Why science and Genesis don’t contradict

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We simply don’t know, and that’s fine. My salvation isn’t dependent on knowing the age of the earth and universe. One day we’ll know.


This is how I've always seen it. The bible is laced with parables and teachings that intends meaning beyond the surface interpretation


I think it’s possible God created a mature earth just like he created mature animals, plants and 2 humans.


Why does this amazing thing always happen? Everytime I get a question asked that I cannot give a quick clear answer to, the same question is posted on YouTube right afterwards. Amazing.


Scientist know now everything consists of time, space and matter which just happens to be the first verse in the Bible.
God's Word is our only Truth.


Keep in mind that the Creation story was carried by oral tradition long before Moses wrote it down. When he wrote it down, it was to teach people who just escaped slavery. It is written in a way that even a child can understand it. If you really study the Creation story, the order the events occurred are not in contradiction to science. For example, plants had to exist first, to produce oxygen for animals that appeared later: first from the sea, then birds, then mammals. It's quite fascinating.


Human beings suddenly know more than God? Remember Job when God said "where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth...." a lot of evolutionists are going to have a rude awakening on judgement day.


Science doesn't contradict the bible


A day in heaven, thousand years in earth.


I take what the bible says. The bible was true when I gave my heart to Jesus. I have no reason to doubt it on anything else. God bless all the Christians here who stand on the word of God. ❤🤗


Frank Turek, is one smart man and the way he presents himself to the audience and how he responds in a humble way is why people like him.


The earth was void and without form and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters of the deep.
How long was the earth without form before God terraformed it? We don't know.


Genesis is inspire scripture. It is the word of God.


The Genesis account of creation is in direct opposition to sciences account and they cannot be reconciled. Creation was a miracle. An act of God. There is no scientific account for a miracle. God spoke and it happened. That's all there is to it. Give God the glory for all creation.


Man, this guy has an answer for everything. I wish I could send him all my Bible questions & have him answer then.


I dont care about science. What’s important for me is that Jesus took the blame and cleansed our soul from sin. That’s more than enough.


What if God created the earth mature like he did Adam


Year by year as scientists and archeologists and historians dig deeper, I see more and more articles that align with scripture. People used to say the Jews were never in captivity in Egypt and Solomon wasn't a major leader and on and on yet now we know what scripture says is true. I expect one day science will say the universe is young and there was a worldwide flood that killed everything. Science will catch up with the Bible.


I have to disagree with Dr. Frank Turek on this point. Yes, we all have views, rather the Earth is 4.3 or so billions of years old, or 6 literal 24-hour days if you take the literal Word of God. This is where the problem lies. People inserts science in the Bible first before going to the Bible to see what it says. We inject our theories of something that we were not there to observe, than to listen to the One who has been there and has written it down for us to know.

The Bible does state that there were 6 days in Genesis. But what does it mean by the word "Day?" Like what Dr. Frank has said, the word "Day" have multiple meanings. Here is an example: Back in my father's day, it took 3 days to drive my car across the country in the day. There are 3 meanings to the word "Day." "Back in my father's day" is a reference of time or era. "It took 3 days" which are 24 hour days. "To drive my car across the country in the day" is a reference to the sunlight portion of the day, which was around 12 hours. So which one is it? It all depends on context where it was used in and the key markers to define it.

What do I mean by key markers? There is a certain phrase that appears after each day (with the exception of the 7th day). "The evening and morning were the 1st day." Did you know that the Hebrew word "yom, " which means day, appeared over 2, 500 times in the Old Testament? And the majority of them are referencing 24 hour days. Check this out:

Day + Number - 410 times = Always an ordinary day
Evening and Morning together with Day - 38 time = Always an ordinary day
Evening or Morning with Day - 23 each = Always an ordinary day
Night with Day - 52 times = Always an ordinary day

So with that in mind, let's look at Genesis 1.

Day 1: Evening, Morning, Number, Day
Day 2: Evening, Morning, Number, Day
Day 3: Evening, Morning, Number, Day
Day 4: Evening, Morning, Number, Day
Day 5: Evening, Morning, Number, Day
Day 6: Evening, Morning, Number, Day

The Bible is clear that the days in Genesis was ordinary days, just out of context alone and using the Bible to define what a day is. And if the days were long periods, then the Bible is fallible and shouldn't be trusted. Think about it for a moment. Where do we get our week from? We get our day from the rotation of the Earth. We get our month from the relationship between the Earth and the Moon. And we get our year from the relationship between the Earth and the Sun. There is no astronomical observations on where we get our week from, except for 6 days (And the 7th day) of creation.

"Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy." Exodus 20:9 - 11

God said to work 6 days and to rest on the 7th. Why would that be? Because it is in the relation of what God did in Genesis 1. If each of the days were millions of years or a different era, wouldn't it be a very weird work week? You work for 1 day and rest for a few million years.

So by the Bible, it is clear that the Earth was created in 6 days, not millions or billions of years ago.


“Trustworthy is the word, and in this regard I wish you to strongly affirm, that those who have believed in God should keep their minds on maintaining good works. This is good and profitable to men. But keep away from foolish questions, and genealogies, and strife and quarrels about the Torah, for they are unprofitable and useless. Reject a divisive man after the first and second warning,
‭‭Titos (Titus)‬ ‭3:8-10‬ ‭
