Is it a red flag if the guy doesn't compliment you?

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Some men will avoid complimenting me because they want to “humble me “ huge red flag


YouTube randomly recommended this video to me, so I gave it a watch just out of curiosity, and I'm like WHAT???
The initial question you received didn't say anything about getting a compliment about one's physical appearance, it just said "compliment". A compliment can be about anything. The care you put into your choosing your perfume, the achievements you have accomplished at work or at school, the muffins you just baked, the little acts of kindness you do to those around you, the aura of confidence you are exuding that specific day, etc.
If a guy doesn't find a SINGLE thing to compliment you about EVER, that IS a red flag, my dude!!! Same thing if all he does is compliment you about your looks!!! Cause that means he's not noticing anything positive about you as a person or worse, that he couldn't care less!!! HOW is that not a red flag, exactly?! 😂😂
Of course, no compliment should be forced for the sake of seduction, it has to be genuine AND relate to something that matters to the person receiving it. But if the person you're with doesn't see the point in making you feel good about yourself... R-U-N!!!

I swear to God, I knew men set the bar low for themselves and their peers, but to see it validated by a guy who claims to be a "coach" is a whole new level of sad... No wonder the straights are so unhappy xDD

You mention that what matters is his efforts in organising the date and asking you out again soon after the initial date, but... that's a given?? The guy benefits from that just as much (or even more, depending on how much he's into the lady he's seeing) as the woman! A good compliment, on the other hand, means that the guy has to pay close attention to the woman, who she is, what she does, what matters to her, etc. And then make the effort to verbalise it in a way that both makes the receiver happy, and make that person understand he's expecting nothing in return for that, he just did it to for the sake of that other person. That's called S E L F L E S S N E S S. I know that's a wild concept for some of y'all not to do something that DOESN'T benefit you directly, but I assure you that this is what decent people do for each other, even outside of romantic interest.

With that said... good luck. Clearly, it's gonna be needed.


i told the lady im chatting with.. after she was a bit frustrated within a video game for some russian guy coming to kill her / destroy her cargo shipment or mission vehicle in GTA V online .. told her she is still sweet / even if she was mad it was a beautiful thing honestly but i dont say this stuff usually rarely i compliment so whatever i think it was well received just yeah not sure why or how to do it more often it can come across as too much or like.. a bit overwhelming to write some stuff
