How I Got Fluent in French in 30 Days (Timelapse)

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This is Day 1 - Day 30 of a language learning experiment that I’m conducting on myself for the next few months. Subscribe to keep up with my progress. I hope it will inspire you on your language learning journey.

I stopped studying French 2 years before Day 1 of this video, but believe it or not, I started studying French 7 years ago and this was all I was capable of. So, in the middle of quarantine with no job and nothing better to do than to try to learn to speak French for the second time, I studied and practiced speaking French for 8 hours a day for 30 days.

When I started learning French 7 years ago, even though I studied French for a long time, I made the biggest mistake that anybody could make when learning a language. I spent waaaay too much time studying and barely any time practicing my speaking. My French vocabulary at this time was likely over 10,000 words and I could understand 80% of what I heard, but because I had never adequately practiced my speaking and because I had quit French for 2 years, this is where I had to start.

I hope this video serves as proof that it is possible to learn a new language fast and effectively. I will continue on this journey and push the limits of learning a new language.

Cette vidéo montre les 30 premiers jours d'une expérience d'apprentissage des langues que je mène sur moi-même pendant les prochains mois. Inscrivez-vous pour suivre mes progrès. J'espère que ça vous inspirera dans votre voyage d'apprentissage des langues.

J'ai arrêté d'étudier le français 2 ans avant le premier jour de cette vidéo, mais croyez-le ou non, j'ai commencé à étudier le français il y a 7 ans et c'est tout ce dont j'étais capable. Donc, en pleine containement, sans travail et sans rien de mieux à faire que d'essayer d'apprendre à parler français pour la deuxième fois, j'ai étudié et pratiqué le français 8 heures par jour pendant 30 jours.

Quand j'ai commencé à apprendre le français il y a 7 ans, même si j'ai étudié le français pendant longtemps, j'ai fait la plus grosse erreur que l'on puisse faire en apprenant une langue. J'ai passé trop de temps à étudier et à peine à m'entraîner à parler. À cette époque, mon vocabulaire français dépassait probablement 10 000 mots et je pouvais comprendre 80 % de ce que j'entendais, mais comme je n'avais jamais suffisamment pratiqué mon expression orale et que j'avais abandonné le français pendant 2 ans, c'est par là que je devais commencer.

J'espère que cette vidéo servira de preuve qu'il est possible d'apprendre une nouvelle langue rapidement et efficacement. Je vais continuer ce voyage et repousser les limites de l'apprentissage d'une nouvelle langue.
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"Je m'appele ca, ca, Cameron." He improved a lot, in the first day he did not know even his own name.


And this ladies and gentleman is how one should spend their time being unemployed. Not necessarily learning a new language if you are not into languages, but aquiring a new skill!


Hey Dude, i'm French from Paris and i can assure you that at the 30 day sequence you did really great cause it was not obvious that your are a foreign person learning french. During your progression your accent is over time vanishing and replace by fluency and a natural way to speak, Congrats !!!


I have failed every language I’ve studied…I got frustrated, tired and gave up. I am so impressed with you and how you crushed this! Thank you for the inspiration, Cameron! I’m going to follow your plan and adapt it to the time I have. You are a boss!!! 💪🏻💪🏻


Incroyable, le progrès est fou, ( de la part d’un français )


Dude this system of yours is legit really clever stuff, you got something going on, continue, make more videos, you deserve a great channel, and this is something I never really say, I mean it


Félicitations ! Franchement en 30 jours tu te débrouilles assez bien, dis toi qu’ici en France, certaines personnes à l’école apprennent l’anglais depuis 6/7 ans et savent à peine se présenter😂😂


man, you are crazy!!! I thought that I was doing a lot of work learning Spanish each day for 3 hours and after one year I started to get flow. 8h per day is completely insane, now I struggle with French and this is exactly what I needed. Thank you.


This is so inspring. Living in France now for 2.5 years and always being surrounded by non-French speakers, the progress that I make is still very very slow. It's amazing to see how practise can make such a huge difference just within 30 days.


C’est fou ! Bravo à toi 🥳
C’est rare les gens qui ont le courage d’apprendre notre langue !


As a french speaker myself, I'm really impressed! Good job man!


WOW! WOW! WOW! Honestly this is the best transformation I have seen with any language, congratulations!


I love videos like this. They’re raw and real. You show us the struggles and victories. Keep it up, please. You’re insanely motivational :).


I don't know you but I'm so proud of you!!!! I've loved the French language from the first time I heard it in grade school back in the 1960's in Bronx NewYork. They didn't tell you back then, what you could accomplish with being bilingual and ofcourse they couldn't foresee how interconnected the world would become. I have friends who are French who speak perfect English, well... Now it's time for them to have a friend who tries and wants to speak perfect French! I'm going to incorporate your methods, so, as they used to say non stop on "you tube", LET'S GET STARTED! Peace!


Félicitations Cameron ! Ton progrès est très rapide et remarquable, ça se voit que tu t'y es vraiment impliqué pour t'améliorer et ton français à la fin de cette vidéo est facile à comprendre et ton vocabulaire est très varié ! 👏🏼


Hey, I'm French. His accent is so cute from the start but honestly I needed to read the subtitles to understand what he said😅 At the end he's so fluent! Learning Korean since September 2020 I'm so jealous about his progress in 30 days only😂


As someone who can speak a fairly decent amount of languages each with fairly decent accents (despite not necessarily being able to say the same for grammar or vocabulary in all of them), I'd be willing to argue with any of the fellow recommended friends that he likely isn't faking this time-lapse.

If he isn't faking it like I believe, then congrats to you LL! You've managed to acquire an extremely impressive amount of French in a very short amount of time, and if it is true then it is a great testament to the boundaries and overall carrying capabilities of the human mind. Language learning forever \o/


Bravo Cameron ! Si tu visites la France, les Français seront ravis d'accueillir un Américain parlant si bien le Français :)


There's something incredibly empowering in this video, merci Cameron


Bravo! I have a few different languages I want to reach fluency in, but my methods are substandard. This was incredibly inspiring! Thank you for sharing your process and journey. Bonne journée !
