10 Tips for Beginners in Magick & Occult Arts [Esoteric Saturday Videos]

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Here are some of the things I wish I'd known earlier in my explorations of the Occult, and some of the things I'm jolly glad I did know. Hopefully this will help some beginners who might feel overwhelmed with so much information out there on the topick of magick.

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*Books mentioned in this video:*

(The following links are Amazon Associate Links)

The Key of Solomon the King

Sepher Rezial Hemelach

The True Grimoire

The Goetia of Dr Rudd

Tantra Illuminated

Quantum Psychology

Hands On Chaos Magic

Liber Null & Psychonaut

The Nag Hammadi Library



The Doors of Perception

Magickal Protection

Quareia I: Apprentice (complete):

Quareia II: Initiate (Complete)

Quareia III: Adept (Complete)


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A lot of People in the "magic community" appear to be broken narcissists that one would do well to stay clear of. Joining a group or circle should be done with caution.


A very useful list and Magick attracts very large egos that can sometimes be distracting and disappointing to those who work to stay grounded and balanced. That’s what I like most about your channel. Very humble and encouraging for those who are drawn to investigate the Great Work. ⚡️🌵⚡️


After 30 years of studying and practicing, i am currently (again) at a point where i think that magick, to me, means to discover the true meaning of things - discover the true will which will guide me on a path where there is no need for desiring change, because everything just falls into place. Like a puzzle coming together by itself. And strangely enough.. sometimes i have the shizophrenic feeling that on the one hand searching for the truth pushes you further away from it - But on the other hand, even *that* is a part of the whole. Because every action, every experience, every thought - is an expression of the one true will - from which we cannot be separated in the first place.


I have been in and out of Witchcraft and Occult for the last 7 years and Finally i find someone that can put all this Chaotic Information into Concrete Stabilization! Thank You


Great video with lots of wonderful tips! 🤩🤩

I expect I'll be coming back to this one, here's timestamps for reference:
1) Theurgy vs Thaumaturgy
2) There is No Consensus 3:40
3) Use Your Subtle Self 5:46
4) Take the time you need 7:40
5) Your Religion is Fine 9:14
6) Beware the Darque Fluffe 9:54
7) Listen to the Glitch Bottle Podcast 10:25
8) Magical Groups/Orders may or may not suit you 11:14
9) Keep one foot in the material world 12:30
10) Enjoy It! 12:53


I so appreciate #4.
My magickal practice has taken a couple of turns. I started with the LBRP and quit tobacco within days (I wasn't even trying to, I just decided to one day and it stuck). Then I did a bunch of GoM rituals and got burnt out. So I returned to just the books for a bit (a bit longer than I would have liked) and am now just preparing to work through Son of Chicken Qabalah.

For as good advice as it is, I dont regret ignoring "Don't try to do too many rituals to begin with". I don't recommend ignoring it but if my path starts with me overdoing it and getting to experience just how effective magick can be, then taking a break before staring in earnest, I'm ok with that.


Great tips for any skill level. Thanks for all you do.


This was great! I have practiced for a few years and during meditation had a thought of "stop searching for things that call themselves advanced", in truth I have found advancement is done through understanding, my craft and how to use it; doing this while learning the secrets of the cosmos and growing closer to that energy. I wish I had found this when I got started though!


Thank you, thank you, thank you. Number 6 hits so hard with me. especially since I just look like a metal head. You know, blue jeans, band t, jean jacket, tie dye bucket hat. Most so called "practitioners" that people think look the part have less knowledge and experience than I do. A real witch or practitioner will be unrecognizable from the everyday person. This holds true to the idea of keeping the silence.


I have to admit, the animation with your logo is so relaxing very well made Foolish Fish! Enjoy your holiday my friend!


I started in an order, but my development eventually took me down a solitary path. While both have merit, as explained so well under item eight, what helped me is losing the notion that you're somehow locked in to whatever path you choose.

Allow yourself the grace to adjust as you gain experience. If you encounter an expiration date along a certain path of learning, heed it and change course.


My tip would be, if I may say so, to work first on yourself before starting magic. That is, you need a certain maturity, honesty and openness to understand it well and blind spots (which we all have) can make things very complicated. We are never perfect of course, but an unstable, narcissistic, insecure person can do a lot of damage. But that too, is part of the whole. I want to thank you for these great tips. You always explain so well and with honesty. I find your work very supporting and I find you a very inspiring person. Thank you so much and all the very best for the end of the year and the next to come.


interesting what you said about Pentecostal church . i grew up in that environment it wasn't ideal but it did absolutely convince me that miraculous instances are possible should the energy be raised by enough people, thus convinced me that i and others can work acts of magic


Great tips like always! The one that stood out the most for me is #5. You do not need to give up your religion to practice magick! Your practice should deepen your devotion to your religion, not be in conflict with it.

I wish I had known this earlier myself. I was hesitant to even learn about magick or the occult because I thought it was all explicitly I was very, very wrong. In fact, there is a long and rich tradition of explicitly Christian magick and my magick practice reinvigorated my religious life and I believe the same is true for a lot of people.


Number 9. Walking helps me tremendously. Having a "workout routine" doesn't, but walking in nature without any destination helps get oxygen to my brain and helps me get out of my own head. <3


Excellent and affirming suggestions. Regarding when to begin formal practice, I sometimes liken certain operations to performing a necessary surgery on yourself. You would want sufficient time to review and understand texts and diagrams, recognize outcomes and complications, have appropriate privacy space, and tools, and to integrate the results. Establishing these conditions is not entirely procrastination, much less cowardice. For me, the maxim "know thyself" is of paramount importance.


Oh man..I've been seeking confirmation for the way I do things as being taken seriously. Thank you, my dear


Why are you not a teacher? You seem to have such a great grasp and a very healthy outlook on the paths. Ty for what you do!


Always on point. It is good to return to basics sometimes when I am stuck in my practice.
