The Doctrine of the Wrath of God

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I am so grateful for a humble, beautiful & clear presentation of the doctrine of wrath. Thank you




Bravo! Clearest definition I've ever heard! And I study the work of John MacArthur and R.C. Sproul!


Amen beautiful And Wonderful Powerful loving Way To Teach on How to remain humble While Teaching On The Wrath of God. Their is No other way to describe It Better To the leaders.Because God is Of Love ❤️ And Can’t not stay Angry For So Long. When disciplining his Peoples of Their Sin 🙌🏽👏🏽💕


God responds to me in wrath because of my sin. God responds to me in love because of who He is.


I see the wrath of God as a loving Father or Mother who love their children and in love must discipline their children in hope to save their children from danger or death. Wrath is both LOVE and Discipline in my understanding. Powerful message! Thank you! Be blessed.


I did learn I’ve been saying wrath wrong it’s actually pronounced roth


✞🔥Jesus Christ, Delivers Us From The Wrath To Come.🔥✞
(1 Thessalonians 1:10)


God is love in both old and new testament.
The old was set for patterns of the physical brought in the spiritual order of the new.
Wrath or Roth are the things provided to those outside of the holy ark of God.
They must enter the right way. The fearful will sneak in. The prideful will demand they have rights to enter. The angry will be as those with pride.
And God will open the book of truth written in their own hearts....
God is a pure and loving God. We are polluted and impure. We have a God that is able to clean what the misguided man and devil has polluted and make new.


What comes across in the Old Testament is just how long suffering God is. Thanks for the interview.


He responds to wrath to rebellionce against him.


Jesus is God. God poured out His own wrath on Himself in order that He might save us from the consequence of our sin and eternal separation from Him. The love and grace of God is way beyond the human ability to comprehend it.


Sometimes, when I hear people talk about God, they define Him like He's not a person.


God deserves to feel his own wrath turned on himself for everything evil he allowed demons to do to humans. And humans should get to witness it. This is needed for God to be loving in truth.


If you ever question the wrath of God, read history. Read in personal detail what the Nazis did to prisoners. Read in personal detail what the communists did to their own citizens. Read in personal detail how black people were treated during and after slavery. Read how they were lynched and tortured and children were taught to celebrate in the town squares. Then it makes it easier to understand that God’s wrath toward sin is just…


Wrath of God is understood by many as God's desire to punish, just like us when someone wrongs us. That feeling of wanting the offender get punishment, hurt and thrown away as trash and never to stand up again.

That's how most people think God's wrath is.

But this is not true.

"God's wrath" is born from fear of judgment. It is a human perception carried by people who do not know God, having not believed Jesus and His claims.

It's that feeling of impending doom, and wretchedness. Lack of hope or future and the certainty of death without hope of a new life.

That's what the term " God's wrath " really is.


why love your wife? is she not cute and lovable? does she not have worth as a person simply because she exists, is a human and God made her? don’t you love her because shes valuable and is dignified just the way she is? I have a feeling that people who claim that God loves us only out of obligation to his nature have a twisted view of love... wrath in this case seems primary to his nature. someone help me understand this! love is not an obligation it is a free gift. it comes with the gift of life God gives us.


he said "almighty cuckold" @6:12



If one is content to arbitrarily cherry pick verses from the Bible as a monolithic revelation, then it's fairly easy to find some language to say God actually hurts people and makes them suffer.

That said, as far as the rationale for inflicting suffering (by God or Man) goes, there is quite a progression, beginning with no limits on revenge, as was evident by the behavior of at least a couple of Jacob's sons, to the initial limits found in Mosaic Law, which called for revenge not to exceed the degree of the original offence (one eye only for one eye) and carried no more than upon the children of a 4th generation of the original offender (instead of so many generations of blood feuds, no one can even remember how it started), to what the Jewish prophets decreed later on--equal revenge can only be carried out against the person who actually committed the original defense, not his children or family and, then, the concept that only God should be the One to carry out revenge.

Given the direction of these gradual changes to how retaliation moved in the Jewish Bible, then Jesus' stance, as is evidenced in Matthew 5:38-48, simply represents one more step in the progression of God's revelation to humanity about what He really was after all along, especially given Jesus' claim that God is NOT vindictive, not at all, and returns only love for evil!

Why then was it that people in ancient, biblical times, assuming Jesus was correct about God's non-vindictive nature, led them to incorrectly think God was actually doing bad things?

The answer is really not that surprising!

Before Science finally came along and revealed that many of the bad things that happen to people--earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, pandemics, lightening strikes, storms, tornados, hurricanes, and so on--are caused by unguided nature...humans in their ignorance thought supernatural forces were intentionally operating their world!

The ancient Israelites, and later Jews, were no different! It took a very long time before they could even begin to think in terms of allowing for no one to be at fault for any given tragedy, outside of what humans did one to another.

Further, it's still a huge challenge, even today, to point out to people how retaliating against those convicted of crimes has not resulted in any reduction of crime! If anything, when a State is empowered to make people suffer, it only reinforces the criminal mind set--"Hurting people and threatening to hurt people is an acceptable way to get what you want"!

Regardless of how nothing is to be gained from punishment, many people still think it's a good thing to give in to the carnal urge to strike back when struck! And they often fall back on the sort of theology that claims God is vindictive in order to justify their retaliatory behavior!

But for any who wish to follow the teachings and example of Jesus, there is no room to justify revenge or to think causing suffering ever SUBTRACTS from some mystical balance sheet (as the pagan goddess Justitia was said to do), but only MULTIPLIES evil committed!

Rick Lannoye, author


5:9-"For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, "

"Hell is a myth".

The wages of sin is death. Not all death is caused by sin and not all sin leads to death. We all die (believers and non-believers)because of Adam.
