You are attached – why? | Krishnamurti

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This is very important. We "love" a person, and that is not happening. We love our past, the good moments we had with that person: memories, photos, ideas, travels... all so beautiful and endless. If the person reacts or acts differently a time, we are totally dislocated, out of place ; we bet all our lives in a standard behaviour, but the person changes, a total surprise to us, we feel we are right, and the other person is crazy or we cannot trust them. We became robots, machines, we expect the same thing every moment, so we lose the beauty of the moment. That´s why people are always smiling at their pasts, they want to revive them- it is safer than the present: you cannot predict nor be prepared for something new. Thanks for the insight.


Just observe the process of attachment, not only one moment, but from the start to the end.
You don't need to try not have attachment, just observe whole process.


Fear of losing what we are attached to. Fear of losing our mind that is contented with attachment.


That's what the Buddha said twenty five hundred years ago.. in the Bible it says "to be born again" or " the truth shall set you free"


If we decide to end attachments, we struggle. This struggle in a way represents attachment with detachment. Thus, attachment still exists.
Only when we become an observer do we end attachment in true sense.


Gene seeks immortality, causing fear and attachment.


Lol so true, its the attachment to the image making process which creates the comparison to feel lonely about. Something living, aware and in wonder has no time to fret, worry or fear.


...You see, you're all so frightened, that is the root of it...


I feel like if the person is not attached and listened to this and realized this, he could easily move on in the future if he ever encounters such attachments. but if a person is already attached & he listens to you, realize what you are saying but still he won't be able to get over it.


I can’t explain the greatness of this lesson, from one of the greatest human beings that ever lived.😮


I can't end attachment to all things. yes, I am frightened. I would be absolutely nothing, just observing my life pass on, every moment until I die. I want to believe that there is something else, therefore I search for this something in all forms. Human suffering is tremendous


What about somebody being attached to us ? We actually like that also. It is a certain deficiency in us which craves for it and that is the real reason we get into relationships. Nobody gets into relationships for the other person but for himself✨✨


If you play with something or someone and receive joy fun, happiness for a time habbit becomes attachment


Attachment is related to continuity with the development of relationship to a person thing or idea where a person wants to not have their comfort in the persistence of a relation disturbed


To be completely unattached... to external objects, our body, mind or intellect.. or the panchakoshas... isnt it possible only for a Jivanmuktha ? 🙏🙏


The wrong notion, brought about by illogical conclusions that completeness and unending happiness are guaranteed through attachment, is the provocation for the mind to divide into illusory images of " I" and "You", and get attached through relationships.That this attachment is between unequal entities, hence exploitative, has not been understood, because no rational thinking has gone into this( divisive) action.This is why entire humanity gets attached through relationships, and wonder why happiness and completeness still eludes them !!!!


I will never EVER get attached. Or is this an attachment in itself?


Awareness of the attachment is what ends it. But can one be attached to awareness ? If one is aware that they are attached to awareness itself, is that attachment or awareness?


This is a playful lecture. I like the way that K. teases the audience. It looks like a nice afternoon in Ojai or somewhere like that. The way K's advice strikes me today is that he is not asking us to give up all attachements, only to think about them more holistically, from begining to end. If we live in attachments without a perspective on their lifecycle with us, then, we are going to suffer abrupt emptiness. Anxiety about abrupt emptiness can cause us to hang on tighter to the attachement. Maybe this anxiety is what defines attachment.
Failure to understand the many possible trajectories of relationships among people and situations in a holistic way can deepen the negative effects of attachment. BUT! if we understand our attachements as situations that have a beginning and an (perhaps unforeseeable) end; And when we are OK with that -- if we watch the movement of the attachment (as K puts it) -- then we may enjoy or experience what is happening without trying to hang onto it. I don't think that he means that we should end or renounce relationships or situations that we are associated or identified with. I think he is telling us how we can enjoy attachments or situations or experiences more if we accept --without anticipation-- their non-permananence and unknown duration. To me this doesn't mean that we should end or renounce relationships with people and situations which at this time may look like attachments. All of this can continue and wil be much more satisfying if we do not become attached.

In any case, Thank You for posting this. K. is such a deep thinker it is pure magic that people went to the trouble of capturing these moments, and that we cn review them so easily.


When I move to an other place, whatever place, other location, whatever, especially when it is worse...(?) than my previous situation, I carry with me a few items to remind me of me... and of who I am....😄🥴
