Secrets of the Gungeon - Explaining the Secret Hidden Unlockables of EtG

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Enter The Gungeon is one of those games that doesn’t exactly spell everything out for you. In particular, there are a lot of secrets and unlockables in the game that are never fully explained to the player… Most of the time players just sorta stumble into things, accidentally do something awesome, or are so confused that they go to the internet and ask things like “anyone else see this green troll door thing? What does it do?”

Well, this video is aimed at those folks who come looking to the internet for a little help. I plan on talking about all the major secrets and unlockable things in Enter The Gungeon. There are a LOT of them, so to try and bring some order to the chaos I’ll put them into 4 distinct categories.

First, will be the secret floors of the gungeon.
Secondly, we will look at the unlockable NPC’s and modes.
Thirdly, we’ll talk about the unlockable secret gungeoneers to play.
And lastly, will be the miscellaneous secrets of the gungeon that don’t quite fit into the other categories.


Also, if you're new to EtG check out my other video "How to Beat Enter the Gungeon - A Guide With Tips and Advice"
AbeClancy ~ Resourceful Rat Fight: Tips & Advice, by AbeClancy

Choco ~ Enter the Gungeon - Complete and Detailed Lich Guide

ToKymonGrey ~ Enter The Gungeon - How To Find The High Dragunfire

Jevmen YT ~ Enter the gungeon High Dragunfire in Rainbow run

0:00 Intro
0:57 Secret Floors Levels
15:41 Unlockable and Rare NPCs
26:25 Secret Playable Gungeoneers
33:08 Misc Secrets
48:07 Outro
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The holy dragunfire is actually worse then the normal dragunfire as it’s stats were based on dragunfire’s pre-buff stats. After dragunfire’s buff the high dragunfire is just obsolete


Pro tip: if you choose to unlock the serpent in the rats lair and have defeated the rat in the punch out game, you can feed the rats body to the serpent instead of 4 items and still get the same effect.


After reading all the comments there’s a few noteworthy secrets I haven’t seen be mentioned yet.
- Having the sponge item while speaking to Professor Goopton makes his text readable
- Speaking to Tonic with 5000+ credits will have him extort 90% of them to buy a “new coat”. When you return he will have a yellow coat of fur and become Super Tonic! Which has no real benefit outside of looking cooler
- Approaching the Sell Creep as the bullet will cause him to cringe as he is canonical Agunim from the bullet’s past. Correct me if I’m wrong but I think having the paradox take the shape of the bullet also triggers this.
- Relating to the black market demon door, there’s a small chance the door will change to a shocked expression with large eyes while entering. (I thought it was related to co op but according to the wiki that’s not the case)
- There’s a hidden boss called the Door Lord who has a 1.333% chance to replace any boss on floors 2, 3, or 4. He’s a mimic version of the boss skull door and can provide a pretty tough challenge if you don’t know what to expect. If you’re having trouble finding him he’ll always spawn on floor 3 of boss rush as the final room.
- If you speak to Patches and Mendy as the robot, since he cannot be healed they will either give you junk, a piece of armor, or the bottle item alongside some unique dialogue.
- Killing the bullet king but not his advisor will cause him to appear scheming with the beholster if you get him as your floor 2 boss, or alternatively the Blobulord if you go to the oubliette.

Also a few little nitpicky corrections: battery bullets buff accuracy not dmg, once unlocking Junkan he can spawn as a 1% drop chance but will also be added to the C tier (blue chest) loot pool.

Overall a great video man, I’ve 100%ed this game and put hundreds of hours of my life into it and I didn’t even know some of these. (Like who tf thought to shoot the black market door with water?!?) If you made it this far into my nerd ramblings I just wanna say keep up the great work man, and hope ya have a good day :>


Walking instead of taking the mine cart to the Rat Lair is actually faster, as the mine cart teleports you backwards as you ride it (try firing some bullets forwards and you’ll see that they sudden jump away from you)

The rail is actually much shorter than it seems.


The boss "Agunim" is a pun on the "Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past" boss "Agahnim." The names are pronounced very similarly, the visuals and lore of the character call him an "evil wizard" and "the right hand man of Cannon" and it can't get much more obvious than that :)


One other secret in this game is rainbow chests.
Sure there are rainbow runs but rainbow chests outside of rainbow runs act very different.
For 1. You get everything item in the chest instead of just one
And second, they can disguise themselves as brown chests.


Apologies if you have covered it but, I think you missed the "eyeball room". There is an entry about it in the Fandom Wiki if I recall correctly. You can teleport inside it randomly when using the teleporting prototype item or whatever it's called. It's a dark room with a hole in the middle that eerily resembles an eye.


Ah, I remember being addicted to this game last summer and getting 100% on it (finished gun) and clocking in 200+ hours on the game. The only things I didn’t get/see were the High Dragunfire and Old Man NPC. On a side note, there are a few things not brought up in this video that I would like to shed some light on.
1. Using the teleported prototype item has a small chance to teleport you to an eyeball room, which is exactly as it sounds. A dark room with a massive eyeball in the center that follows you.
2. Ser Manuel can be rarely found in secret rooms in a “Monster Manuel” persona, which is Ser Manuel but in an owl costume. He will give the player a random item/gun. (Note he can only spawn after you killed Blockner.)
3. Minibosses, these being enemies that are on par with bosses but do not spawn in a boss room at all, rather their own room that is generated differently based on the miniboss inhabiting it. The three minibosses I know of are the Shadow Magician, Fuselier, and Blockner (Ghost version, this one can only spawn after you’ve already killed him).
4. Door Lord boss! Surprised this wasn’t covered in this video, but its just like a normal boss that randomly replaces a normal boss in its room on the Gungeon Proper, Black Powder Mine, or Hollow. It even has a special animation showing the Door Lord freeing itself from the boss room entry door and coming into the arena. Pretty cool. (This boss also shows up in the boss rush.)
5. Wall Mimics. Exactly as they sound, mimics that are walls. Pretty rare chance of spawning and even rarer that you actually find it because you have to, A. Shoot the wall the mimic is residing in or, B. Run against the wall the mimic is in. It will free itself from the wall leaving a gaping whole then attack the player and it has its own attacks as well.
6. Gripmaster. The gripmaster enemy has a low chance of pulling out a pistol and attacking in all directions upon being killed, it will then need to be killed like a normal enemy.

