Trying Amazon's Top Selling Resin | Art 'n Glow Resin Review

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This resin is ideal for glazing, doming, or with very thin castings.

UPDATE: The resin did cure harder after 72 hours!
5/29/2020: still no yellowing

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please ALWAYS use resin with proper precautions including wearing proper PPEs (glove, mask, respirator etc). I recommend getting a hold of the SDS info that every resin company has available to the public (by law). This has all the info about the resin you are using including the precautions you need to take and first aid care.

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Hope you guys enjoyed this resin review! Do you guys have any other resins or resin products you want me to try and review? Let me know! Thank you for watching!


This review is so good and thorough! Very easy for a beginner to understand. Thanks!


I love the review I actually bought this resin because of your review and i really like it better then other two part resins
I've used in the past! I hope you continue doing reviews of amazon resins including the uv resins I trust your opinion more then the reviews on amazon.


Started out with Envirotech Lite and love it. Tried Art Resin, the only good thing is they aced their marketing ;) Next and the latest and the last is Art n Glow. This is the only one I use as a professional resin artist, period. (ps my first pour was in the 70s)
Edit to add: I also use a chef's torch to eliminate bubbles. And use warmed resin ;)


I am so happy I found your channel! Seriously thank you so much I can’t wait to get mine in the mail 😬🤗🤗🤗🤗💚


I missed your resin videos :) Glad to see you're back


Thanks for the tutorial, was really helpful. I bought this resin, because it was advertised as Clear resin, and the price was good. I am a beginner to resin, but I got all these microbubbles no matter how slow or fast I stirred the resin. Now I will try to put in a warm bath, as you suggested. ...of course there is no pressure chamber at home :/ …. but then it should be advertised the correct way... and yes when I add pigment to it, there are no bubbles. I just wanted some clear pendants and now I might use it mostly with colors to avoid seeing the bubbles.


Adding info.... The directions do tell you to torch the bubbles like most resins. The bubbles go away quickly. You can also blow lightly through a straw. The oxygen in your breath will pop the bubbles.


Nicely Done ✅ - well ✅ + said that’s exactly what i use since i recently started using resins in over forty years ! ! - back in the mid 70’s when i was in my early 20’s there was a great product called ‘ envirotex ‘ now there’s such a variety in resins available online, and relatively cheap....and delivered overnight...i now live in a very small town on the Oregon Coastline where there isn’t much of anything available at the local story short i was hit and ran over by a drunk driver on my motorcycle and now I’m severely disabled and limited to what i can do physically ! - I can still walk around but, I’m not able to work on more stuff that I’d like to ivy done all kinds of stuff like macramé, woodwork, leather, etc etc, That I’ve done my whole life but, unfortunately now I’m limited to what i can thank you 🙏 for everything...I’m originally from Idaho but, moved to El Paso Texas for about 38 years where everything was available at any where in the city.... ! ! - here i have to order just about everything or i make it myself...due to my severe injury I have both shot and long term memory loss so i have a hard time expressing myself and I’m sorry if i offend anyone with my comments....I’ll try to express myself more hope this description made sense...


I was looking for an alternative to art resin that was no vocs non harmful and non toxic cause i heard art resin is not good for casting and i intend to make resin keychains so i'm glad i stumbled upon your video thanks for making this video


Thanks for all your videos! It's helped me alot! Please continue making them!!!😊


Try putting your a and b bottles in warm bath prior to pouring And mixing. It's works slot better


I didn’t get micro bubbles when I used a heat gun or torch to go over the resin after pouring it. Maybe try that to eliminate the micro bubbles you are experiencing with this resin. I’ve used multiple different resins and have used heat to get rid of the micro bubbles in all of them.


If you put bottles in warm water for 5 mins or less your call on makes it much easier ..flowing no clouds less bubbles..FYI


Im starting out making dice and i bought this resin but ive noticed that its flexible and get dents in the edges of the dice... i saw you said a 2:1 would cure rock hard... do you have any recommendations for me?


Have you done a second layer of resin after the first layer has fully cured. I had dips in my resin on a wood painting after it harden. It’s a time consuming piece and want to save it by putting g a second layer…


Sweet I just bought some of this for resin casts. It seems to work good.


When you did the review on art resin a long time ago, did you keep the test pieces and if so did they yellow? Thanks!


thank you for this review! i’ve been making jewelry for almost a year now and I want to add resin pieces to my collection. My only question is do you recommend wearing a respirator when using this resin?


I purchased Art &Glow, for the first time, 1st the hardener turned yellow im the bottle, when its combined with parts 1 and 2 it doesn't turn clear. I mixed it for almost 20 mins. and it was a cloudy white that turned into a hard clump that I couldn't even try to pour. I feel like I wasted
