Deck Framing | Building A Mountain Cabin EP18

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It’s the beginning of another adventure building a home start to finish with the Perkins Brothers and Crew!! As usual we are perched on a remote mountain top in the the Great Smoky Mountains, which poses it’s own unique challenges for construction.

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On this episode we build the decks and covered porches from the ground up! Learn tons of great tips on how to build a great deck!

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I’ll tell you what, Jamie has really learned to keep things concise and interesting! If you’re reading this Jamie, right on bro, keep it up.


You know you’ve been a carpenter for a while when you pack tweezers around with you! Lol those treated splinters fester up bad! your the MAN ARLO!!


I really enjoy Jamie's enthusiasm in his explanations. Such an interesting guy to listen to.


I love Porter's sense of humor. He's not afraid of anything as most young ones are today, you can tell he's a good dude and he fits right in with you guys lol.


The water level suggestion was great that’s still mind blowing to guys on my jobs at times.


It is amazing how different deck code is just one state over. Here in Virginia, after a number of Fraternity students were injured on a similar collapse as you describe, code was dramatically changed. The post cannot touch soil, the ledger has to be fastened to the rim with special Simpson attachment hardware, posts for railing or roofs have to extend to the deck structure and have a special fastener that connects to two deck joists...etc goes on and on.


The cut scenes to Matt’s Party deck tumble … we’re awesome… especially enjoyed the bbq.


Pro tip- use the hammer drill to drive the anchors. Turn off the rotation and just use hammer mode. Super quick and easy.


I really love that you still use old-fashioned tools (like your chisels and square). It's all good that new tools are created. But sometimes the old ones are all you need.


That is a nice big deck. A deck all your neighbors with talk about and be envious of. Stand tall and shout out, 'hey everyone, look at my huge deck!'


Jamie opening up the sparkling water with the Stiletto! Well done.


We have a code to put a gap between the wall and the wood for ventilation. Also a code to not burry wood posts. We have to build with something unorganic if in the ground. Presure treated wood is also adviced to be fasten with stainless fasteners as the chemicals in the wood will rot even the galvanized fasteners eventually.


It's crazy how far the roof of the forward deck overhangs the deck. It's almost like a built-in awning. Cool.


I added a 26 foot long deck to a brick veneered foundation wall. I would have attached the ribbon/bond board to the wall but my contractor suggested "floating" the joists by posting up along the wall with clearance so we dug added post holes and joined the posts with 2 x 10's pressure treated bolted to the posts. These beams supported the 2 x 8 PT joists at 16" O.C. The deck boards were then run at 45 degrees to these joists [old school] as the posts were approximately 6' above grade at 13'-6' from the house. In the 12 years since the completion of this deck it has not moved, settled, dropped or exhibited any evidence vertical movement. Laser eyeing across the decking is as original = perfectly flat and level. I prefer
this method as in Michigan our frost line is 42" but I prefer 48" as the winters are unpredictable with bare ground and sub zero temps. Love your show and I am saddened that the replacement rate of framers is 2 apprentices to 5 retirees. Best fellowship I have ever experienced in an occupation, a true blessings so shared experience.


Great fun again …. Erik you are a master editor and guys it’s always a delight to see the projects Bravo


If I ever needed a team of builders you guys would be my number 1 choice, for the quality of work and the bantz.


The deck is going to be beautiful. I think this is where I'd be spending most of my time, especially with such a great view.
Well done everyone 👏 👍


It’s also good to cantilever the deck because often it allows you to drop down a size on the joists. It reduces your span a bit.
Also the part about the tall wall at the porch roof being a bit spongy without the roof I feel was directed at me. I took that personally! Lol amazing job guys.


Beautiful work again fellas makes may day when you release-Thanks for the ride UK


You are able to make so much progress in one day. A testament to your skills
