The Batman | Movie REVIEW

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The Batman has arrived after the initial criticism and speculation turned into genuine anticipation. The 13th live action Batman film no less. So how was it? My Non-Spoiler to Spoiler review of The Batman.
Spoilers start at 0:11:30 and end at 0:13:54

Edited by @QTRBlackGarrett

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Does Batman let the crooks off if they steal under a $1000?


No Bruce Wayne backstory? What?!?
How will we ever know what happened to his parents that night outside the theater?


My favorite Batman. The musical score and the overall darkness. The first half gave us the “greatest detective” we’ve all been waiting to see on the big screen.


That last quarter felt like the movie suddenly went from a heavily se7en / Zodiac inspired detective thriller to a second rate Nolan wannabe movie.


I totally agree with you Gary on them making a full Batman series, instead of just more movies. There can be so many more things explored with a series and villains can get repeated many more times, without having to figure out how to "wrap things up" with them in such a rushed manner. Batman is one, if not my favorite Superhero because he has such a large library of villains, gadgets, vehicles and stories and I want to see alot more of them.


Have to say, I didn’t think I would be all that impressed by the Batmobile from what I saw in the trailer, but its introduction in the movie was EPIC!


I'm glad you mentioned The Crow as that was my first though as I was watching this film. I've never seen such an emo Batman movie, but as a fan of The Crow I loved that aspect. With such a young actor playing such a young version of the character, maybe that's an inteniol choice to show how he will grow up in the later films.


I saw it over the weekend, and liked it. Was it perfect? No. Yet I love it when Wayne is actually a detective, the music was awesome, and I found the film more of a noir than a superhero flick. I was always more a Marvel fan back in the day when I read comics, yet these days I find myself enjoying the DC films far more than I do those awful Avenger flicks.


I think the lack of distinction between Bruce and Batman was intentional. This Batman doesn't understand that he needs to put Bruce up as a front and play up the Bat persona. He was dismissive of any Wayne related responsibilities. He didn't see the utility in it. He was just himself with or without the cowl.


Definitely agree Batman would do well on TV


I like comics where it is implied that Bruce Wayne also plays a roll in the investigative aspect as he can sometime get access that even Batman can not with his wealth and fame..This would be a good way to transition Pattinson into more of a 2 character Batman in sequel


It combined the best elements of the Keaton and Christian bale films while adding an actual detective story and enough surprises that kept me invested the whole time . I actually think Pattinson’s Batman looks as cool as Affleck’s, in a different way.


I feel like they could do a batman beyond, with Michael Keaton as old batman


"He plays the tortured thing pretty well"

He was tortured playing Edward Cullen for many films. So...yeah.


I remember a line or two about the sea wall and how it was built with the Wayne's money. There was also definitely an establishing shot that showed the sea wall holding in water near the beginning.


Saw it with my brother the other night and we both agreed that the last act was a drag point. That said, it’s hard to pick something to actually cut. Each scene has some value but you really feel the runtime.


Batman doing "detective" work! I actually enjoyed it.


The whole Wayne’s being connected to the Arkhams was in Batman earth one which this movie takes a lot from including Thomas running for mayor I’m surprised reeves didn’t mention it.


The movie looked great, was very interesting, and didn't feel long at all. I liked that Batman didn't speak much. It added to the detective style movie. Most good detectives don't talk much. They observe, think, listen and research. Detective Batman did all of that! He kept his mask on for the majority of the movie and I truly appreciated that there wasn't a need to constantly unmask him. Solid A- and will watch it again. My family and I really enjoyed the movie. Truly appreciated the feel of the Noir style movie. This detective Batman movie, with Robert Pattison was good. I'm here for 2 to 3 more Detective Batman movies with him, hopefully with a feature from Poison Ivy, Scarecrow and Mr. Freeze. Also, I'm glad they didn't revisit why Batman is Batman. We all know the why, so there was no need to beat that established dead horse.


Honestly, I loved it. It had a few slips, but overall it was one of the better adaption of batman to live action imo. You could tell they took a lot from some of the better comic, the arkham games, and even the animated series. I'm a huge batman fan, never much cared for most other superheroes. I think the casting was excellent, catwoman wasn't ridiculously op, and as I suspected Pattinson was a great young batman
