Multiply or Release - Boss Battle #2 - Marble Race

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Another boss battle! This time between Red and Blue, Cyan, Green & Yellow.

Which team will win? Which colours will remain?

Player stats:
- Starting number: 1
- Number increase every 90 seconds
- Starting marbles: 1
- Marbles increase every 60 seconds

Boss stats:
- Starting number: 3
- Number increase every 90 seconds
- Starting marbles: 2
- Marbles increase every 60 seconds
- Special: Burst - launches 10 shots of strength starting number. Does not affect current charged shot.

If you're new to Multiply or Release, it is a physics-based game that is played automatically by the computer.
Marbles on the sides of the map run through a track repeatedly to enter either the Multiply or Release triggers.
When entering the Multiply trigger, that player's current shot strength number is doubled. It starts at 1, doubles to 2, then 4, and so on.
When entering the Release trigger, the current shot is fired.

When a shot travels through the grid in the centre, if it enters a block belonging to an opposing colour it will change that block to its own colour and reduce its current number by one. Thus the number is how many blocks on the grid a shot will convert.

If a shot enters a player's cannon (the small white square around each player), that player is eliminated.

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Red learned from greyscales mistake and took out blue and green immediately, but still forgot that yellow was the savior of them all


Love the concept of a boss vs survivors. I wonder if it's possible to use these white squares, under the color base, as a shield, ie the first hit delete that shield, the second hit eliminate the color. The color that eliminate regain its shield if it was already hit once.
For example: Cyan hit the blue base, that deletes the blue shield, then after a while, yellow hit the blue base as well, which eliminate blue. Yellow, by eliminating blue, regains its lost shield.


So I think making the boss more unique might be good for this mode. What's tricky about this is that you want visually dynamic concepts with short names that can be triggered a lot without being overwhelming or making the game too grindy; that's a lot of constraints. Also I have no idea how hard any of this would be to code or how it would be balanced; I discovered Algodoo on this channel :v. Still, I've done my best:

- Grow: Each non-boss tile touching a boss tile is converted to a boss tile. This expands the boss's territory and fills in gaps efficiently, but is entirely nonlethal.
- Crush: If current shot is below <size>, acts as a multiply. If current shot is <size> or above, the boss's aim snaps to a random ally and fires; however the shot is extremely slow-moving which leaves plenty of time to deflect it.
- Ring: Similar to burst, but fires all the shots in a circle around the boss rather than sequentially from the aim position
- Mini: Fires the current shot as a small, fast-moving projectile of <size> if below <size>; otherwise fires it normally.
- Mega: Fires the current shot as a large, slow-moving projectile if above <size>; otherwise, acts as a multiply.
- Laser: Fires the current shot as a laser, instantly capturing territory equal to its power in a bouncing line. Still blocked by shots from the allies as normal. Cannot kill allies, but will drain their current shot according to its power if it touches them.
- Block: Each boss tile touching a non-boss tile spawns an obstacle on top of itself with 1 health that does not impede the boss's shots. (If there already is one, it can either increase the HP or do nothing; I would favour the latter since it's probably hard enough to break through as-is)
- Freeze: Sets the speed of all allied shots to zero, requiring that they be hit in order to get them moving again. (Optionally: slowly reduces their power while they remain stationary, and/or boss shots do not interact with frozen shots)

And some passive abilities:

- Health meter: Boss requires multiple shots to kill. Simple enough.
- Tough territory: Boss territory requires multiple points of power to clear. (My suspicion is that this doesn't really change anything, though; it's the same as starting the allies with a starting number of 0.5 or something)
- Double-bladed: Boss has two aiming lines that rotate opposite to each other; shots that are fired are halved in power (or not if you wanna get nuts) and fired simultaneously from both sides.
- Mobile: Boss moves in a set fashion rather than sitting still
- Deflector: The boss emits a mild repulsive force, slightly pushing away all approaching shots (and incidentally speeding up its own since they always come out from it)
- Turret: The boss's "core" is not the same point in space that fires the shots (may get weird if the turret isn't easily able to capture territory to defend the core)
- Multiturret: As turret, but there are multiple points in space that fire shots; can either work under Double-bladed rules or each turret can have a separate release mechanism
- Toroid: Shots wrap battle royale style instead of bouncing off edges
- All the passive options from your asymmetric series: seriously those were cool and since this mode is already asymmetric, why not? An Earth boss firing constant haymakers or a River boss sniping allies repeatedly both sound interesting.

