5 HUGE dating mistakes women are making with men that men WANT you to know

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Hey guys! Today we are discussing 5 huge dating mistakes women are making with men that men WANT you to know so you can stop making them!
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As a man in my 40s, the absence of reciprocal effort proving enthusiastic interest and consent is simply a deal-breaker. Beyond that, I agree that being authentic (no tests/games), naturally feminine (please no heavy makeup etc.), kind, and peaceful will go a very long way.


I think the biggest one for me is just them not showing mutual interest/putting in minimal effort. I've learned not to bother chasing people that show they're not interested. Their reason doesn't really matter, I just want someone who wants me back.


Other mistakes women make:
1: Only wanting the wedding, and not actually being willing to be committed in a marriage.
2: Not understanding that relationships have to meet the needs of both people to work, and it's not just about HER needs.
3: Having and or expressing a low opinion of men as a gender. (having a low opinion of certain behavior is acceptable, within reason)
4: Constantly looking / trading up for "the best option" instead of being happy with securing the attention/affection of a good man. YES. Objectively there is always a "Better man". However, if you're never satisfied with the good one you have, you'll never be satisfied with the "better one" you get.


Years ago a woman made sandwiches and got some beer. She came to my shop to surprise me. We ate and talked for 45 min. Before I went back to work. I was blown away by this. We had gone out 3 times and i liked her but was so Busy the dates had been weeks apart. We married add two daughters. I doubt I'd have continued my efforts if she hadn't done that.


Emily - only downside on this video (judging from the comments) is that it looks like men are watching this video, not the women who should. Pity.


One of the most annoying and disrespectful things is that when you both are on the date, sitting at the table and she's on her phone more than on the date with me.


Best advice to women about men.
We may sometimes (extremely rarely) be psycho but we are never ever psychic.


#3. Emily you are spot on here. Virtually every woman that has ever chased after me, or that I have dated has this notion that she needs to make it known to me, that SHE has “lots of men chasing HER. The reason women do this is because if a MAN has lots of women chasing HIM, most women will naturally find this man MORE attractive because of this variable. Ladies this doesn’t work for men. Ladies, you having a boyfriend doesn’t make you more attractive of valuable TO ME. Having a boyfriend of lots of men interested in you is just an OBSTACLE that a man doesn’t want to deal with. If the man has cold approached you and asked for you name, number, a date. It means that he is ALREADY interested in you, at least physically attracted to you. You having a current boyfriend is just an obstacle that he doesn’t want to deal with. Also NOT having a boyfriend, does NOT make you less desirable or attractive. Men DO NOT think like women. If a man is investing his time energy attention and resources into a woman, the last thing he wants is to do this to a woman who has lots of boyfriends. This would be a gigantic waste of resources.


Some of the most fatal mistakes I have experienced in my dating life as a man is when the girl treats you more like a therapist than an actual boyfriend, and spends more time talking about her ex-boyfriend, complaints and failures instead of her curiosity for you being together.

I have been stuck here many times and it's a guaranteed way to make me feel unloved and eventually fade away from that relationship.


When a woman smiles and shows appreciation when I call her beautiful, that feels so good. It’s the antithesis of women recoiling, claiming creepiness, etc.


Number one dating mistake: thinking there is somebody better out there


I agree 1, 000% with everything you said.

5. I say that I don't mind planning everything, but that the best moments are when life goes off-script. I also say that I appreciate any input, but I do put the responsibility on her to tell me if there's something she hates, has a dietary restriction to, or an allegy to.

2: Please, please, please: SHOW US ALL THE WEIRD THINGS! Men don't grow up, we grow old. We keep a connection to the things we enjoyed growing up. Hearing you talk about what makes you, you or any quirks or oddities you have is giving us the green light for us to share how weird we are. If you tell us you eat a crunchy peanut butter with marshmallow fluff sandwich on cinnamon swirl toast when feeling down, I'm already on my way to the supermarket to make sure I have that when you come over. If you tell me you like cherry blossoms? I'm on my phone googling cities to visit and what time of year are best. Good men live to be useful to you, so long as you communicate your wants and needs directly and respectfully, and you show us appreciation for our efforts.

1: I think the biggest reason for us losing interest if there is little or no reciprocation is we don't want to be seen as wasting your time. We feel like a burden if we perceive a lack of interest.

