Exposing Dangerous how-to videos 5-Minute Crafts & So Yummy | How To Cook That Ann Reardon

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Who is responsible if someone gets hurt following a fake how-to cooking videos?
Hi I am Ann Reardon, How to Cook That is my youtube channel it is filled with crazy sweet creations made just for you. This week we are discussing an important topic - who is responsible if someone follows a how-to cooking video that is dangerous and gets hurt? Both so yummy and 5-minute crafts have uploaded videos presented as fact that are actually fake, inaccurate or dangerous. Join the discussion, does that matter? If so who should be responsible for this? The creator, the platform that leaves them up even if flagged or the viewer? Join me for creative cakes, chocolate & desserts, new video every Friday.

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YouTube really needs to pay attention to these stupid “life hacks” instead of throwing all their attention to videos with curse words, copyright songs and stuff.


5 minute crafts be like: “Stick your entire torso in a preheated oven for a sweet summer tan!”


5-Minute Crafts: Put Egg in Microwave for 10 Seconds and comes out as Pan-roasted pastry rolls, layered with an herbed tomato puree, a creamy blend of artisanal cheeses, and tender bites of aged salami.


I got a 3rd degree burn from hot caramel a few years back. It took forever to heal even after seeing my doctor. And it hurt so bad for three or four weeks. It took 2 months to completely heal. Don't mess around with hot caramel.


At least she responded. 5 minute crafts wouldn't do anything


Youtube rules are trash honestly.

In my country, there was a guy confroting a youtuber adopting cats and then starving them almost to death just so he can fake multiple videos of him "helping a kitten he found on the street starving".
Multiple people made aware of him and telling the viewers to report him. He didn't get removed tho... Instead, the people who called him out got a strike for "bullying".


This woman is single handedly trying to take down a huge corporation. And I’m here for it.


I love how when Ann exposes a “hack” as wrong she tells us the right way to do it.


5 minute crafts be like:

"spray the food with bug spray to prevent the flies from eating it"


the problem is that these channels ARE targeted at children with no warning or parental guidance, children are the ones who click on these things. Flashy colors and back to school hacks aren’t intended for grown adults and if this lady in particular doesn’t target kids, other channels like this do, and parents need to be more aware of what their kids are watching or doing when they’re alone


If it doesn't violate any of the policies

Then the policies need to be changed


The burn treatment was scary. Just before Christmas last year I was cooking and a pan of boiling oil exploded all over my hands and splashed my face. I did the running water (shower) but went to hospital with an ice pack and a bag of frozen peas. Got myself a freezing icy water bath for my hands and some gel stuff for the few splotches on my face. It was awful but saved my life since I was also told to get my blood pressure checked. 9 months later, only one small scar on my chest which got no treatment because I didn’t know I’d been hit there too. You can’t tell I’d been burnt. And my blood pressure is now controlled. But damn! The idea of toothpaste?


i love how she's gone from baking to roasting


The first person wasn’t responsible. 5-Minute Crafts, however, is responsible for all the damage it directly causes. They should be banned from YouTube, not #3 most subscribed.


Also important to note that alcohol can burn with an invisible flame.


I really appreciate that even tho the video as exactly laid out wasn't directly what harmed the girls, she still took some responsibility and tried to fix things. A lot of brands/channels would just say "no it wasn't done like I did it so it's not my fault." Which may be technically true, but it's far less empathetic and hurts everyone.


"Imagine that hot caramel stuck to your skin..." I don't have to imagine. I've been making homemade candy for decades, and I have received plenty of nasty burns from hot sugar syrup. It is essentially culinary napalm, and should be handled with care at all times. Thank you Ann for reinforcing this point and calling out the irresponsibility of these other YouTube channels!


If YouTube has decided “Yes, this video is acceptable/ doesn’t break our guidelines” and someone gets hurt because of said video, I do believe YouTube should be held accountable.


YouTube: Demonetizes videos with swear words
Also YouTube: 'we won't intervene with children being instructed to consume bleach'

What has happened to common sense?


That caramel splitting the plastic wrap was a jump scare I was NOT ready for lol
