Does Evolution Contradict the Bible?

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How can Christians reconcile the Bible and evolution?

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My personal stance is that evolution as a process is real, but evolution as an origin is false.

To clarify: God's account of Genesis is literally true, but organisms have evolved very slightly since 5554 BC.


But doesn't the Bible say that God created Adam from the dust of the earth? That would indicate that the only parent Adam had was God.


Always thought God created us, but he used evolution to guide every life on the planet. That way we are tied to the rules of physics, nature and science. Even science says nothing can be created or destroyed but transformed.


The way it was explained to me by my grandpa who was a preacher is, creatures can "evolve" to a extent, like how finches have different beaks in different climates and needs, but they cant transform into a whole different creature.


Since Genesis isn’t a science textbook, I don’t appeal to it for specific details about science. I believe God created the world with His power. How? We’re still not sure. But, in my thinking, is it impossible for God to have used evolution as a process to specially design us? We can’t box God into or out of any corner. So I remain open and curious, but I find that argument rather convincing.


For anyone saying we just explain away genesis after finding the evidence: In 400 A.D St. Augustine wrote that we can assume Genesis is a very figurative book that we can assume is a mostly poetic account of the real creation.


The theistic evolution reading of Genesis is that the Hebrew for ‘create’ actually means ‘to make productive/useful’ as it’s used later in the bible. So we could’ve been here until earth was ready for God’s ministry


i think it’s also important to remember that the creation acount doesn’t specify what adam and eve looked like. they could have been those ape like early versions of man. also the days it took for creation don’t have to be 24 hour days, it could have been a way of measuring time that isn’t equal to what we call a day. point: if it’s that important to believing in God, it would be in the Bible. if it’s not you have to reason through it yourself.


This is a question I've always had, new sub. This is so useful!


hello, I usually really like your videos! however, something important to note is that souls are immaterial—therefore there is no “genetic” aspect. we are body-soul compositions but our soul functions after death on its own (just for the meantime yk).


I love biblical history so much, not only because I’m Christian, but because science and Christianity don’t need to have any differences. Ask me a question and I will do my very best to try and answer it. It will not be 100% correct, and I would also be glad if you corroborated on your side if you think I’m wrong


I believe this to be true. The term used to define it is Theistic Evolution.


I always interpreted the "dust" that God formed Adam from to be matter in general, and that the breath of life to be a non-material substance. Under this stance there's no reason God couldn't have used a material being without a rational intellect and given it to him at some point the same way he did with "dust".


I was an adult when I came to believe in 6 days creation case for faith has an excellent chapter on it. I asked my friend who had a doctorate degree in biomedical engineering. She had to go back to her textbooks and review it in her Catholic faith and she too came to believe in a 6-day creation.The catechism says there was a real Adam and eve. I believe that is true.


No. God created Adam and Eve in the beginning. Not any proto-humans.


But for evolution to be real the way you are explaining it, death would have to exist and that would explicitly contradict the Bible that no death existed before the fall


And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Hopefully this verse helps ur viewpoint of evolution if not then i tried.


Evolution as an origin is not science it’s philosophy


The fossil record itself only say so much. Most of what people claim the fossil record says are speculations based on presuppositions! There’s no proof of the missing link! The fossil record is only a snapshot in time, nothing more and people are willing to make a huge story from it! It’s like you have a photograph of a person you know nothing about and there are no other clues about this person but since you have the photo and need to know what the photo is about you start speculating about who the person is, how the person came about, why did the picture happen, etc. Atheists gotta have their cosmologies too! The tragic absurdity though is that many Catholics are willing to throw out 2, 000+ years worth of the Bible for only the last 150 years worth of mere speculation because of the so-called “authority” of those with academic degrees from prestigious universities and also that good old fashioned vice: human respect! Btw speaking of those “authorities” with academic degrees how are they working out for us with their lies about global warming, the food pyramid, and now Covid, amongst other bs? Yeah I’ll stick with the Bible thanks! Makes better sense over mere speculation about missing links!


As a man of faith and a Catholic I can in no way take Genesis as allegorical. If we read Genesis as allegorical then what stops us from reading the whole Bible as an allegorical work and just completely rejecting the idea of the resurrection and miracles happening in general? This is a dangerous mindset that can lead to us undermining God and his power.
