Core Destruction x Minecraft - Multiply or Release

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Which will win, Red or Blue?



Track: Lensko - Titsepoken 2015 [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.

Track: Rob Gasser - Ricochet [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.

Track: Music Predators - Adventure Time [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.

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For those not familiar with Minecraft, here are some explanations.

- Each weapon is suitable for destroying the following types of blocks.
shovel -> dirt blocks, sand blocks
axe -> wood blocks
pickaxe -> stone blocks, obsidian blocks

- TNT deals equal damage to any block. (I don't know if this is the case in actual Minecraft though.)
- Glass blocks are equally damaged by all weapons.


love how in the middle of the match red made an actually functional defense while blue just went " SAND CASTLE :D"


What's really cool is that it's not just a Minecraft coat of paint, but that the mechanics are inspired by the game as well.


This is the crossover we needed, but didn't know we wanted. Keep up the great work Mikan, this was PREMIUM!


Red: "Oh wow, I have 3 different materials to build a harder to break layer of defense as well as glass to provide consistent protection against all 3 damages, I should diversify to build a hard to break defense."

Blue: "You cannot even begin to comprehend the ungodly amounts of sand I have at my disposal."


It finally happened, Mikan did a Minecraft crossover lmao. The effort to actually put in block physics is awesome!


I honestly LOVE the attention to detail, like how certain tools are good against the right blocks, the block breaking sounds, how the cores being damaged sound like the iron golem hurt sounds, and the TNT explosion hitting cores through blocks, the health bar for the cores, bedroxk being the unbreakable walls, and so much other stuff. It really shows that you care so much about your marble races and battles and didn't just do the crossover without little to no prior knowledge like some others would, but instead you did your research or heck just play minecraft in your spare time and use the knowledge to create an amazing core destruction. This is why we love you and your creations, MIKAN. Thank you so much for creating these amazing videos.


I like how red actually builds a proper defence made out of a bunch of blocks while blue is just placing entire deserts of sand


Holy moly. We need a sequel!
A rematch in the Nether?


MIKAN is on a whole nother level in 2023. You have such amazing ideas and execute them so well.


