between those thickened muscles as though flash-melted by the blinding radiance it now emitted. With a final roar so loud that our brains rattled in our skulls, it exploded into a crimson mist that turned the once picturesque hill into the horrifying landmark that now stands where the creature was finally ended. Exhausted and grieving, we began to make our way down...until Purple doubled over, coughing, clearly beginning to grow rapidly in size as his teeth deformed. Recognizing what was about to happen, his first and last use of the incredible strength he was manifesting was to crush his own head into powder before he could become a second plague on these lands.

Somehow I managed to avoid sharing his fate, though I fancied that my own canines were growing sharper for hours as I limped back home. Even as I write this, I've managed to snap four quills in half and I'm struggling to wet my lips without cutting my tongue on my own teeth; the blood tastes strangely divine, but it must just be my mind playing tricks on me. It must be. A restful day and another full night's sleep will set me right."

- "The Thing at Crimson Hill: A Survivor's Tale", surviving draft manuscript found in the ruins of Lemon's house. Further investigation into a more effective manner of dealing with these creatures found that Blue's great, great, great grandparent was the sole survivor of an attack on the planet by some kind of monochromatic alien entity. Her family is now cooperating in a research project into the apparent untapped power of their bloodline.


Honestly, the boss having the same number of plinko marbles as the rest combined is a bit unbalanced, mostly because the value of combined multiplication is FAR more powerful than the additive combination that the non-boss group gets.


I like the penalty for large marbles, it makes for a more interesting game.


Crimson managed to eliminate everyone, including itself


Crimson: I'm unstoppable!
Blue, with a single built up shot: no


Wow, I just realized that the burgundy marbles stole the life of other marbles in the end.


Make the allied marbles start zones not bounce zones, they kept blocking their OWN delfecting shots from being able to stop red marbles


Blue died but left every other color with a victory and a legacy


I love the fact that blue managed to eliminate crimson and savd lemon from while being dead


3:30, what’s going on with that huge blue orb? It’s just randomly decreasing in size even though it’s not taking any territory.


All the colors here really showed the meaning of "taking you down with me".


Do you think about “Multiply or Release Boss Battle - Focus in the center”
Rule: colors will place around the boss, the boss will place in the center, and colors will defeat the boss, color which defeats the boss will win!


I think, The winner is Blue, who eliminated Crimson.


Crimson knew that the real winner was blue, that's why he killed purple and lime with his last attack


blue may have died, but their ultimate weapon managed to avenge all the rest of the colors who died to the evil crimson


Scuffed. You gotta have the bright marbles pass over other bright shooters


Ending: everyone died, including the boss, even though team survivors win.


Survivor: lemon.
Boss killer: blue.
Change my mind.
