Where Does the Rosary Come From?

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Jesus gave us the prayer we often call "the Our Father". But where do the other prayers of the Holy Rosary come from, like the Hail Mary? The Glory Be? Who selected the mysteries that we meditate on for each decade? ...who even decided to pray a rosary in "decades"?

Fr. Mike breaks down the historical origins of the rosary as well as the logic that the saints who went before us used to organize the rosary as we know it today.



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Im currently contemplating converting to Catholicism. Please pray for me.


I have been in the process of conversion for 3 years now, it has been a difficult and beautiful experience. I recently started praying the rosary at least 3 times a week and much like my experience with the Catholic faith so far, it has deepened my relationship with Christ and further strengthened my resolve to get baptized. I am currently going to OCIA and will be baptized this coming Easter by the grace of God. Pray for us new and prospective converts!


As a prot convert, praying the rosary daily was the final hurdle that I had to overcome, but man when I finally did…life changed. Mary really cares for us! Please pray it everyday!


I’m not catholic but started researching and praying the rosary over
a year ago. Because it is biblical. And I
cannot even put into words how much
it has changed my life for the better. 🙏🏼❤️


I started to pray the Rosary when I was a Protestant without anyone knowing, 3 years ago I became a catholic. Becoming a catholic has changed my entire life .❤


I used to pray the Rosary every day and then stopped 😫 I fell off the horse. Need to get back on 🙏🔥


The Rosary brought me to the Church. I started with Bible in a Year by some pretty cool guy named Fr. Mike, then I bought a rosary and started praying it every day, and then I said to myself "Well I'm praying the Rosary, I better start going to Mass"

I'll be going through the Rite of Acceptance this Sunday and will officially be a Catechumen of the Catholic Church.


After my son died from brain cancer my only comfort was and still is Mass and the Rosary. I would and still do press the Rosary to my broken heart and I feel the comfort of our Blessed Mother. Our Lady always points me to Jesus.


As a history teacher, I appreciate Father Mike sharing that most early Christians could not read, so they were looking for another way to worship God beyond reciting the 150 psalms. We are so blessed with our literacy today. Offer a prayer of thanksgiving for the teacher/parent who taught you to read.


I have ADHD, so I always had difficulty in paying attention when I was praying the rosary. I always lost track of how many Hail Marys I had prayed. To a point that I just gave up of praying the rosary.
Until I found some apps where we can listen the rosary. Which is wonderful because now, I don't need to worry if I prayed 9 ou 10 Hail Mary's, and I can pray and listen while I'm walking, cleaning my house or just driving.
It's really great. I feel that Mary and Jesus are with me in the simplest tasks of my day. And it's such a good company!🥰
Thank you for this video. God bless you all.🙏🫂❤️


I've been praying the rosary ever since I started becoming interested in Catholicism. It was a big move for me because I grew up in Baptist Protestantism. It didn't occur to me how much scripture it's based on.


My three favorite prayers. The Holy Mass, The Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet.


So well put! I’m a convert and I love Our Lady and praying the rosary. Thank you Father Mike!


I only became Catholic because of Marian intervention. Ave Maria and Glory Be To God the Father the Son and Holy Ghost.
Let us pray the Rosary everyday, Our Lady of Fatima


Repent and pray the rosary. Wonderful words to live by and not too much to ask. Mother Mary please help me to do what you ask of me.


Thank you Mother Mary for the rosary! Thank you Fr Mike for reminding us of importance of Rosary.


One of my favorite Bible segments bringing to mind the dignity of life-

When Mother Mary was pregnant with Jesus, she went on an about eighty mile joyous journey to visit her cousin Saint Elizabeth (patron saint of expectant mothers and pregnant women) in her hour of need, Elizabeth said referencing her tiny child in her womb John the Baptist who was conceived when she was in old age:

Luke 1:41-45 When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the infant leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, cried out in a loud voice and said, “Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.”

Praying for our Church, our culture, and for us in my Rosary every day!

I believe Jesus Christ is the mediator, and I believe our Blessed Mother Mary can lead us to Him. She prays for us on our way to Him. When I refer to Mary as my mother, please know I am not taking away respect due to my one and only God, Lord Jesus Christ. I believe loving people Jesus loves helps us love Him more, so the more I love Mary, the more I love God, and Jesus gave Mary to us as our mother on the Cross.

John 19: 26-27 When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, “Woman, behold, your son.” Then he said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother.” And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.

Mother Mary, the first Christian with her choice to say "yes" to my one and only God's will, I believe she is the number 1 model for sainthood for both men and women. She did God's will perfectly in every respect from the moment of her conception, listening to every single one of His commands. Her choice to say "yes"

Luke 1:38 Mary said, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” Then the angel departed from her.

to God's will ushered in salvation for the world, and she did so knowing the sacrifices and sufferings that would result from her decision, but, humbly, accepted the privilege of containing the God of the Universe her womb, and then becoming Jesus' most intimate friend, companion, and greatest consolation while on Earth. She was the devil's ultimate humiliation! I believe God is the King of the universe, having all power of the universe, but God chose Our Lady, a humble lowly woman the privilege of crushing the head of the devil.

Mary is not God, but she is a saint, and being that she is with Jesus in Heaven, I ask for her intercession to our Lord (and for sake of brevity, I'll say I "pray to Mary"), similar to how I'd ask people to pray for me (if you have the time, please do! I'm a broken sinner in need of many prayers), but I trust she is a saint in Heaven so I believe it is helpful to ask for her help, especially being so close to her Son. There is only one God. He is the source of all good. He is Goodness. He is Love!

Thank you, Father Mike Schmitz!


I pray the scriptural rosary, it helps my concentration. Eg. Monday Scriptural rosary 📿 ....Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, Amen 🙏🙌 Greetings from South Africa 🇿🇦


Holy Mother of God, pray for us. Praying the rosary everyday changed my life, our Lady filled my heart with love and mercy. Thank you Father Mike! God bless you always ✝️🛐❤️


I just finished praying the Rosary before seeing this video. ❤
