Debunking & Who is Scrumdidlyumptious? | How To Cook That Ann Reardon

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Debunking more 5 minute crafts and tiktok videos. Answering the question of who is scrumdidlyumptious? Can you make the chocolate hand? Does the youtube algorithm favour dislikes?
Hi I am Ann Reardon, How to Cook That is my youtube channel it is filled with crazy sweet creations made just for you. This week we are debunking more viral 5 minute crafts and tiktok videos. Answering the question of who is scrumdidlyumptious? Can you make the chocolate hand? Does the youtube algorithm favour dislikes? Why does carbonated milk taste bad? Join me for creative cakes, chocolate & desserts, new video every Friday.

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Yay another How to Cook That video 🥳☺️


Content farms should be banned for the absolute waste of time and misleading (sometimes dangerous) ways. At the very least they shouldn’t be pushed by the algorithm so much.


Ann's microwave : Strong 💪
Ann's skills : Stronger 💪💪
Dave's stomach : Strongest 💪💪💪


Dave in his mind, “Marry the food scientist, they said. She won’t perform experiments on you, they said.”


10:00 That kinda hits home for me. I have a gaming channel that focus mostly on retro games (nes, snes, gameboy, etc). Back in 2016, I did a NES game called Code Name: Viper where I did a no damage/no death speedrun. I had split the series up into a video for each stage that was played so I could focus on one at a time. It took me about 3'ish weeks to get it perfect (having to time enemy spawn points, movements & attacks, figure out which items are where, etc, and do all of that as fast as possible without taking damage and without dying). I was so proud of it. Then in 2019, some j*ckoff gaming channel literally just re-uploaded all my videos as a compilation video and put it on their channel claiming it to be played by one of their people. I reported it to YouTube as uploading reused content, and they essentially said that as long as they make money, they didn't care. I mean, what's the point of having a policy against doing stuff like that, if it's not going to be enforced? I had to start putting watermarks on my videos from then on.

So, I know EXACTLY how it feels to have something that took you time & effort to make, just to have someone else come along and steal it claiming it as theirs.

BTW, love your videos. I kinda feel bad for Dave though...


“It’s already cooking”
Lmao your immediate tone and response cracked me up


"what's the trick?"
"that's my version"
ann just wanted her husband to complilment her, and honestly, she deserves it


Dave, is not only a good sport, but he is hysterically funny. He's a keeper.


30 seconds in I can factually tell you that the chocolate hand in the “final” shot is 100% made with a mold. Not a baker or chocolatier but I have done sculpture before and 1) the edges are incredibly smooth and consistent which caught my attention but 2) the way the finger segments bend is akin to a 3D “perfected” hand, posed and articulated digitally before being turned into something you could say, pour chocolate into.


Everyone is talking about Dave suffering, but NO ONE is talking about how Ann LITERALLY STUCK HER HAND IN THE *FREEZER* for this video. Thank you for putting so much effort into your videos Ann, we need more channels like this.


The fact Dave took a second sip of the cab milk just in case, makes him a hero


The dragonfruit cactus is so funny. Reminds me of those parody stop motion cooking videos where they're dicing up golfballs and stuff.


I think its time Dave got his own channel: How To Taste That.


Cola starts fizzing when you pour it.
Girl: "Its ALREADY cooking !!!"
I just lost a bunch of braincells.


The other super easy way to do the chocolate hand would be to make a mold of your own hand. Make an impression in plaster, then fill it with silicone. The version can be coated in chocolate then stuck in the fridge for a couple hours.


Re:the weird yellow stuff in the chocolate hand-- to me that almost looks like they used liquid latex, which is widely used in the nail community for techniques like gradient patterns because it's very easy to remove.


Anyone else get super anxious when Ann dipped her hand WITH HER WEDDING RING ON into the chocolate? 😂


Anne - "This is awful theres no way this will work why would anyone eat this?"
Also Anne - "DAVE COME HERE"


Since I learnt from you that, as far as the algorithm is concerned negative attention is just as “good” as positive attention, I’ve been trying REALLY REALLY hard to not engage with a video that annoys me - usually I try to not even watch these videos, but that’s not always possible, especially with the new Shorts format.
Sooo, thanks for sharing your amazing videos and for taking the time to research and create your content. I really appreciate it. 🙂🐿


Dave's a real champion, suffering through all of these debunking videos with a smile on.
