What Happened to George Lucas?

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George Lucas is arguably the most influential filmmaker of our era. While some would point at Martin Scorsese or Steven Spielberg and have a point, Star Wars changed the movie business in a way no other film did before or since. Spielberg and Scorsese have more impressive filmographies, but Star Wars is still the blockbuster all others are measured against.

In this episode of What Happened to this Celebrity, which is written (with Brad Hamerly), narrated, edited and produced by Taylor James Johnson, we dig into Lucas’ rich but sometimes divisive legacy. We tackle his early days, with him having a notable flop in THX-1138 that perhaps pivoted him away from the esoteric, and his eventual arrival onto the Hollywood A-list with his classic American Graffiti. From there, we explain how Star Wars got made, why he opted not to direct the sequels, and how, in the nineties, he decided to not only direct his long-hyped prequel trilogy but also change the original trilogy to mesh with his new perspective. We also dig into how his company, ILM, changed what people thought was possible in terms of movie magic and perhaps had an even bigger impact on the modern blockbuster than even his signature trilogy.

Since the end of the prequel trilogy, Lucas also mentioned returning to the lower-budget, experimental roots of THX-1138, but nothing has surfaced from Lucas in many years, with him selling Lucasfilm to Disney. The last movies he seemed to really be involved in here his passion project Red Tails, and the much-maligned Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, with him stepping aside for the upcoming Dial of Destiny. What happened? We’ll dig into it in this new episode!

What’s your favorite George Lucas movie? Let us know in the comments!

#GeorgeLucas #StarWars #wtfhappenedtothiscelebrity
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I haven’t liked all of the decisions he has made. But the man created a modern day mythology that changed the world. He also fundamentally changed the film industry as well. Love him or hate him he’s done a lot for the art of cinema. I’m also grateful for so many of the characters, world, and philosophies he has presented an explored through his stories.


In the Wolf Man Jack book, he wrote that he was paid a couple of thousand dollars for his part. When American Graffiti was a hit and George Lucas felt he made the movie. George Lucas gave Wolf Man Jack a percentage of the profits. Classy move and kept Wolf Man Jack from going broke.


George Lucas didn't make The Star Wars Christmas Special. He handed it off. Steve Binder and David Acomba directed it and Rod Warren, Bruce Vilanch, Pat Proft, Leonard Ripps, and Mitzie Welch wrote it.


Good ol' George is enjoying his retirement. Leave him be, he's earned it.


He's done more positive for Hollywood, culture and the world of art then anybody else in the past 40+ years.


Star Wars died with it's sale. Rest in peace. Enjoy your old memories.


He retired. He was attacked for his last two films, Red tails and Strange Magic. And relentlessly savaged and attacked for the prequel and special edition of Star Wars, he sold to Disney.


He made 3 great Prequels, fans who were in their late 30s to 40s when they released took to the internet when it launched to complain and write childish songs like, George Lucas R*ped our childhood, the outrageous behavior from these entitled fans caused Lucas to eventually sell the franchise to a soulless monopoly resulting in films worse then the Prequel films those fans hated.


I think he said he was interested in moving on after selling Lucasfilm to Disney, since he has that museum he wants to make. The last time he was seen was that Light & Magic series


I kinda feel bad for him. He sold star wars on good faith they'd consider his ideas...but they didn't...and he regrets selling iirc.


"American Graffiti" is still his best movie. A classic teen movie that was very popular in the 70s but now not many remember it, its a very underrated movie with a ton of young famous actors and great performances. Also great script by Lucas


Did you seriously just say that George created the holiday special, I hope that was a joke


This was great! Id like to see What Happened to David Lynch next!


Helping out Kurosawa and Coppola is a great move from George.


From someone born in 1974 and was literally weened on George Lucas, I absolutely loved this video! Really resonated with me.
Really well made with some excellent clips.


Excellent video! Explained everything! I loved how you handled when Lucas sold to Disney.


Best narrator of the bunch. You need a playlist with only your stuff


It's hard to figure out what happened to George Lucas. His life history keeps getting these special edition treatment.


The video was great, my guy. Totally saving this one on my favorites.


I will forever be greatful to Geore Lucas for giving us Star Wars. I was 5 and I'm now 49, I still remember sitting in the Cinema, with the first two notes played at the beginning I was hooked. I also liked his remastered versions, and I have no issue with JarJar Binks. A lot of people forgett it was made for Kids, not only us. My daughter 9 years old liked JarJar. The casting was poor, however we got what we wanted, the Rise of Darth Vader. I can also understand that he sold everything, it was his baby and he can do with it what he wanted. That Disney is messing it up and went down the Woke Lane could no one expect. Infact the first Movie (Rouge One), is my favorite from all the Disney Star Wars. I like it because everyone is dead at the end, which is fully in line with the very first movie (many people gave theire lives to get these plans to us).