Emily didn't mention it this time but she had in the past: men are starved for compliments. We know guys compliment you a lot and it's hard to tell at the beginning if it's sincere and genuine. Good men compliment you because we're practicing the Golden Rule and not to get anything in return. I promise you, if you pay a man a sincere, genuine, positive compliment, he will remember it for the rest of his life.


Lack of respect for nen , no loyalty, thier narcissism, lack of effort, and thier pettiness and love of drama


Play hard to get for too long, soon you become hard to want.
Don't chase a woman who doesn't want to caught.


When my girlfriend and I started dating, I would ask what she wanted to do, where she wanted to go. She wasn’t bothered by me asking at all. Almost 5 years later and I basically just take her out to wherever I want knowing she wants it as well.


5 mistakes a woman made on a single date: She arrived 20 minutes late. 2- We hadn't even started to get to know each other when she showed a serious thirst for alcohol. 3- she repeatedly insists on knowing why I broke up with my ex even though I told her I didn't want to talk about it. 4- she claims her ex paid all her expenses. 5- she asks me questions about my $ holdings without even knowing anything about what I do.


Communicating with hints!! We actually recognize more hints than we get credit for. The problem is the same hint can mean very different things from woman to woman and the consequences of misreading a woman’s hints can be pretty severe. Long story short, men have been burned by misreading hints so much that we’ve been conditioned by women to ignore hints simply out of self preservation. Just like War Games, the only winning move is not to play


Lack of reciprocation without a doubt is number one. If a man feels like he is wasting his time and money he moves on, which is the rational thing to do.


You got it all correct, at least for my generation. (To be honest, It has been 20 years since I have dated anyone.)
- 5- Negative assumptions
The problem is that dating is about the fun of getting to know someone new. If you are not open to seeing the person who is really there, or you are too stressed out to have fun, then there is no point. Go home and call your therapist.
- 4 - Nails/hair/makeup
Be clean and groomed, but don't overdo it. Men want real women, not caricatures of women.

- 3 - Other guys
Manners matter. Whether it is being thoughtlessly inconsiderate, or is a shit test, any man will interpret it to mean you do not want him because you do not respect him.
This includes talking about other/past boyfriends, and which male celebrities you think are good-looking.
If they even suspect you want someone else, most men will move on.
- 2 - Weird side
Be yourself. (This is the personality version of getting rid of the fake nails, hair and makeup.)
The guy asked YOU out, not just part of you or your image of what you think he should want. You might be surprised at what makes a man fall in love.
- 1 - Not reciprocating
One of the things men find most attractive is a woman being shamelessly attracted to him. Don't hide it if you feel it.
If a man even suspects you do not really like him, He WILL pull away, ESPECIALLY if he likes you. This is at the root of men suddenly ghosting women who thought the guy liked them.

BONUS - Respect for a man's time is respect for the man.
Be on time. Be ready when he arrives.
If you know you are running late or cannot make it, call well in advance. He can tell if you like him by whether you suggest another specific day/time.
If you are late, he will think you are rude, an irresponsible child, or that you do not really like him because the date was not a priority to you.
A no-show with no phone call is an end to the relationship unless a hospital was involved. It obviously means you do not really like or respect the guy.


4:40 Number three.

This is a big one for me.
I dated a girl that did all the wrong things on this one and wondered why I left her.
Flirted with other me in front of me, told me about other men that were hitting on her, would not introduce me to her friends as her boyfriend, would not show affection to me in front of her friends... but when we were alone and it was play time, she was all over me like _cheap suite._
She openly said she did those things because she wanted to make me _jealous!_
I told her it had quite the opposite effect. It made it painful for me to be around her and want to leave.

The day I told her in calm way that I would not be seeing her anymore she started crying so bad she was gasping for air and tears were just rolling down her eyes.

She called me the next day and wanted me to _come over for a kiss, _ I think we all know what that meant.
As hard as it was for me to say no, I said no.
I was done with her treating me like a _stepchild._ One way in public and another in private.
It was like she was ashamed or embarrassed to be seen with me, but I think the real truth was that she didn't want anyone to know she was _with me_ so she could keep her options open.

Well I opened up her _options_ real wide for her.
