How to REALLY Pray the Rosary

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Fr. Mark-Mary discusses how to really pray the Rosary and go deeper than the external mechanics. Primarily it’s about relationship and not simply recitation. Fr. Mark-Mary explains three aspects of the Rosary on which we can contemplate:

The person of Jesus Christ
The words of the prayers, which are Scriptural
The Mysteries, which cover the whole life of Jesus.

There is so much to be found in this beautiful prayer, but its beauty can easily be overlooked. As Pope St. Paul VI said:

“Without contemplation the Rosary is just a body without a soul.”

It does no good to pray the Rosary while your mind and heart are somewhere different. If you’re new to praying the Rosary or have struggled to pray it, maybe just read one of the mysteries in Scripture and pray three Hail Marys. Fall in love with the Rosary little by little if that’s what it takes.

Fr. Mark-Mary is talking about the Rosary all October. Stay tuned for more videos on this powerful prayer.


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I'm using my sister's account to make a comment I'm 9 years old. All I want to say is amen and pray to get blessed by God and stay safe!


Thank you for this video. Your explanation has helped alot. Years ago I was praying earnestly for something and the vivid thought came to me that I should pray it 50 times. This was before I knew about the rosary. Then, a few days later, someone gave me a rosary and I started learning about it. I've held it in my heart since then as my "go to" place for peace and meditation. As St. Padre Pio is our weapon. Peace and love to you! 💖💖💖


It is difficult to truly pray the rosary without falling into a pattern of repetition but it's true value and meaning can be felt if one slows down and thinks about the words and what they mean. The same is true of the mysteries. For example, when mentioning the Lord suffering when being scoured, picture the blood and scars on his body and the probable expression of pain and anguish on His face. While difficult to contemplate, it gives an appreciation of what the words in the prayer(s) truly mean in depth and thus enriches the experience of the prayers.


Fr Mark-Mary has truly helped me to understand. I have been concerned that I am just saying the prayer and counting how man I have done but I will start looking, reading and trying to understand each mystery. To give meaning to what I am doing and I hope to greatly improve my relationship with the Lord and with Our Lady..


Thank you for posting this! I love the idea of focusing not so much on the recitation and more on reflecting on the prayers and mysteries. I especially like the idea of taking a mystery a day or a week and doing 3 Hail Marys with it. This I think breaks the mold of simply of reciting the rosary and exploring it within. Again, thank you and God Bless!


This video was very helpful - I think I sometimes have fallen into the idea of “getting through the beads.” Truly reflecting on these mysteries and giving purpose to this powerful form of prayer is something I am going to be working on. God bless all my brothers and sisters in Christ!


Thank you so much! I have learned invaluable lessons and tips on how to pray the Rosary in a more meaningful way 🙏♥️


There's something to be said for rote repetition. Some days, you're just not capable of focusing or meditating. I don't skip the rosary on those days. If all I can manage is "vain repetition, " then that's what I do. Perseverance in obedience has its place. It's putting one foot in front of the other. Some days, you can't even do that. So, you do the best you can and hold your ground.


I can pray 4 rosary's everyday but like it was mentioned it's not easy your thoughts wonder and I used to lose focus ...but I noticed that by me praying my rosary people around me lives started to change


Spilt up the Rosary... a Decade at a time :
1 when you wake up
2 after breakfast
3 at lunchtime
4 at dinner time
5 prior to sleep


I really struggle with focusing/meditating on each mystery. It's really hard for my mind NOT to wonder and I CAN NOT pray it while I'm doing house work because my mind is EVERYWHERE. I hate this about me. I want to say a good rosary, but it's really hard for me, and since Our Lady asked us for one rosary at Fatima, I'd just like to get ONE good one a day. I do say a daily rosary and I was trying to say all 20 mysteries for a while, but I feel like ONE good one from me is better than 4 where my mind was everywhere.


I have that book and I also use the Rosary Companion from the Magnificat 🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️🌹


I respectfully disagree that the Rosary should not feel like a duty. Sometimes it does feel like a duty. However, I can slowly refocus on the mysteries while saying the rosary. It’s like going to the gym. I don’t always feel like going, but I’m always glad I went.


I'm French speaker.
I would like learn English language with Catholic English speaker.
If someone wants to help me for my pronunciation...
So say with me the rosary .
Thanks for help me.


I disagree with your comments on only praying the Rosary if you do it the right way. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. I started praying the Rosary when I did not even believe in God. I did not even own a Rosary; I used my ten fingers to count the Hail Marys. I had to read all the prayers online because I knew none of them. I wanted to believe in God and the Rosary was something I never tried. I had some good feelings after I said the Rosary, so I kept saying it. After a few months of saying the prayer, I wanted to find out more about God. I started attending mass and eventually joined the Catholic Church. After I joined the church gave me The Secrets of the Rosary book by Louis de Monfront. Then I learned how to say the Rosary the right way. After all these years, I still pray the Rosary.


Can you pray the Rosary if you haven't been baptized?


I'm 43 and I'm getting Baptized on Easter Vigil!


I prayed the rosary for the first time in more than 15 years, today


So many of us waste our time scrolling in social media and watching there shouldn’t be a reason that you’re so “busy” to not pray the rosary 📿


I've been reciting the Rosary nightly, over the past 21 nights. Tomorrow I've booked a Confessional with our Parish Priest, this Penance and Reconciliation is the First one in 45 years!