Well, that’s all I remember and wanted to bring up here. I wouldn’t be surprised if we both missed a few secrets here and there, this game is just so amazing and detailed man.


I've had the notes and the knawed key unlocked for YEARS and yet it never crossed my mind the directional cheese was the key to unlocking the rat maze.

Thank you, i somehow learned something new from this video.


Minor correction for 1:29;

There is ALWAYS a water barrel. If you can't find it, it's because you or an enemy shot it and it just turned into a pile of water. Be on the lookout for it before you find the fireplace room and avoid letting enemies fire at it so you can use it later.


I'm a bit late, but here's a few things I haven't seen anyone mention:

While looking at the map, the Yellow Chamber's chambers may blink, and it may also melt away to reveal an eye. (The Yellow chamber is an S tier passive item that gives 2 heart containers, 2 curse, +15% fire rate, and charms an enemy when entering a room).

The path through the Resourceful Rat's lair is different per system, but the same between save files. However, on the Nintendo Switch the path is always the same, regardless of system. (The path is always down, right, down, up, down, up).

If you have the Mimic Tooth Necklace, the rat chests at the end of the Resourceful Rat's Lair won't all be mimics. Instead a googly-eyed Union Mimic Chest will be there to explain the situation. (The Mimic Tooth Necklace is an A tier passive item that turns all chests and item pedestals into mimics).

The damage bonus The Robot gets from junk also works with lies and gold junk. You will keep the damage bonus even if you drop your junk.

Synergy chests can also be rainbow chests. The chest will drop 8 items that may or may not synergize with your inventory. There is no way to tell if a synergy chest is also a rainbow chest until it is opened.

The Galactic Medal of Valor is brought with you when you enter a character's past. If brought into the Marine's, you get the "Decorated" synergy, making it the only synergy that can be made in a past. (The galactic Medal of Valor is a B tier passive item that increases damage by 30% to bosses, halves reload time, and halves shot spread).

The Directional Pad has two motion input special attacks:
Left, left, fire - shoots a hook which can be used to steal or quickly relocate.
Down, right, fire - shoots a fireball that deals high damage.

The Muncher has recipes. Here are some vague examples:
A normal revolver + an ice weapon = Cold 45.
Any crossbow + a magic weapon = Crescent Crossbow.
Either "hand" weapon + a normal machine gun = Machine Fist.
Any hand/fist weapon + a poison weapon = Mutation.
Bee Hive + R.P.G. = Stinger.

The Flame Hand varies in damage from ~4.8 to ~18.6, and the probability of the different damage values follows a bell curve. When playing as The Bullet, the gun deals 1 less damage, but when playing as The Robot, the gun deals 1 more damage.

You can look away to avoid The Gorgun's stone gaze attack.

Brown chests are the best.


300+ hours into the game, %100 all in-game challenges/achievements and, "The Gungeon Still Holds Mysteries."

Mimic Gun and High Dragunfire were a surprise. One thing I don't see too many people find is this weird...empty glitch room with a giant gray eyeball. Found it only once using the Teleporter Item.


Fun fact!!! Daisuke is the only challenge npc that you don’t need to beat the game to unlock


Old red is actually a blank round kin! He sells blank and bullet destruction related items


So I’ve been kind of obsessed with this game lately, and honestly I’ve just been watching any Gungeon content n YouTube I can find. I’ve really enjoyed your videos and they’re very well done in my opinion! I just unlocked the gunslinger 3 days ago and I’m definitely going to try to 100% this game, definitely in my top 5 games of all time!


Something you forgot to mention, which isn’t surprising because it’s so rare to happen in the first place, deals with Bowler. If you manage to find a legit Rainbow chest none of the items are taken away and you’re able to grab all the items from it. To date I have only seen this happen once when a friend played.


I just got Dead God on Binding of Issac after about 600 hours and recently started playing Gungeon casually. I thought I'd be more prepared coming from Issac but this game is WAY more complex when it comes to unlocks. This guide is a HUGE help! Thank you!


While the Rat and Payday transformations were shown, kind of sad we didn't hear about the Gunknight transformation, especially since that one has actual stat changes


Not sure if this has been mentioned but if you destroy brother Alberns chest it will always drop the junk item called "lies", which has a synergy with the gun "Betrayers Shield" making the gun gain infinite ammo, a much larger magazine size, increased accuracy, and extremely high fire rate. This is a great thing to remember because like you mentioned The Abby of the True Gun will always have one of its secret rooms with Brother Albern. So if you get The Betrayers Shield on the first floor or the Oubliette it might be a good idea to try to get to The Abby


Potentially helpful for people trying to reach the Abbey of the True Gun (2nd secret floor): Not all rooms are equally likely to have the altar room adjacent to them. The altar room is very likely to spawn next to "special" rooms, such as treasure rooms, shops, and rooms with other npc's next to them. If you see an NPC icon on the map or a blocked off path indicating a chest room, try going in that direction first to increase your chances of finding the altar room early.