Overloading with too much stuff probably overcomplicates things; more likely any given boss just has one or two options going for it (although if properly balanced around, requiring 3 hits to kill might be a good general statline; main issue is just that it would make it MUCH more powerful). This is also mostly indicative; I just think it'd be cool if there was more to fight against than just the burst ability and increased stats, and you'd know better than me how to make that look good, plus I tend to get carried away with this sort of thing...

There's also stuff like making the allies more cooperative (made a comment on someone else's about that below) or even asymmetric (a disparate team of heroes fighting the boss? Gee, I wonder what made me think of that...), but I'll leave that for now.


I kinda like the subtle geopolitical nod to this one, the reds getting knocked out and the remaining background colours looking a little flag like.


Super late to this video but in comparison to the last boss battle which had that desperate anime fight (someone else did a super cool comment for it go find it) this one felt almost more horror-y, red is some kind of terrifying monster trying to break out of its containment and corrupting the area around it as its prison weakens. The other four colors need to kill it, but the prison is in the way of hurting the monster just as much as it's keeping the monster from hurting them.

Which is what they think until a raging tendril lashes out at crushes blue before the prison has even started failing. Green panics and tries to break through the prison but when he starts to break through a wave of red's power washes out and green goes down. The prison is clearly not holding and all attempts to attack in have failed... Even yellow's massive killshot is deflected by the final falling walls of the prison, leaving cyan and yellow seemingly unshielded against the coming storm.

Except yellow thought ahead, the first strike wasn't to kill... Immediately. As the final walls of the prison fall out of the way and red begins unleashing, yellow's shot comes around to cyan, who finishes slinging it to the end of its winding road: the heart of monster that killed their two friends.

(Your videos are awesome by the way I've been binge watching the channel since I found it a day or two ago.)


seems like Red got mad after losing so quickly in the last battle.

now he ready for round 2.

but unfortunately, Yellow was also ready.


Its a shame that we couldnt see if red would get a from the grave or not


oh hey another boss video, that's pretty cool. i actually liked some of the changes you made here, like the blocks that shielded the boss, or how the boss has an extra obstacle at the end of it's marble zone thingy that helps pushing the boss towards the burst trigger.
one thing i found a bit boring is how it takes super long for the game to actually start, since the marbles are too far apart from each other to apply any real pressure to the boss, who can mostly recover any lost ground by simply using a burst shot. i think the marbles should be closer to each other, or, if they're too far away from each other, perhaps you could make some kind of mechanic that could reward a marble reaching another allied marble. things like if a green 12 marble touches blue, and blue is preparing a 4 marble, the green marble would get removed and blue will have a 16 marble. or if a marble reaches the spot where an allied marble died, it could revive that dead marble. i feel like there is little cooperation and it seems like it's just 4 separate marbles vs a marble that has burst shot. i think the boss is fine, but the allied marbles dont have too much going for them.

also, could you ban yellow? that aim correction at 4:42 was super hacked xD


Ofc the power of team work can always win it never fails to work


Thumbnail: No Deathstars Were Harmed In The Making Of This Video


That looks pretty cool. How about for bass battle number three, a one versus two variant. Blue and green versus red


team survivors: (blue, cyan, green, yellow) vs the boss: (red), which team will win?
the survivors only can use charge shot, but the boss can use both charge shot and burst shot!


Yellow may have been the hero of last game and this one but light blue is a little sus there for how they caught yellows ball and threw it right at red


red got mad at his team for not protecting them from white and betrayed dem


dudeeee i love your videos man, keep up the good work, congrats on 5k :) 10k next!!!


One argument for boss lose: boss have smaller multiply and release poll because of extra "thrust" poll. Example of lose of boss


How about a four on four.
Teams: Red, yellow, pink and purple versus blue, green, orange, and cyan


Of course yellow is the one to ruin red's day


"do me a favor and yeet me right into red's base"


You should probably correct the description to "If a shot enters an *opposing* player's cannon (the small white square around each player), that player is eliminated."
