Wrath of God: Why God Doesn't Just Forgive? (Pencils & Prayer Ropes)

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Sound Editing: Uroš and Mira Nikolić
Music: Luka Čubrilo
Illustration and Narration: Me (Reader Bojan Teodosijević)
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Reminds me of a quote from St Paisios: “When we believe in God and have trust in His fatherly providence and concern, then we do not think of ourselves; instead we know that God is aware of our needs and looks after our problems, from the simplest to the most serious one. The only things we must want is to allow God’s love and providence to function for us. When we have this kind of faith and inner disposition, we are able to see God’s miracles––God himself––who is always close to us under all circumstances. In order to experience this we must reject any form of worldly assistance or human hope, and with a pure heart, unhesitatingly and trustfully devote our mind to God. Then the grace of Christ will fill our souls at once.” We must simply trust in God’s providence, that is why the Orthodox sacraments are called mysteries. We don’t need to have a scientific description of how we are saved, we must just have complete faith.


This topic comes up a lot when I try to explain Christianity to Muslims. They all seem to find it difficult to grasp that God choosing not to punish us for our sins does not actually remove the sins, as they see sins merely as a deviation from a commandment. To Muslims, many things that are considered sins in this world are actually given as rewards in Jannah (their conception of heaven is essentially maximal indulgence in lust and greed), which suggests that sins are not considered sins because they are objectively evil, but rather that Allah's commandments are nothing more than a test for humans to prove themselves worthy of Jannah. For any wishing to evangelise to Muslims, this is a basic stumbling block that we must consider and overcome.


"Therefore God became man, so that we might become gods". Athanasius of Alexandria, on the Incarnation.


Terrific video as usual, Bojan. Thank you! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

I’m so looking forward to your next one on penal substitution. Most of us, myself included, were thoroughly steeped in that pernicious heresy for years and it’s hard to get it out of our minds. ☦️♥️


As always you teach/explain volumes with excellent drawings and words.
Thank you


Ahhh yes God. So close to us that he even took human flesh yet so far and out of this world that we cannot even fully understand him. And i love that.


We love you Bojan! Keep up the good work and God Bless you abundantly☦


Great video! And Nurse Ratched from 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' made an appearance! Nice little easter egg there. :D


Im protestant and i be checking up on your vids


So accurately yet so simply described, plus really dank artwork as always, not much else could be hoped for! Bravo, Bojan! 💪


thank you so much !!!! i am a convert and this had not been explained to me so clearly had heard parts of all of this but this pulled it together thank you looking forward to your next video


Muslims sometimes ask this question because they believe that Allah just forgives without the works and teachings of Christ (which the church teaches). So the muslims think Christ's gospel isn't required, and only faith, good works and Allah's forgiveness. John of Damascus probably had something to say about that.


Some feathers are about to get seriously ruffled in your video about penal substitutionary atonement. Even after leaving Protestantism, I struggled mightily to let that doctrine go, and it remains a huge obstacle for many friends.


I don't know if G'd needed to (he certainly did not *have to* considering how this verb is used in English) to descend and become flesh, but in doing so, He proved even further what he never had to. That's that He, The *literally* omnipotent being, the Beginning and the End of every-single-thing from the Higgs boson to the largest galaxies, didn't mind leveling with His own creation, experiencing directly what we experience (pain and death), and defeating adversities from our own pwny level, so that through Him we could do the same.
He's not a condescending, or privileged, he's walked in our nasty boots so we could fly on his cloud.


I understood from the analogy, Bojan. Sin is a curse on your soul. It damages the soul by separation from God! And it’s much, much worse than just being forgiven.


Bojam, you do an amazing job on clarify this things to us. God bless U, always!


"Why doesn't God just forgive?" Implying He doesn't.


Thank you for these videos, they're so beautiful and helpful ❤️


I really enjoy your videos, but this is one of your best.
