Batman - All Movies Reviewed pt. 2

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0:00 - Intro
2:26 - Batman Begins
13:04 - The Dark Knight
24:56 - The Dark Knight Rises
45:59 - Phantasm
50:58 - Killing Joke
54:57 - Lego Batman
58:42 - The Batman
1:12:21 - A New Challenger
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Just gotta say, one of the funniest things I've ever seen is when Batman is screaming "WHERE'S THE TRIGGER" but punches Bane before he can even speak again. It's the best.


The scene of Bruce begging his parents’ grave for permission to not be Batman and be with the woman he loves in Mask of the Phantasm is one of my favourite Batman moments of all time.


I always loved how The Batman shows how a guy like the Riddler could gain a following of goons and its by far the scariest portrayal of a Batman Villain gang we've had so far. They're portrayed less as a generic group of thrugs who happen to follow a badguy but more as a equally as unhinged, fringe group of disassociated people and its eerily evocative of how real life mass killers have had openly warned people on the internet and even gotten support before doing do. If you saw the scene in the movie with all the comments about the viewers giving suggestions of what guns and stuff to bring to the ending which was essentially a mass shooting then you'd know just how intense this movie feels.

I used to really dislike how so much Batman media has the villains gangs basically just be generic criminals with maybe a clown mask or something but this movie truly makes the group Riddler has feel entirely unique


when i saw the batman in theaters, it was a fully packed house, and i could not stop laughing when riddler says “thanks to everyone for the tips on making bombs” or something like that. i was THE ONLY ONE laughing in an entirely packed theater. it’s the funniest joke in the movie by far and no one ever talks about it.


Heath Ledger died 16 years ago today. RIP and thank you for giving one of the best acting performances of all time.


One thing I love about Batman 2022 is his relationship to the cops. In most Batman stories, he eventually gets in the cops good graces, and you sort of suspend your disbelief about it. Batman’s a good guy, the cops are usually good guys, makes sense for them to team up. But in ‘22, as soon as he enters the first crime scene you’re hit with the obvious absurdity that the police allow this costumed maniac to help them solve cases.


The reveal of the batmobile in The Batman is a cinema experience I'll never get to experience for the first time again, the abrupt cut of the music to only hear the bassy rumble and siren scream slowly ascending as the turbine charges is terrifying, and the lingering reaction shots of everyone just shocked sells it so perfectly


I honestly never realized Jokers pride as being central to his character, but looking back, it totally is. One of the best portrayals of it is in Batman Beyond Return of the Joker. When Terry starts making fun of him, Joker just starts losing it. In Jokers eyes, its not Batman dropping down to the level of petty insults, its just some punk kid basically cosplaying. He can't stand that and he gets so worked up that he loses control, playing into Terry's plan.


I know people clowned on it a lot prior to its release but one of the most fascinating aspects of Pattinson’s Batman is that he was unironically inspired by Kurt Cobain, and that Reeves and Pattinson genuinely meant it. The song they chose for the score perfectly reflects Batman’s sense of isolation and self inflicted pain, and there’s a much realer, more disturbing and tragic element of knowing what happened to Kurt and seeing how little value Bruce places on his own life, how hopeless he seems. It helps his arc of rekindling hope all the more impactful because you know he still carries that pain and may never fully heal, that he might relapse, but it gives you hope. It might be the one time I’ve seen a piece of popular media utilize Nirvana because it genuinely understood the message instead of using it because it was popular and a shorthand for “edginess and looking cool”


Something I truly love about The Batman is just how much context it gives aspects of Batman that are typically just handwaved as being stuff Batman does.
Him staring silently is not only due to his personality but also an important aspect of his function as a detective, he's ensuring that his lenses can get as many details as possible and it gives him that feel of being a nocturnal predator. He's not doing it because "he's Batman" he's doing it because it makes perfect sense for him to do so.


The moment in The Batman that really sold me on Battinson was him staring at the one kid at the funeral. He says nothing and we don't get a flashback to his parents or anything but you immediately know what's going on in his head


Mr Cosmonaut you can't just reboot my hyper obsession with The Batman (2022) like this. I'm going to watch it another 50 times


Can I just say that I absolutely love this new trend of Marcus changing the background music depending on how much he likes or dislikes the thing he’s currently talking about? It really elevates this video and I hope he keeps doing it


Something I love about Phantasm is how Bruce putting on the Batman cowl for the first time isn't framed as triumphant. It's Bruce after he's lost every chance he had at living a "normal" life. This isn't a man becoming a hero. It's a man at his lowest point.


Robert Pattinson does not get enough credit for his acting job as Batman. He completely becomes the character almost as much as Colin Ferrel does with the penguin. It’s just Colin’s character has less screen time so it stands out more I feel. His acting with just body movement and especially just his eyes is insane. Robert Pattinson is one of the best actors of this generation that no one realizes yet. He’s truly a chameleon especially if you’ve seen his other movies. I have full 100% faith we will pull off the “playboy” Bruce persona and still keep his Batman that grungy and grounded


This is the only review of The Batman that makes me feel like the reviewer and I watched the same movie


one of the most underrated things about the dark knight was how insanely well it was marketed in the lead up to the release. i remember seeing the 'why so serious' poster literally everywhere back in 2008


I am thrilled someone has finally given Tom Wilkinson praise for his performance as Falcone. It’s about time someone finally acknowledged it.


The scene where Batman is leading people to safety with a flare is just too perfect. That scene alone made The Batman my favorite superhero movie


YOU GET IT! YOU GET IT! FINALLY! SOMEONE WHO GETS BATMAN! I go insane with how many people don’t understand him and you love The Batman too. Great vid