Best video you've done so far. The effort you've put into this speaks for itself


0:00 Start
0:09 First weapon is fired by Red
0:11 First block is placed by Red
1:06 DIRT.
1:16 Dirt pile gets destroyed
1:32 You can see Red has 84 sand built up
1:41 Sandbridge lmao
1:57 Another 84 sand by red, like what
2:19 Minor dirt pile by blue
2:38 SAND.
2:56 Most of the sand is already dealt with
3:25 Red can be seen building up 488 logs, while Blue can be seen harvesting more sand
3:37 A MASSIVE log pile is formed on Red, and also a glass pile on Blue
3:45 Blue tries chopping down the defense
3:51 Blue ends up destroying most enemy logs
3:54 Sky islands :)
4:01 Log pile by Blue
4:03 Foreshadowing of what is to come
4:23 Blue has built up 656 sand!
4:32 Blue has already reached 999 sand, the highest possible number of blocks. Meanwhile Red is building up some quality defences
4:41 A pickaxe from Red has left Blue's obsidian defence close to being broken.
4:49 *SAND. SAND. SAND.*
5:02 Blue has obtained an ungodly amount of shovels and uses that to break through logs.
5:08 Red rebuilds with stone
5:12 More shovels
5:14 The 999 sand from earlier is only around halfway through, and Blue's place is already FILLED with sand.
5:17 Axes are NOT good weapons against sand.
5:25 GLASS.
5:38 Red finally uses some shovels to break the sand. But there's even more.
5:45 Thats a ton of glass.
5:58 Red finally activates their brain and stockpiles more than a hundred shovels to finish off the sand.
6:00 Oh yeah, TNT is unlocked now. It can break through obsidian but eh, its fine.
6:05 The shovels begin the attack.
6:12 And it was effective as hell
6:15 The sand is running out. Will blue be forced to use other materials?
6:18 Buried TNT is actually very effective.
6:30 Blue probably smelted some sand for some glass, but that doesnt hit as hard as tons of sand
6:52 Blue's defense is breached by 1 block. It will certainly grow bigger over time.
6:58 The wave of shovels has left Blue more exposed. The first instance of damage happens here.
7:02 With 5 hearts lost, Blue is eager to strike back.
7:13 The destruction of Red's defense starts here.
7:25 While Red is distracted, Blue starts building up its defenses again. Though, its not in a very good spot...
7:30 STON- actually never mind, it wasnt that big.
7:34 Thats a ton of pickaxes. But will it break through the stone barrier?
7:41 That was apparently not enough. So they specialize defense and build a glass barrier.
7:58 The second wave of pickaxes has begun leaving the base.
8:06 While the pickaxes were busy in not destroying Blue, Blue has somehow gotten 6 tools in a row to attack Red. Of course, it doesnt really do that much.
8:09 A wave of shovels are attacking.
8:12 Blue is seen counterattacking with their owwn shovels. Whose defense will hold up longer?
8:21 Red's aim was poor, but Blue had better aim. Red had a big defense though, so it really didnt do THAT much.
8:27 Oh dear. A LOT of TNT is headed towards Red.
8:35 Red was able to hold on by building obsidian near its main obsidian wall. Red then retaliates by launching a wave of pickaxes towards Blue.
8:40 Blue is damaged some more.
8:42 That was a sneaky one, Red.
8:54 After red finished building their dirt pile, red unleashes a MASSIVE wave of pickaxes
9:00 The cracks in Blue's main body can be seen more clearly. Blue, wanting to retaliate, releases TNT in hopes of breaking the obsidian wall.
9:05 Red has some more attacks up their sleeve. Blue just barely havgs on as they build another obsidian wall.
9:16 Blue retaliates by attacking with shovels.
9:20 More TNT is launched by Red. Will this be the end?
9:27 In the midst of the chaos, Red was damaged by TNT through its wall. Moreover, its wall was close to being broken. Can this be a comeback from Blue?
9:30 Blue capitalizes on Red's breached wall and attacks via axes. Red sustains some damage.
9:37 As a sort of overreaction, Red unleashes a ton of TNT towards Blue.
9:40 Blue then retaliates by attacking with a ton of shovels and does damage to Red. It is effective, and has lowered Red's health more.
9:45 Blue isn't letting up, but neither is Red. A wave of axes is fired by Red.
9:54 As Blue's health drops down even more, a final comeback emerges in the form of a wave of pickaxes. Whether it will work or not will depend on luck.
10:05 Unfortunately, the attack was not good enough. As Blue panic builds a glass shelter, Red will have to break through.
10:10 Red builds a dirt shelter and prepares to attack.
10:21 Red copies Blue's strategy and builds a big, but rather small sand defense.
10:27 Red unleashes a storm of pickaxes, dealing the final blow.
10:30 Red ultimately wins.
10:32 As the victory sound is played, Red now has free reign of what to do with the 794 pieces of logs they have. Cut to the screen fading to black and display recomended videos.


I love that you kept the sand effect
Super interesting as always!


Ah yes, finally, sound! It was very satisfying hearing everything happening, all the blocks being placed, all the tnt and breaks! I hope you do more things where sound is involved.


The sound effects were a little overwhelming, but there were a number of mechanics that would be very interesting to see transferred in common Core Destruction videos:
Sand - Defensive Blocks that are effected by gravity would be a nice callback to the "Castle Destruction" era of MIKAN's channel.
Weapon Types - Having Defenses that are vulnerable to one of the opponent's weapons, but resistant to all others, is a unique concept and definitely entertaining.
TNT - Explosive weapons that have a timed delay instead of detonating on impact could lead to climactic "trick shots" by shooting a bomb deep into enemy territory.


That was most impressive. I think a sequel to this would absolutely be interesting to see.


The Physics were executed so well (except for 999 stacks ofc, maybe a shulker box would be better?), as there are a lot of marble races/core destructions only reskinned the projects and called it Minecraft. As a Minecraft player, this really puts me to tears.


I loved when Minecraft said: "it's Minecrafting time" and Minecrafted all over the place, truly the best unity moments of all time


Red : lets build out of multiple different materials to prevent Cheese

Blue: S A N D


I didn’t even notice the inventory bars down the bottom until the video was almost over, what a cool way to show the backlog of items in the cannon!
