NO DISCLAIMERS BOOK TAG || Books with Emily Fox

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Time for a Book Tag! This time I'm doing the No Disclaimers Book Tag! It seems like disclaimers are becoming a must haves on booktube so I'm answering some controversial questions without any... kinda :P Any book tags you want to see? :)

Catalyst Read's original tag video:

1). Which trope (or tropes) in books, annoy you the most?
2). Which writer or writers do you feel are overrated/overhyped?
3). What are your least favorite books you've read, since joining BookTube?
4). A terrible ending, that ruined an otherwise quality book?
5). Which Fictional Character(s) do you wish were not killed off?
6). What are some of your bookish pet peeves?
7). What are some books you feel should have more recognition?

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A bookish pet peeve I have is when a book has been adapted and the publishers put the actors on the cover. I don't want to see the actors on my book. One of my favorite things in the bookish world is that Harry Potter never had movie covers.


What can I say, my camera doesn't love me...


That green colour looks amazing on you! Also, I can’t wait for your best/worst of 2018. They are some of my favourite videos to watch.


I love a lot of books that you hate, but you are still my favorite channel because I get adult recommendations from you and the majority of booktube reads the same YA all the time. :)


Your camera wanted to love you and your books equally 😂


We are up for salty book ranting videos 😂😂😂❤️


I actually know I don't have the same taste as you, not even similar. Doesn't mean I can't enjoy your videos. Sometimes I take tips from the books you didn't like haha. People take things so seriously on booktube, if everyone had the same taste and was hyping the same books (not that it's not happening to a point now with some youtubers, but no shade:) you could just watch one person and that's it. If people can't handle someone having a different opinion they should come out of their social bubble a bit more. 😄


I love all the books you've recommended (or has good review) on your video.
I read Wayward Pines Trilogy, 7 Husband of Evelyn Hugo, Not That Bad, and a lot other books that outside my comfort zone because of you!
I'm glad you have your own unique taste and don't jump on book because of its hype right away.
Please do more book tag!


Also, an author I don’t like as much as everyone else is John Green. I haven’t read too many books from him, but they don’t interest me a lot. Everyone around me loves his books, but for me he is OK.


I actually liked how the camera sometimes focusses on your self, that way I can listen to you but have a peek at your shelf at the same time 😬😅


I watch your videos cause I trust you and we have similar taste. Definitely I am influenced by your reviews and your recommendations but it doesn’t mean that I lose my power to judge books by myself. I know you don’t mind those bad comments anymore so that’s great. And yes, you’re so strong and so independent, I love your personality. You’re doing enough and I love whatever you’re doing right now. Keep being you. Keep posting awesome videos for us. Last words, thank you ❤️


I love your channel, not because I always agree with what you say or because I think I'll like a book you recommend but because I love how honest you are about your opinions. Whether you love or hate a book you always seem to give excellent reasons as to why or why not you feel the way you do. Watching your channel has pushed me to consider books outside of my 'comfort zone' and preferred genre's and I appreciate it. Even if I ended up not liking the book or genre in the end at least I can say I gave it a fair chance and tried it. So THANK YOU for all the work you do for your channel, for promoting a positive atmosphere in regards to books and opinions on books, and for keeping your opinions honest regardless of any pressure from outside sources.

Lastly you asked what we thought of disclaimers so I'll say it (with no disclaimer) I hate them, at least where books are concerned anyway. I mean I understand why they are out there, but I think it's very sad that as adults can't have opinions anymore, we can't have debates or open adult conversations and still know that at the end of the day it's perfectly ok to agree to disagree and move on. The Internet and Media world has gotten so 'sensitive' in general and there are so many people out there who think that they're such special, arrogant, entitled little unicorns that they have the right to 'bring justice' against anyone who thinks differently then they do and there is NO room for any other opinion but their own and have to 'witch hunt' people who have different tastes/opinions (and don't even get me STARTED on censorship of the written word LOL). Over the last few years this has become especially apparent to be in the booktube community as well as places like Good Reads. And because of this we have to have things like disclaimers. I hate it so much...but again I understand why it is a thing.

Anyway I think I have ranted enough LOL. Thank you again for your channel and for making the content that you do :)


You and Elliot Brooks are my favorite booktubers because you don't continuously talk about all the YA books that the popular booktubers are. I get so many more recommendations from your channel and love that you talk about a lot of adult books too!


That 'Fantasy for beginners' video definitely sounds interesting! I'd love to see what you'd recommend!
Hope you'll talk about your 'big books challenge' in one of your videos, to reflect on why it might have been more difficult than expected


Yay a new Emily video! I don’t read a lot of YA and I don’t really read fantasy so a lot of the super hyped books that are YA and/or fantasy I don’t really care about. I just don’t understand why people get so mad when people don’t like a book that they like. We all have different reading tastes and just because I like a book doesn’t mean someone else will. I like how honest you are and I like that you are critical of books! Keep doing what you do!


Have you done the makeup and books tag? If not, ya gotta do it! I would love to see it ❤️


Everytime I watch ur vids, I always have goodreads open on one hand to add interesting reads to my tbr list


i love watching your videos because you don't typically read all the books that are hyped on booktube, so i get new, fresh recs!!


Thank you for mentioning non hyped books. There are so many good books that were written in the past. People sometimes only want new. But a lot of people just want to discover good books no matter when they were written.


Completely agree about kids in books! And that character death in mistborn definitely meant I didn’t finish the series since he was my only buy in.
