A dialogue to kill the fear of public speaking | Animesh Gupta | TEDxNITCalicut

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Here's a talk to bid adieu to the fear of not just public speaking, but of any cause of fear and anxiety in life.

Animesh Gupta is an International Corporate Trainer and Personality Coach with a special expertise in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). As a trainer, Animesh has been recognized for creating and modifying the belief systems to stimulate the trainees’ long-term efficiency and motivation.

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Anyone else having a presentation tomorrow?

please like. it makes me feel good about myself


This speech made me a bit emotional. I really related to it. I've struggled with extreme shyness my whole life. Any social situation makes me want to hide or cry. Talking to anyone including my own family members can make me so nervous that my voice shakes and all the thoughts fall out of my head. Public speaking is almost impossible for me. I've had to give 5-10 minute speeches in college and I start shaking so much it's hard for others to understand what I'm saying. I feel like I'm the version of this man who is scared and wanted to stay at his covert zone but my comfort zone means not leaving the house. I'm not okay with that. I don't want that to be my future. I have to change because my life depends on it. I'm going to rewatch this speech as many times as I need to until I can gain some confidence. This man really does put things into perspective. I'm still nervous and my heart is pounding about all the speaking that I'll be doing tonight but after listening to this I can say that I'm embracing the challenge! I'm scared but I'm not giving up.


“What are you afraid of?” Passing out cold on stage, voice shaking, trembling like a drug addict, forgetting everything I had to say, dying of total humiliation... yeah, that sums up the small problems.


The thing is, I KNOW there is no rational reason to be frightened and yet Im still very nervous


When I am speaking in front of public I scared and I don't speak well but one day I will speak confidently in front of public


quick tip if you are reading this and have a presentation soon.
do you remember the first presentation you did years ago?
no. and probably no one does either.
so everything we do will be fortgoten so dont worry about it!!!
And also nice speech sir that was really nice :)


as a stutterer, i had to force myself into a public speaking course. my goal was not to speak fluently but to stand in front of the audience and simply let all the fear, shame, embarrassment and vulnerability drain out. and i succeeded in that


All students Who have stage fear should watch this .. best speech 😃😃


thank you for this talk... i am 58..still have


The key for this fear is practice, when you do this pretty often you are not shy anymore


I'm just speechless. A big thank you, sir.


I have social anxiety and I feel so much better after watching this ! So inspiring ! Thank you Mr. Animesh Gupta !


I just can't believe how a man can bring this emotions out of himself and narrate it this way... Respect Sir!


I watched this video two years ago before an internship presentation and it seriously gave me so much confidence! Now I can’t sleep because I have a big presentation tomorrow and my first thought was to come back to this video. Glad I did!


I watched this before I had to go speak in front of my church, so about 100 people. as I walked up, I felt relaxed and my voice was a little shaky but I did it and I know I could’ve done better. the thing is though, people aren’t judging you on the small things. even though my voice shaked, a dozen people told me I sis so well and I have such confidence and poise. what we sound like in our heads is not always what other people are hearing and noticing . if you have a speech coming up or presentation, respond to this comment and i’ll try to give you advice relating to your situation! remember to believe in yourself and focus on success, not failure.


Well, I have a public speaking session tomorrow. Your talk has inspired me to go and speak at the event, instead of faking an illness that I was planning to before watching this talk. Thanks, Animesh. Keep up the good work.


Imagine: How would you feel at end of the presentation, appluads for you and everyone cheering!!
Remember the feeling and now start the presentation !!! Easy ;)


i'm not confident in public speaking.. but i'll push myself from now onward
thanks for the great motivational speech :)


My comment section gave me hope. So I’m not the only one who is having social anxiety


Kill that short term anxiety and let out yourself from a long term fear. Golden words sir.
