Historic Premillennialism vs Dispensational Pre-Mil

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The main differences:
Pre-Trib Rapture vs Post Trib Rapture.
Different view of the Church vs Israel.
Rebuilt temple w/sacrifices vs no sacrifices.
Is the Kingdom completely future or are we living in the initial phase of it?
Is the Kingdom just for the Jews or for the church as well?
A 7-year tribulation vs a 42 Month "Great Tribulation" only.
The Bible clearly teaches Premillennialism, Jesus returns in Matthew 24, the Kingdom is set up in Matthew 25. Also in the Book of Revelation Jesus returns in chapter 19, and the Kingdom is set up in chapter 20. Therefore in both cases Jesus returns Pre (before) the Millennium (1,000 year Kingdom on the earth).
#eschatology #rapture #endtimes
Pre-Trib Rapture vs Post Trib Rapture.
Different view of the Church vs Israel.
Rebuilt temple w/sacrifices vs no sacrifices.
Is the Kingdom completely future or are we living in the initial phase of it?
Is the Kingdom just for the Jews or for the church as well?
A 7-year tribulation vs a 42 Month "Great Tribulation" only.
The Bible clearly teaches Premillennialism, Jesus returns in Matthew 24, the Kingdom is set up in Matthew 25. Also in the Book of Revelation Jesus returns in chapter 19, and the Kingdom is set up in chapter 20. Therefore in both cases Jesus returns Pre (before) the Millennium (1,000 year Kingdom on the earth).
#eschatology #rapture #endtimes
Historic Premillennialism vs Dispensational Pre-Mil
Topic Video: What Is Historic Premillennialism?
What is the Millennial Reign of Christ in Revelation 20? Amil, Premil or Postmil?
What is your Eschatology — Premillennialism, Postmillennialism, or Amillennialism?
Historic Premillennialism by Michael Shultz 'Why Eschatology Matters' Conference
Reasons to Affirm Historical Premillennialism
What Is Historic Premillennialism? - Bryan Chapell
Tom Schreiner on Leaving Amillennialism
Were the Church Fathers all Premillennial?
RC Sproul says only dispensationalists believed the Bible
3 Views Of The End Times: Premillennialism, Amillennialism, & Postmillennialism
How does Reformed theology view the future of Israel compared to dispensationalism?
Dr. R.C. Sproul on 'Reformed view of Dispensationalism'
Millennial Eschatology Explained (Pre-Mil, A-Mil, Post-Mil)
Eschatology 11 - Historic Premillennialism
An Evening of Eschatology – Premillennialism, Amillennialism, Postmillennialism
Premil and Amil Eschatology Compared and Contrasted
Historic Premillennialism Explained
End-Times Debate! | Premillennialism vs. Postmillennialism | Lucas U. Curcio vs. Jonah M. Saller.
6-Historic Premillennialism; Dispensational Premillennialism; and New Creation Millennialism
The EndTimes: Historic Premillennialism with Craig Blomberg
Understanding Historic Premillennialism with Craig Blomberg
Christian Eschatology Explained
The Three Forms of Premillennialism: Compared and Contrasted